
Han Meimei is married, and the groom is not Li Lei

author:Count the moods
Han Meimei is married, and the groom is not Li Lei

Classmates gathered together and learned about some flower history of several classmates.

When a classmate pointed out: "You were interested in so-and-so at that time." After many years, I actually have a feeling of being discovered and then pulled out to parade in the streets. Strictly speaking, I didn't know what it was like at the time, but I often ran to the back of the classroom to play together when I sat in the front row. After graduating for so many years, deep in my memory, except for the humorous class teacher who often took us to play, the rest was all him.

Han Meimei is married, and the groom is not Li Lei

I would sing a song for the whole class, and after class, I would run over and tell him: Yo, sing well; the two of them teamed up to play with stones between classes, he was too skilled, I would deliberately make trouble so that my opponents had a chance to play; I saw him coming to school from the direction of home in the classroom corridor, greeted him in the hallway, and saw him slowly approaching a little shyly; he suddenly cut off his head one day and teased his new hairstyle; I was not at all surprised that he always got the first place in sports activities The class teacher took us to play so many places seemed to remember only the two of us, and did not have much impression of group activities...

When the classmate said again: "So-and-so classmate also liked you at that time", I was really happy for me at that time. It felt like the next line of poetry that had successfully filled a gap during a language exam; it was like guessing the end of a detective novel. Well, it's like winning the lottery.

Han Meimei is married, and the groom is not Li Lei

When a class autumn trip or spring tour, the first time I gladly accepted the snacks bought by the boys, the kind of chocolate-colored biscuits that can be directly seen in the transparent plastic paper packaging; when playing, it is natural to help me carry my bag when I need help; he who is always the first in sports makes the class play seem to become a play for two people, climbing the mountain, going down the ridge, wading the river, helping the students plant seedlings... Only two people remain in the memory. At that time, I would still be very angry when I heard rumors about the two of them, and then deliberately keep my distance.

At that time, where did you know whether you liked it or not, only that you liked to play with him. It wasn't until many years after graduation that I analyzed that I used to like it, until a classmate affirmatively pointed out that I was interested in him at that time. A classmate knew about me so early, and I knew so late

Despite the scenes of the past, when Han Meimei got married, the groom was not Li Lei.

If things develop so simply, it is possible that Li Lei's wife is Han Meimei. The history of flowers and flowers also restores history. It turned out that Li Lei and LINDA were already in love at that time. It turns out that li lei also likes LUCY, and there are many lily; Li Lei likes Han Meimei, also likes LINDA, and may also like LUCY, and there may be many more. At that time, I only knew that Han Meimei and Li Lei were playing happily together

When you have seen the sea, you will not care about the right and wrong of the pond. Sometimes you feel that you are obsessed with someone, but in fact, you are just thinking about yourself

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