
Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

author:Tintin Gold Medal Dietary Nurse

Oysters, oysters, oysters, oysters are scientific names, and oysters are the names of the northern seas

Sea oysters are cheap in Qingdao, and if oysters and oysters are relatives, I can't figure out how they are worth a hundred times as much in a Michelin-starred restaurant in France. In fact, they are the same thing, the same family, the same lineage, the difference in volume and nutrient content is due to different seas.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

Oysters are treasures, so what are the uses?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > beauty and beauty</h1>

Oysters are rich in nutrients, is one of the most abundant marine species found by humans so far, containing eight kinds of amino acids, taurine, glutathione, a variety of vitamins, minerals, etc. that the human body needs, oysters have the effect of beauty and beauty, calming the mind, and nootropic brain.

Oysters are edible per 100 g of nutrient content, as follows:

Protein content 10.9g

Fat 1.5 g

Carbohydrate 0g

Calcium 35 mg

Sodium 270mg contains a higher amount of sodium, and people with high blood pressure eat less

Magnesium 10 mg

Iron 5.0 mg content is relatively rich, the recommended daily iron dosage of 12 mg per day for men 18 years old, 20 mg per day for 18 years old women.

Zinc 71.2 mg is very rich in zinc, and the recommended daily amount of zinc is 12.5 mg for 18-year-old men and 7.5 mg for 18-year-old women

Maximum intake of 40 mg per day.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > zinc supplementation</h1>

Therefore, if parents want to supplement their children with zinc, they can give their children a little oysters, pay attention not to eat too many small oysters at a time, and the large one can meet the daily zinc demand.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > oysters + wine, gout friends</h1>

It should be noted that the total purine content of 100g oysters is 282mg, and people with high gout and uric acid should try to eat less.

Healthy people come to the season of eating oysters, often eat oysters and drink wine, it is not far from gout and high uric acid, why?

For example: although the total purine content of 100g of beer is only 7, the ethanol in the wine has the effect of blocking the metabolism of purines, so that the purine content in the body is too high, the metabolism cannot go out, and it is stored in the body, causing high uric acid and even gout.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > blood nourishing yin</h1>

Chinese medicine believes that the meat of oysters has a good therapeutic value, is a very good yin, blood replenishment, especially suitable for patients with fatigue and weakness, for women with yin deficiency, lack of qi and blood, anemia oysters are very friendly, can eat a little appropriately.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > oyster shell calms, flat liver, and submerged yang</h1>

When Chinese medicine prescribes a prescription, it will write a raw oyster, and usually it is also required to fry it first.

This oyster is not the meat of the oyster, but the shell of the oyster.

Oyster shells have the effect of heavy town, submerged yang and calming the spirit.

When we encounter those who are outward-minded, sensitive, and outside sounds affect sleep, and who are flustered when the wind and grass are slightly disturbed, we use oysters together with the keel to calm the mind and calm the spirit.

In addition, for those who are hyperactive of liver and yang, such as high blood pressure, qi and blood rush upwards, there is a top-heavy, red face and red ears, but the feet are the same as stepping on cotton, we also use oyster shells to level the liver and latent yang.

Oysters are concocted called calcined oysters, its nature will change, into the role of warm supplementation, astringency, we often use to treat some leakage, evidence, such as those who leak sweat, sperm, slippery sperm, excessive vaginal discharge, frequent urination and leakage of people.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > calcined oyster complex stomach acid</h1>

There are also some people with excessive stomach acid, we also use calcined oysters to play an acidic and pain-relieving role, usage: calcined oysters research powder, rice soup to take, "common food medicinal uses".

Modern pharmacological research has found that oysters do have acid-making and other effects, which is conducive to the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Oysters (oysters) are not only delicacies, but also a classic commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine beauty beauty and zinc oyster + wine, gout friends blood tonic yin oyster shell calming, flat liver, qianyang calcined oyster comprehensive stomach acid food recommended:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > food recommendations:</h1>

1: Oyster egg frying: fry with egg leeks.

2, roasted garlic vermicelli oysters: because of the shell of large meat fat, especially suitable for charcoal grilling.

3, raw eating: fresh sea oysters are fresh and salty and a little sweet.

4. Sea oyster noodles

5. Delicious cucumber oyster dumplings

6. Make soup: sea oyster soup

Finally, Tintin would like to remind everyone that there is no good or evil in things, and it is harmful to live!

Oysters are good and can't eat more!

Tintin wants to take everyone to "eat" out of health

Let the children thrive, and the middle-aged and elderly people stay away from chronic diseases!

⭐️ My goal is to bring more doctors who have the fate to do themselves and their families to "cure the disease" and keep people out of the hospital!

If there are any questions, we also look forward to your message #Life Ferryman #

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