
Shenyang scholars discovered the truth about Yang Guifei's death

author:Writer Kwan Jay

The earthquake in Japan, the so-called "Tomb of Yang Guifei" is in danger. A scholar in Shenyang, China, listened to the panic of the Japanese cultural circles and laughed. Then, he showed the precious historical materials he discovered in 1983 about Yang Guifei's death. What did Yang Guifei and Tang Xuanzong say before parting? How did Xuanzong answer? Is it suicide or he kills? A sentence "I have a rich and noble family, and now I am sorry for my death." "Let us see Yang Guifei, who is born and died in a major way. A sentence "May the emperor send a few steps to the concubine, and the concubine will die without regret." "Let us see Yang Guifei, whose love is supreme. So, who was the discoverer of this historical material?

Shenyang scholars discovered the truth about Yang Guifei's death

Shenyang scholars discovered the truth about Yang Guifei's death

The picture shows Mr. Han Xiduo

Since it is "extinct", how can it escape to Japan?

Just because of one more look, Han Xiduo subverted a historical conclusion

Han Xiduo, born in July 1940, is a native of Haicheng City, Liaoning Province. After graduating from Haicheng High School in 1959, he was admitted to the Department of Classical Literature of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, and was assigned to work in the Liaoning Provincial Library in 1964. He has served as the head of the rare book team, the director of the Special Collections Department, and the deputy director of the business library. For decades, he has tirelessly conducted the study of ancient Chinese texts in editions, bibliography, philology and library science, and has made remarkable achievements in these fields. He has published 3 monographs, 3 books in chief, many edits, and nearly 20 ancient books. He has participated in the national editor-in-chief of the "Chinese Book Rare Books Sub-catalogue", and served as the editorial board member of the "Continuation of the Four Libraries Complete Book" and the editor-in-chief of the "Joint Catalogue of Ancient Books bound in Northeast China". He is the discipline leader of the library ancient book work in the northeast region and one of the few experts in this field.

Han Xiduo worked in the Liaoning Provincial Library for 36 years and found countless treasures. In the three years since 2008 alone, he has repeatedly shocked the Chinese and foreign book circles with his amazing discoveries with his fiery eyes.

In 2008, he discovered the "Three Volumes of the Secret Dravidian Sutra of the Great Treasure Pavilion", which is a late Northern Song Dynasty version. In 2009, this Buddhist sutra was selected for the second batch of the National Precious Ancient Books List. Since then, in 2010 and 2011, he still found Song editions worth one page or two gold from time to time, and so far he has found more than 30 copies. In addition, there are rare copies of the "Great Qing Unification Chronicle" and so on.

The richest information about Yang Guifei's death was discovered in 1983.

The ancient books and documents of the Liaoning Provincial Library have passed through the hands of countless people and the eyes of countless people, and many problems have been solved, and there are many problems that have not been solved. The "Notes on Fan Chuan's Collected Writings" written by the great tang dynasty poet Du Mu is a suspicious case. The book is marked with a North Korean engraving, but the annotations are not attributed, and domestic and foreign studies have always believed that the book does not have China's own engraving. Moreover, it seems to be a foregone conclusion. And because it is the North Korean version, past researchers have not read the book carefully.

In 1983, Han Xiduo carefully read the book while sorting out ancient books. When he turned to the last page, he was going to close the book, but the afterglow of his eyes saw the book plate on the back cover. Bookpad, equivalent to today's copyright page. This book is based on the orthodox era name of the Chinese Ming Dynasty, that is to say, it is edited according to the orthodox version of the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

He was pleasantly surprised.

Shenyang scholars discovered the truth about Yang Guifei's death

The National Library of China Document Micro reproduction center was published in 2007

This discovery means that the so-called conclusions of the past are untenable. The Fan Chuan Anthology of Writings is not only available now, but it is also the earliest engraving of Du Mu's anthology in China, seventy years before the Zhengde inscription discovered before.

Han Xiduo further studied this "Notes on the Collected Works of Fan Chuan". As a result, he discovered the "New World" again.

In the past, people only knew that the earliest understanding of Du Mushi's annotations was Feng Jiwu of the Qing Dynasty. However, the annotations to this book record the annotations of the anonymous works of the Southern Song Dynasty. And it was the appearance of this annotated citation that produced a shocking effect in the study of Tang history and in Yang Guifei's research.

Vivid image of the scene of "The Death of Yang Guifei"

The anonymous man actually quoted more than 1,000 words of material describing Yang Guifei's death in the commentary. This is also a precious message from the Song Dynasty, which is adjacent to the Tang Dynasty, which has never been seen before.

In volume 2, "Thirty Rhymes of Huaqing Palace", Du Mu wrote: "Shouting for the blood of Ma Song, zero drops of feather guns, leaving no way to the country, and the soul is still resentful." At the bottom of this sentence, Anonymous made a commentary, quoting more than a thousand words from the "Famous Talks of HanFu" and "The Collected Remains of Emperor Xuanzong", which has never been seen before. The text vividly describes the situation before and after Yang Guifei's death, and The character of Xuanzong, the character of GaoLishi, and the character of Yang Guifei are all highlighted.

Look at --

Emperor Xuanzong sat in the court one day, listened to the neon music played in the palace, listened to it for a long time, and was already free of discomfort. After the engraving of the dynasty, may the near attendant take the pen, privately write the book on the pillar of the temple, and order the paper to be attached to it, not to be seen by others. Gao Lishi knelt down before asking: "Chenchen serves the emperor on the right, and the emperor listens to gong le he shengyan is not happy or not?" And Chenhan wrote to Hou Yu, the deputy seal, not to let people see, the subject to steal it, is to dare to have a request. The emperor looked up and said, "Non-Ru knows." The Upper Saying is Li Shi: "The pillar of the ShuShu Temple, after half a month, when there is a traitor and Zhi zhiye." Come early to listen to Miyako no Zhiya. I am worried that the border subjects will rebel, and the world will be in chaos. Lu Shi said: "The Japanese and Taiwan Counselors have a seal, saying that Yuyang matters have not yet been disposed of by Your Majesty, is this not the case?" Shang yue: "The elite soldiers of the world are gathered like fishing fields, and the things are solidified, and there is no solution." Lu Shi said: "Lushan Tubo Nu also has no strange strategy, so he is a traitor, and his subjects know it." Shang: "Ru has no more words, which makes people indignant." "The next day, Yuyang rebelled against the book, and the emperor and the imperial front hall commanded Gao Lishi to protect the sixth palace, intending to leave the noble concubines to guard the palace. Lux said, 'Your Majesty left the noble concubine to eliminate troubles?' What does the world say?" Emperor Xu Guifei drove from the car. Go west from Chengtianmen. To Ma Song, the forward does not advance, the sixth division round, the guards circumvent. The emperor wanted to take over, and the near attendant said: "The emperor will treat it, I am afraid that something will happen." Li Shi qian said: "The foreign nationality, all know that Yang Guozhong has long stolen the heavens and held the state's handle, knotted the border subjects, tilted several artifacts, traveled west to the heavens, and was covered in dust, all of which were caused by the loyalty of the country, and it was also caused by the six armies not advancing." Please figure it. In Russia, there is the first song of holding the national loyalty: "The national loyalty plots rebellion, and the military law condemns it." The emperor said: "National loyalty is not rebellion." Emperor Lux said, "The military situation is ever-changing, and you must not say such a thing." Emperor Wu, Gu Left and Right: "Guo Zhong clan." Soon, Guo Zhong's younger siblings were all killed. Emperor Yue: "A dead door, the army has not yet entered, what is it?" Lux said, "Everyone in the army says that the womb is still in the palace." The emperor said: "I will not hesitate to thank the world alone, but I am afraid that the harem of the future generations will also be ridiculed." "The Divine Guard Army waved Hou Yuanji prelude: May the head of the noble concubine be beheaded and hung on the Great White Banner to order the armies." Emperor Nu Ling Yuan Ji said: "The noble man of the harem of the concubine, the honor of the Empress Dowager, the ancient one throwing rat and the taboo, why hang the head and the army knows it, but the death of Ling is enough." Lu Shi said: "There is an ancient Buddhist temple in this west, and the history of the armies is from Lu Ye, and I wish to make the concubines die in it, and your army knows it." The emperor said, "Ru led the concubine from his path, and I did not see it and I was sad." Lux said: "Your Majesty is not seen, left and right do not know, and he is not yet pooped." May Your Majesty give the concubines death, and the hearts of the armies will be comforted by the knowledge of your majesty. "Emperor Can play. The noble concubine wept: "I am rich and noble, and now I am sorry for my death." Suo Suo obeyed the emperor and said, "The dignity of god, how can it not shelter a woman and make her live!" A clan and a concubine, there is nothing! And the concubine lives in the deep palace, his majesty has not tasted fault, and the concubine of the foreign family does not know it! Emperor Yue; "Ten thousand words, unbreakable, although the national loyalty and so on are dead, the military division is still not prepared, and the son dies to block the slander of the world." Concubine Zi said: "May the emperor send concubines a few steps, and the concubines will die without regret." Lead the concubines left and right, and the emperor will send them. If you can't step, and nine look back. The emperor wept and wept. The concubines on the left and right travel at a high speed, passing through the army. At the ancient temple, the concubine took the top of The Luo to cover her face and mourned, and said to him, "Bring this into the emperor." Left and right with the veil, Chen Qi's corpse at the temple gate, is to solve its veil. Russia's breath came back, and its breath was long. It is absolutely impossible to use the drapery. Hou Yuanji shouted in the army: "Thieves should die, but I am not in trouble." "So, the drums and the flags were waved, and the army advanced. Lux echoed, with concubines hugging Luo to advance. Seeing that his tears were like light blood, the emperor could not overcome his sorrow: "The ancients' feelings of hatred have responded to everything, and Shunfei wept bamboo and became a spot, and the concubines embraced luo into blood, which was different." The former army of the husband is happy, the emperor is not happy, and he wants to stop it. Lux said, "No, today's reason, and it is humane." ”

After reading this small article, Tang Xuanzong's indecisiveness is better than love, Gao Lishi's sleek and sophisticated treacherous and resourceful, and Yang Guifei regards death as the supremacy of love, as clear as film and television, which is really ready to come out on the paper.

The regrets of Bai Juyi and others, and the luck of later literary historians

So, how true is this passage?

Mr. Han Xiduo said: "This requires an analysis of the two books of the Han Dynasty And the Compilation of the Testament of Emperor Xuanzong. ”

The "Famous Talks of Hanfu" consists of 25 volumes and was written by Liu Axe in the Song Dynasty. Liu Axe, who was born around the time of Emperor Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty to Emperor Zhezong, his life is unknown. In addition to the "Famous Talks of HanFu", his works have also been handed down to many generations. However, this "Famous Talk of HanFu" has long been lost, and only twelve articles have been preserved in the "Class Theory" edited by Zeng Marrow in the Southern Song Dynasty, and one article is preserved in the existing Yongle Canon, but there is no one about Yang Guifei. The Compilation of The Testament of Emperor Xuanzong was written by Lu Yan in the Tang Dynasty. This book is not found in the Yiwen Zhi and Jingshu records of the New Book of Tang and the Old Book of Tang, but in the biographical category of the Song Shi Yiwen Zhi, which is written in two volumes. Lu Zhen was a famous politician of the Tang Dynasty, and there was a "Lu Xuan Gong Gong Gong" in the world. With the same fate as the "Famous Talks of the Han Dynasty", the "Compilation and Testament of Emperor Xuanzong" has also been lost.

Shenyang scholars discovered the truth about Yang Guifei's death

There are few books cited in the Clip Notes, and it is rare for the two titles to be cited side by side. The above quotation juxtaposes the two titles, possibly because the story is present in both books. Supposedly, the content of the two books is unlikely to be exactly the same. Then, under normal circumstances, the earliest books should be the main ones, which is the "Compilation and Testament of Xuanzong".

When the Anonymous Clan of the Southern Song Dynasty made a note, he must have seen Lu Zhen's "Compilation of The Testament of Emperor Xuanzong". Lu Zhen was born in 754 AD, and when he was two years old, that is, in 756 AD, the Ma Song Revolution occurred. Well, when he had memories, he should have heard accounts of the events that shocked the whole country, even from witnesses to the scene.

These details have not been recorded in previous books, and the above quotations in the Clip Notes are quite substantial. These fleshed out details are not absurd, but reasonable and credible. If these details were indeed described by Lu Yan, it should be said that they were historically true. Of course, to find the absolute authenticity of its history, it is necessary to do further research.

The love story of Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan has been known to almost everyone in China for thousands of years. Literary and artistic works created on this subject are almost full of sweat, and the barnyard official yeshi that records the story of the two can be seen almost everywhere, even in the main history, such as the New Book of Tang and the Old Book of Tang.

The above-mentioned text of the "Hanfu Mingtan" and the "Compilation and Testament of Emperor Xuanzong" record the death of Yang Yuhuan, and its historical outline is basically the same as that of other books. However, in terms of details, it is unusually rich, such as a passage that Yang Yuhuan said to Li Longji before he died, and her request that Li Longji send her a few steps, as well as hanging and not dying, and the tear marks on The top luo are like light blood, which is absolutely absent in various other books. The most delicate drama depicting Li Yang's love, "The Hall of Eternal Life", and the "Sui and Tang Dynasty Yanyi", which is known for its interpretation, also have these details.

Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji have many years of love life, received extremely special pampering, she is not only dependent on her natural beauty, but more is wisdom and emotional intelligence. Therefore, once forced to go to the end of the road, at the juncture of life and death, she will never be the crying and crying of ordinary women, but must have the good performance of a noble concubine. Until these details are discovered, historians, writers and artists can only speculate.

Fifty years after the Ma Song Incident, Bai Juyi's "Long Hate Song" came out. Bai Juyi, who was born in 772 at the age of 18, may not be as lucky as Lu Yan, first, the age is too long after all, and second, the imperial court's blockade of this event, so he can only write about the ambiguity of "like a moth's eyebrow before the horse dies". This cannot but be said to be Bai Juyi's regret, nor can it be said to be the regret of "Long Hate Song". Like Bai Juyi, the Qing Dynasty playwright Hong Sheng did not see this precious material, so his script "Hall of Eternal Life" also had the same regrets as "Long Hate Song".

That is to say, from Mr. Han Xiduo onwards, literary artists will create with the love theme of Yang Guifei and Li Longji, then the creative freedom space will be more than That of Bai Juyi, Hong Sheng and others. These details will help to show Yang Yuhuan's personality, and it will also show her deep love for Li Longji. In fact, in recent years, one or two TV series have absorbed these materials.

"If you want to talk about value, these materials are the minimum reference value for literary and artistic creation. Its value to historical research will also be more and more revealed. This discovery of mine is often cited by experts. Old Mr. Han Xiduo said so.

Speaking of the tomb of Yang Guifei in Japan, Mr. Han smiled again, saying: "The information I found explains everything. If I had to comment, as a scholar in China, I can only say thank you for their attitude of loving Chinese culture so much. ”

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