
2021 Shandong Teacher Recruitment Pedagogy: Rousseau

author:Shandong Teacher Examination Network

Rousseau mostly appeared in the form of objective questions in the teacher recruitment examination, most of the questions were mainly memorized, and the question types were single choice, multiple choice, judgment, etc. In recent years, the objective questions in the examination have also appeared in the more in-depth content related to background knowledge, which is sorted out for the candidates here.

1. Biography

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778) was a French eighteenth-century Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator, writer, democratic politician and founder of the Romantic literary genre, one of the representatives of the Enlightenment. Born into a poor family in Geneva, Switzerland, Rousseau worked as an apprentice, servant, private secretary, and sheet music scribe. A life of upheaval and displacement, prepared for hardships. In 1749, he was famous for his article "Whether the Progress of Science and Art Contributes to the Customs of Dunhua". In 1762, he was hunted down by the French authorities for publishing the Social Contract and Emile, and fled to Switzerland, Prussia, and England, and died in Paris in 1778.

Ii. Rousseau's educational thought

1. Naturalistic theory of education is the subject of Rousseau's educational thought. Emile, published in 1762, focused on this idea. Goethe called the book a natural benefit of education, Kant forgot the habit of walking regularly for more than a decade because of reading Emile, and Schiller called Rousseau the new Socrates, the person Jesus had made. A necessary prerequisite for Rousseau's natural education was to change children's perceptions. People should not regard children as slaves to be disciplined, nor as reduced adults, but as adults and children as children.

2. Propose the principle of naturalistic education, that is, "negative education". The meaning of "negative education" is not that education functions badly, but only that education cannot be too active, or that it is too early to change children. With the introduction of "negative education", Rousseau accordingly proposed an educational method , the "Natural Consequences Method", which advocated that children should be held accountable for their own actions and should not involve too many adults. For example, if a child is naughty and breaks a window with a stone in the autumn, the choice at this time is not to criticize the child for repairing the window, but to let the child bear the harm caused by the window no longer covering the wind and rain in the winter. This is the law of natural consequences.

3. Put forward the "theory of sexual goodness", promote a naturalistic educational ideology, advocate education to make children return to nature and nature, and cultivate "natural people" to be naturally good, human nature is good, but society has made people bad.

4. Be the first educator to "discover children".

5. The famous saying that "everything that comes from the hand of the Creator is good, but once it reaches the hands of man, it becomes bad." Emphasize that children should not participate in too much external force before they mature physically and mentally, but only need to reduce adverse effects.

3. Impact

Rousseau's Emile, Plato's The Republic, and Dewey's Democracy and Education have been called three landmarks in the history of Western education.

4. Exercise exercises

Rousseau believed that "everything that comes from the Creator is good, and when it reaches the hands of man, it all becomes bad." Thus he argues ( ).

A. Education for All B. Forced Education C. Democratic Education D. Nature Education

Answer: D. Analysis: Rousseau put forward the "theory of sexual goodness", advocated a naturalistic educational ideology, advocated that education should make children return to nature and nature, and cultivate "natural people" to be naturally good, human nature is good, but society has made people bad. So choose D.

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