
Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

author:Permanent memory tbr

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court did not attach great importance to the sacrifice of Shun. The enthusiasm of the folk worship of Shun Yongshun is in stark contrast to that of the imperial court. When Yuan Jie was appointed as the assassin of Daozhou, he moved the Shun Temple to the west of Daozhou City. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, he sent the chancellor Zhang Jiuling to the Nine Doubts Mountain to sacrifice Shun, which was the only time that the Tang Dynasty was recorded to have sent envoys to sacrifice Shun. During the reign of Emperor Tang, Ningyuan County ordered the restoration of the Shun Temple at Yuzhenyan.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

First, Zen Qi suddenly looked at the crowd

Sacrifice, the great gift of the kingdom. Before the Tang Dynasty, the sacrifices to Emperor Shun were among the great ceremonies. However, in the early Tang Dynasty, the sacrifice of Shun was listed as a group of worshippers, that is, sacrifices were carried out as general objects, which caused relatively widespread dissatisfaction among officials, eunuchs, gentry, especially literati and inkers. They believed that lowering the standard of Emperor Shun's sacrifice was inconsistent with historical practice and violated the rules of ancient times. This dissatisfaction is also reflected in the poems of some literati and inkers. For example, Song Zhi asked the poem "Shun Ancestral Temple": "Emperor Yu patrolled The Hundred Yue, and it is said that he buried nine doubts." The elves travel here, and the shrine trees shine brightly. The Zen Festival suddenly looked at the crowd, and the second concubine of Danqing Tu. The gods and beasts dance, and the immortals go to the phoenix and fly. The sun is falling, and the river is empty and the mist is faint. The emperor is thirty thousand miles away, and he returns by the white clouds. This poem was written by the author when he was on his way to Qinzhou and detoured to the tomb of Emperor Shun of Ningyuan Jiu doubts. The two sentences in the poem, "The Sacrifice of Zen Is Suddenly Looking at the Crowd, the Second Concubine of DanqingTu", can confirm that the Tang Dynasty did change Emperor Shun from a great ancestor to a group of ancestors. Crowd hope, that is, group worship. Looking is looking at the worship, which is one of the forms of sacrifice. In order to express his dissatisfaction with the "Zen Ancestors", the author also specially painted a picture of the second concubine in the tomb of Emperor Shun to show his respect for Emperor Shun and the second concubine.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

Second, Zhang Jiuling was ordered to sacrifice Shun

During the Kaiyuan period (714-740), Tang Xuanzong sent the famous xiang Zhang Jiuling to the mausoleum of Emperor Shun of Ningyuan Jiuquan Mountain to worship Emperor Shun. This was the first time in more than a hundred years since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty that a court minister was directly sent to the Nine Doubts Mountain to worship Shun.

Zhang Jiuling (678–740), chancellor and poet during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. A native of Qujiang, Shaozhou (present-day Guangdong). Chang'an Jinshi. Ren Left picked up the remains, moved to the right to fill the gap, and was a famous minister of the Tang Dynasty. This time, Zhang Jiuling was sent by Tang Xuanzong to Ningyuan Jiuxuan Mountain to worship Shun, and also brought the sacrifice text and read it at the sacrifice ceremony. This tribute was written by Zhang Jiuling and approved by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. This is also the second altar text left by the emperor or the imperial court to sacrifice Emperor Shun in history.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

Third, Li Baidengjiu looked at Xiangchuan suspiciously

With the increasing attention paid by the Li Tang Dynasty to the sacrifice of Shun, the number of Tang Dynasty literati going to the tomb of Emperor Shun in Ningyuan Jiuqi Mountain to sacrifice Emperor Shun increased unprecedentedly, setting off a climax of literati sacrifice to Shun Yong Shun. According to the "Ningyuan County Chronicle" and "Nine Doubts Mountain Chronicle" and other records, nearly a hundred literati from the Tang Dynasty to the Nine Doubts Mountain to worship Emperor Shun, and left hundreds of poetic works. Among them, famous people include Song Zhiwen, Li Bai, Liu Changqing, Yuan Jie, Zhang Shu, Dai Shulun, Liu Yuxi, Han Yu, Lü Wen, Liu Zongyuan, Xiang Si, and Sang Qiji. There were also many literati, although they did not personally go to the mausoleum of Emperor Shun of Ningyuan Jiuqi Mountain to worship Shun, but also wrote poems and songs in various ways and on different occasions to praise Emperor Shun, Emperor E, and Nüying to express their reverence for this ancestor of moral culture. Such as Li Zhao, Li Ji, Du Fu, Lang Shiyuan, Gu Quan, Meng Jiao, Li He, Yuan Shu, Xu Hun, Jia Dao, Du Mu, Li Shangyin, etc. Among the many literati and inkers who worship Shun and Yong Shun, Li Bai is an outstanding representative.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

During the Anshi Rebellion, because of his participation in the shogunate of The Yong King Li Xuan, Li Bai exiled Yelang for the crime of "rebellion". On the way, when he met The Pardon, he passed through Yongzhou, Daozhou, and Shangningyuan Jiu doubtful mountains to the mausoleum of Emperor Shun, and wrote works such as "Sorrowful Qing Qiu Fu" and "Far Away". "Sorrowful Qing Qiu Fu" depicts the gorgeous autumn scenery of Ningyuan Jiu doubts, with a broad vision and changing imagery, expressing the author's heroic style and lofty ambitions, and revealing the longing for his hometown. At the end of the poem, "You can't talk about the world, I will collect medicine in Pengqiu", which reveals the idea of seeking immortals to visit the Tao and collect medicine to refine Dan. "Far Away" is a poem with its political implications, which is closely related to the Anshi Rebellion. The poem starts from the story of the death of the second concubine and Emperor Shun, and tells that for a period of time before and after the Anshi Rebellion, politics was dim, adulterers were in charge, the sun was miserable, and the scarlets were crying. In this case, I have no choice, "What will I do if I indulge"? Even if you express your opinion, it will not help. Because if he expressed his opinion, Xuanzong would think that he was unfaithful, and he would also attract the opposition and hatred of other ministers. Therefore, Li Bai and other loyalists adopted a silent approach. When summing up the history of the Anshi Rebellion, Li Bai said a few very important words, which are actually very painful historical lessons: "Yao Shun deserves to be Zen Yu, the king loses his subjects and the dragon becomes a fish, and the power returns to the subjects and the rats become tigers." That is to say, if the emperor loses the support of his courtiers, he will be like a dragon turned into a fish, and there will be no more authority and deeds; and when power falls into the hands of courtiers, the courtiers will change from rats to tigers, and in turn commit rebellion. In this case, even Yao Shun had to hand over the power to someone else. Li Bai then wrote: "Or Yan Yao's ghostly prisoner, Shunye's death, and the nine doubts are all similar, what is the heavy pupil lonely grave?" The historical allusions that Li Bai cites here are completely contrary to what we usually call the Confucian-respected Yao Shun Zen allusion, believing that Yao Shun Chan Rang was actually the result of losing power, that Shun imprisoned Yao and usurped the throne; it was Dayu who drove Shun away, causing Shun to die in the wilderness and ascend to the throne himself. Therefore, now in these nine peaks similar to the Nine Doubts Mountain, even emperor Shun's lonely tomb could not be found anywhere. In the end, Li Bai borrowed the allusion of Emperor E and Lady Ying crying and tearing, and expressed his unforgettable memory and hatred for the Anshi Chaos: "The emperor wept in the green clouds, and went with the wind and waves. Weeping and looking into the distance, I saw the deep mountains of Cangwu. The Cangwu Mountains collapse and the water is extinguished, and the tears on the bamboo can be extinguished. ”

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

In Li Bai's poems, it is rare for individual feelings to be written so profoundly and resolutely. Chen Xun's "Shibi Xing notes" Yun: "Therefore, "Long Hate Song" is not as good as the song "Far Away". An Qi's "New Notes on Li Bai's Poems" said: "'Far Away' is a sad song of the poet's disillusionment of ideals, and it is also an elegy sung by the poet to the tang dynasty that is about to be in chaos. ”

Fourth, Yuan Jie moved the Shun Temple to Daozhou City

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the rulers changed the sacrifice from a large shrine to a group of worship, which not only affected the specifications and scale of the sacrifice, but also affected the management and maintenance of the Shun Emperor's mausoleum temple. By the time Yuan Jie was appointed to the Daozhou Assassin History in the first year (763) of the Tang Dynasty, the Temple of Emperor Shun's Mausoleum had been abandoned due to its age and was lost in maintenance. "Every edict orders states and counties to make sacrifices, pay tribute to the wilderness, and honor their orders" (Yuan Jie," Shun Temple). This situation illustrates two problems. First, the routine sacrifice to Emperor Shun is still underway, but the specifications have been reduced. Second, since the Shun Temple has been abandoned, the sacrifice of Shun is carried out in the wild rather than in the Shun Temple, and is only to cope.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

From September of the first year of emperor Guangde of the Tang Dynasty (763) to the first year of the Great Calendar (766), Yuan Jie twice served as the assassin of Daozhou. Subsequently, he was promoted to rongguan jingshu shi and added general of the left jinwuwei. Died at the age of 50, a waiter in the Gift Department. After Yuan Jie went to Ren Daozhou to assassinate the history, he searched for the Shun Emperor's Mausoleum Temple according to the location of the map painted at that time, but did not find it. There can only be two explanations for this, one is that the Yuan Jie has found the wrong place; the other is that the Shun Temple was already deserted at that time. Therefore, the Yuan Knot was cut first and then played, and a Shun Temple was built at the foot of the Yuan Mountain in the west of Daozhou City, where the present-day Daozhou Hotel is located. Then he played the imperial court and requested that the Shun Temple of Jiuqi Mountain be moved to Daozhou Chengkuo. This request was approved by the imperial court. After the Shun Temple was repaired, Yuan Jie played the imperial court again, asking the imperial court to "xu gong to avoid one or two families near the temple, so that when the age is sprinkled, it will always be a constant style." That is to say, the imperial court was asked to exempt one or two families near the Shun Temple from taxes, so that they could maintain the Shun Temple frequently and fix it as a system.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

When Yuan Jie was appointed as the Governor of Daozhou, he not only moved the Shun Temple from Jiuqi Mountain to Daozhou City, but also reformed the ritual of sacrifice and added song sacrifice to the official ritual process. The song festival has relatively fixed lyrics and instrumental accompaniment. Yuan Jie was once used as a song festival for the "Supplemental Music Song and Dashao". There are two chapters, and the four sentences in each chapter read: "The sensen group elephants, the sun sees the generation." If you want to smell the first time, seal the darkness. The ocean is full of water, and the sun is deep and soft. Want to smell the big wet, big abyss oil. Since then, the song festival has been formally especially on the agenda of the ritual ritual.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

Fifth, Feng Xu and Liu Zongyuan Shun Temple prayed for sunshine

Liu Zongyuan (773~819), a famous writer and thinker of the Tang Dynasty. In February of the 21st year of Zhenyuan (805), Liu Zongyuan joined the "Yongzhen Reform" political group headed by Wang Shuwen. After the defeat, Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Shao Prefecture (present-day Shaoyang City) in September of the first year of Yongzhen (805): in November of the same year, he was demoted to "Yongzhou Sima Ren Wailang With The Same Zheng Yuan" (i.e., idle personnel who enjoyed sima treatment, had no real power). After that, Liu Zongyuan began a decade-long life of debasement in Yongzhou. During this period, he created "Eight Records of Yongzhou", "The Snake Catcher Says", "Jiang Xue" and other famous works through the ages. Interestingly, he also participated in a ritual event.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

In the year of Yuan He (806), Feng Xu took over the post of Yongzhou Assassin. After Feng Xu took office, he encountered two major natural disasters in succession. The first year, there was an earthquake. The following year, there was another flood, and the rain was not clear for a long time. This can be confirmed by the "Guangxu Lingling County Chronicle Xiangyi": "Xian Zongyuan and the first year (806), the spring moon, the earthquake, the second year of the great flood. In this case, Feng Shu moved the idea of sacrificing Shun, and wanted to pray for rain and sunshine through the sacrifice of Shun. Liu Zongyuan was a celebrity at the time anyway. Feng Xu has great respect for Liu Zongyuan and has a good relationship with him. If he wants to go to the Nine Doubts Mountain to sacrifice Shun, he must write a sacrifice text. And to write a sacrifice text, with the help of Liu Zongyuan's fame and ink, of course, is the best way. Therefore, Liu Zongyuan wrote the "Prayer for Qingqing" and accompanied Feng Shu to the Nine Doubts Mountain to worship Shun. The full text of this sacrifice is as follows: Year, month, day, so-and-so official, dared to use the sacrifice of the sacrifice of the god of Emperor Yu. The emperor enters the foothills, the thunderstorm is not lost, the emperor is in Xuanjie, and the seven governments are in unison. Jiu ze ji pi, Xi Yu Xuan Gui, Zhi De deification, Hou Tu and Ji. Diligence in the south, the ceremony to the end, yifu left behind. Solemn appearance is like being there, and sincerity is not clear. Nowadays, the sun is waiting for it, there is drowning and miserable, and the rain is sloppy, mixed with mud. The shore has good collapse, flow or broken embankment, flooding, and tuotuo. Heng Yu was killed, the blame increased, the ninja Was born, and all of them were pungent. Look at the yin and the grasshopper, to support the yang ni, to dry the soil, to outline the heavens. The surplus grain can be perched, or dusty or sloppy, and the wine is pickled. Stumbling and raw, kankan drum, hundred generations of virtue, and the heart of the rogue is not carried. It is not a single algae, and it is a stream of streams. God listens to it and does not be ashamed of God.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

Liu Zongyuan accompanied Yongzhou Assassin Shi Fengshu to the Nine Doubts Mountain to worship Shun, which was the only time that Liu Zongyuan degraded Yongzhou during the ten years of the recorded sacrifice of Shun. There are many coincidences in history. The relationship between Emperor Shun, Liu Zongyuan and Yongzhou has many coincidences. Emperor Shun's capital was at Pusaka, located in present-day Xipuzhou, Yongji County, Shanxi. Liu Zongyuan is also a native of Yongji, Shanxi. In his later years, Emperor Shun "hunted in the south, collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu, and was buried in the Nine Doubts of Jiangnan". Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Yongzhou, where he spent the most dismal and glorious decade of his life. Emperor Shun was active in Liu Zongyuan's hometown of Yongji for many years, and Liu Zongyuan never mentioned emperor Shun's mausoleum in Yongji, Shanxi during his lifetime. Liu Zongyuan degraded Who Yongzhou for ten years, but participated in a shun worship activity and wrote a "Shun Temple Prayer For Qingqing". This can also be confirmed from one side, Liu Zongyuan is also sure of the historical fact of Shun's burial.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

Sixth, Hu once asked Fu Shun Temple to yu ZhenYan

Since the Yuan Jie moved the Shun Temple to Daozhou Chengkuo, general Shun sacrifice activities, especially the Spring and Autumn Festival, have been held at the Shun Temple in Daozhou Chengkuo. However, there are exceptions, such as Liu Zongyuan's visit to the Shun Temple with the Yongzhou Assassin Shi Fengshu to pray for qingqing, but still to the Shun Temple of the Nine Doubts Mountain in Ningyuan.

During the reign of Emperor Qianfu of Tang (874-879), Hu Zeng, a native of Changsha, ordered The Emperor Yantang (present-day Ningyuan). After his arrival, he felt that Yuan Jie's relocation of the Shun Temple from Ningyuan Jiuquan Mountain to Daozhou City was not in line with the ancestral system, so he played the imperial court and requested that the Shun Emperor Mausoleum Temple be restored in front of the Yuzhen Rock. The imperial court approved Hu Zeng's request. This reconstruction was carried out on the basis of the original. This is confirmed by the archaeological excavations at the site of the ancient Shun Emperor Mausoleum Temple in Yuzhenyan. Since then, all official Shun-worship activities have been re-regulated at the Nine Doubts Mountain Shun Temple in Ningyuan.

Sacrifice to Emperor Shun during the Tang Dynasty (Eleventh Sacrifice of Shun in Ningyuan Nine Doubts Mountain)

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