
The Zhen'an Court sent outstanding people's assessors to Hanzhong to participate in study and training

author:Zhen'an County People's Court

In order to implement the "People's Assessor Law" and its judicial interpretations, improve the basic quality of people's assessors and the ability to represent the broad masses of the people in the judiciary, understand the judiciary and supervise the judiciary in accordance with the law, on October 18, the Provincial Higher People's Court held a training course on the "People's Assessors Law" in Hanzhong City. After recommendation, our hospital selected people's assessor Bu Mingxi to participate in this training.

The Zhen'an Court sent outstanding people's assessors to Hanzhong to participate in study and training

Professor Duan Wen of the Party School of the Hanzhong Municipal Party Committee focused on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in Shaanxi, Associate Professor Li Yaping of Northwest University of Political Science and Law and other experts, and gave special lectures on the significance, role and efforts to be an excellent people's assessor in implementing the "People's Assessor Law"; Chunhua, Qishan and other courts introduced their experiences, and the people's assessors of the Xingping Municipal Court through the form of short videos taken by themselves. It shows the whole process of growing from an ordinary person to a people's assessor and participating in trial activities, reflects the importance of the people's assessor system in promoting judicial fairness and enhancing judicial credibility, and shows the achievements of China's judicial reform, so as to achieve the goal of "striving to let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case".

The Zhen'an Court sent outstanding people's assessors to Hanzhong to participate in study and training

The training aims to improve the trial business level of people's assessors, and the jurors who participated in the training said that in the future jury work, they will strengthen their awareness of learning, be the spokesmen for legal publicity, do a good job in creating a safe and peaceful town security propagandist, and strive to become a juror who satisfies the people.

The Zhen'an Court sent outstanding people's assessors to Hanzhong to participate in study and training

In recent years, our court has always adhered to the method of combining pre-post training, training during tenure, and selection and participation in higher-level court training, and conducted trial business training for people's assessors. The training content includes the duties and powers of judges, judges' professional ethics, trial discipline, judicial etiquette, basic legal knowledge and basic procedural rules. Purchase study materials such as notebooks, legal compilations, and training books for people's assessors, making it easier for people's assessors to study and study laws and regulations. Organize training in legal expertise, go to provincial courts to participate in people's assessor post business training, and continuously improve the trial business level of people's assessors through various forms such as trial observation and donation of legal reference books. Maximize the opportunities for people's assessors to learn more and better in trial operations, so as to encourage them to devote more enthusiasm to the work they are doing.

Contributed by: Han Yaqin Bu Mingxi

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