
Light reading: Is Zhang Fei really a leopard head ring-eyed tough guy macho?

author:Yi Qiu copywriting

Speaking of Zhang Fei, under the influence of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", most people's impression of him is: eight feet long, leopard head ring eyes, swallow jaw tiger whiskers, holding eight snake spears, sound like thunder, like a galloping horse, resisting water and breaking bridges, like a tough man macho image. But is this really the real image of Zhang Fei?

In 2014, a stone statue of Zhang Fei was found on the mountain of Zhang Feiying in Jianyang, Sichuan, but the stone statue is very different from the image of Zhang Fei in people's impressions, the "Zhang Fei" has kind eyebrows, long ears and thick lips, and there is no beard on the face, as if a Confucian general style is obviously very different from our "stereotype".

There are few images of Zhang Fei in the main history, and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" written by Chen Shou does not have much ink on Zhang Fei, only records of deeds such as Dangyang resisting the enemy, interpreting Yan Yan in righteousness, and breaking Zhang Gao. Zhang Fei is indeed "majestic and mighty", and has made many military achievements in the battles against the Cao Wei regime, and even has an impressive record of defeating the famous general Zhang Guo, but we evaluate a character who cannot simply establish a facial image, whether Zhang Fei is elegant or not, there is no historical record, but it is by no means a simple "developed limbs, simple mind". In the battle with Zhang Gao's Hanchuan, Zhang Fei lured Zhang Gao into the mountain road to exchange troops, the terrain was narrow, Zhang Gao could not respond from the end, so it was defeated, and Zhang Gao only led more than ten people to escape from the path. In this battle, Zhang Fei can at least be called a tactical winner, which is far from the imaginary "reckless person" who will only face "hard and rigid".

Zhang Fei is also a character with clear love and hatred, with a distinct personality, in the battle for Yizhou between Liu Bei and Liu Zhang, Zhang Fei attacked Jiangzhou and captured Yan Yan, who was not afraid, Zhang Fei admired Yan very much, and not only released and honored Yan Yan as a "guest of honor". Personality determines fate, Zhang Fei's distinct personality of respecting gentlemen but not sympathizing with villains eventually brought himself the misfortune of killing, when Liu Bei cut down Wu, Zhang Fei sent troops from Langzhong, but when he was about to leave, he was killed by the generals Zhang Da and Fan Jiang, a generation of fierce generals, and the "ten thousand enemies" in the eyes of posterity fell, causing people to sigh.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, When Luo Guanzhong collected historical materials from all sides to create the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he carried out artistic processing for Zhang Fei, focusing on bravery, and the exaggerated techniques in image portrayal created the "Zhang Fei" in our current impression, although it added a lot of popularity to Zhang Fei, but it also left a stereotypical prejudice of "insufficient wisdom". The words of ancient history are like gold, leaving writers with creative space, but historical figures are after all living individuals with flesh and blood, each person has more than one side, about the true image of Zhang Fei, we can continue to look forward to more historical materials to be excavated to enrich.

I am Yi Qiu copywriter, reading is very bitter and slow, it is better to take a moment for me to easily analyze for you, read history wisely.

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