
Chinese medicinal clams


Chinese medicinal clams


Pinyin Wén Há

Alias flower clam ("Dream Creek Pen Light"), Yellow Clam ("Modern Practical Chinese Medicine"), Round Clam ("Compilation of Medicinal Materials"), Bai Li Shell ("Journal of Chinese Medicine").

Source:The Book of Scriptures

The source is the shell of the clam of the clam family. Harvested from April to October, meat removed, washed and dried.

The original shell is 2 pieces, thick, the dorsal margin is slightly triangular, and the ventral margin is slightly rounded. The shell is about 5 to 12 cm long, about 4/5 of its height, and about 1/2 of its length. The top of the shell protrudes, the apex is pointed, slightly curved towards the ventral surface, and it is located slightly ahead in the middle of the back of the shell. The small lunar surface is narrow and spearhead-shaped; the lintel surface is broad and oval. The ligaments are dark brown, stubby and short, protruding from the shell surface. The surface of the shell is expanded, smooth, and covered with a layer of glossy yellow-gray shell skin. Starting from the top of the shell, there are often many circular brown bands. The top has a toothed or corrugated brown pattern. The shell skin often wears and falls off, making the shell surface white. The inner surface of the shell is white , and the anterior and posterior margins are sometimes slightly purple. The hinged part is wide. The right shell has 3 main teeth and 2 anterior lateral teeth, 2 anterior main teeth are short and tall, in a herringbone arrangement; the posterior main teeth are strong and obliquely long; the left shell has 3 main teeth and 1 anterior lateral teeth, 2 the anterior main teeth are slightly triangular; the posterior main teeth are long, parallel to the dorsal margin of the shell, the tooth mask is longitudinal groove, and there is a wavy transverse ridge in the groove; the anterior lateral teeth are short and high. The coat marks are conspicuous, and the coat is short and semicircular. The anterior occlusal muscle marks are small, slightly semicircular; the posterior occlusal muscle marks are large and oval. The feet are flattened and tongue-shaped.

Habitat segments live in shallow sea sediment and usually secrete rubber bands or sacs that suspend the body in water and migrate by current. It is distributed along the coast of China. Produced in Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian, Jiangsu and other places.

The trait shell is slightly triangular, raised outwards, grayish-white on the outside, and has brown or silver-gray chakra near the top of the shell or all of it, or is covered with a brown film, smooth and shiny. The inside is milky white or slightly bluish, smooth and shiny. The texture is hard and heavy, and the cross-section is layered. No breath, light taste. It is preferable to be smooth, yellow-white, and no mud.

Concocted clams: washed, dried and crushed. Calcined clams: Place the clams on a smokeless fire and blanch them, remove them and let them cool and crush them.

(1) "Materia Medica": "Cook with wine for a while, and use it carefully by hot pounding." "

(2) "The Sutra Of The Beginning": "Use sour slurry water or vinegar, cook for half a day, and pound the powder." "

Sexual taste salty, flat.

(1) "Beilu": "Salty, flat, non-toxic." "

(2) "The Book of Fengyuan": "Salty, flat, slightly cold, non-toxic." "

Guijing (1) "Commentary on Typhoid Fever": "Walking the kidneys. "

(2) "Changsha Medicinal Solution": "Start with taiyin lungs, foot sun bladder meridian." "

Function indications for clearing heat, dampness, phlegm, soft and firm. Cure thirst and heat, cough reverse chest paralysis, fistula, sputum nucleus, collapse, hemorrhoid fistula.

(1) The Book of Scriptures: "The Lord's evil sores are eroded, and the five hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids." "

(2) "Don't Record": "Cough reverse chest paralysis, low back pain and urgency, rats, large hole bleeding, collapse and leakage." "

(3) "Soup Liquid Materia Medica": "It can benefit water." Cure acute chancre erosion of the mouth and nose, burn ash wax pork fat and apply it. "

(4) "Changsha Medicinal Solution": "Clear gold and water, quench thirst and eliminate annoyance, dissolve phlegm and cough, and soft and firm to eliminate diarrhea." "

Dosage for internal use: decoction, 2 to 4 dollars, or into powder. External use: the end of the study is applied.

Pay attention to the "Materia Medica Sutra": "It is advisable for those who are sick and have evil hot phlegm knots, and those who are weak in qi and cold must not be used." "

Compound (1) Cure thirst and drink water: Wen clam five two. On the first taste, the pestle is scattered, with boiling soup five, kimono square inch dagger. ("Golden Essentials" Wen Clam Scatter)

(2) Cure phlegm drinking cementation does not melt, for cough rebellion, for chest paralysis: one or two clams (burning, research extremely fine), ginger half summer, bile star, magnolia, Chen Guangpi, white mustard seeds, Yu Bai shu, citrus fruit one or two each (with bran stir-frying). At the end of the study, take one dollar each morning and evening, and take the white soup after eating. ("FangMai Zhenzong")

Note This product and the shell of the clam, the medicinal herbs are commonly referred to as sea clam shells.

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicinal clams

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