
Life and death speed! Sending his daughter to nanjing to study, the father suddenly "cerebral infarction"

author:Purple Cow News

Mr. Wang, who lives in Guangxi, is full of joy and sends his palm pearl to Nanjing to study. Looking at his daughter who was raised with hard work, it is difficult to hide his joy on his face that has been covered with wind and frost. Although he felt a little dizzy three or four days ago, Mr. Wang only thought that he was a little tired, and for his daughter's safety, he still rushed to Nanjing to send his daughter to school. But Mr. Wang and his daughter just arrived in Nanjing, but suddenly fell down, unconscious!

Life and death speed! Sending his daughter to nanjing to study, the father suddenly "cerebral infarction"

Recently, Mr. Wang was urgently sent to Yifu Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University by 120. First aid, examination, stroke center consultation.... In just a few minutes, Dr. Huang Huang of the Stroke Center of Shaw Hospital judged through consultation and physical examination that Mr. Wang's disease was the first place in the Chinese cause of death - stroke!

Stroke refers to a group of clinical syndromes caused by blood circulation disorders in brain tissue caused by various reasons, resulting in ischemia, hypoxia necrosis of brain cells, and then neurological dysfunction, including what we know as "cerebral infarction" and "intracranial hemorrhage". And cerebral infarction, simply put, is: the water pipe in the brain is blocked.

Through the imaging examination of Mr. Wang's cerebrovascular vessels, the doctor judged that Mr. Wang had exactly cerebral infarction, and it was the most dangerous cerebral infarction - basal artery occlusion!

The basal artery, which supplies the blood flow of the brainstem, the life center of the human body, can be said to be the most critical blood vessel in the human body, and once occluded, the mortality rate exceeds 90%.

Mr. Wang has long suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes, did not take drugs regularly, and slowly appeared atherosclerotic stenosis in cerebral blood vessels. Although there are no obvious symptoms on weekdays, this long journey to send her daughter to Nanjing, running and exerting, caused acute occlusion of her originally severely narrowed basal artery.

Life and death speed! Sending his daughter to nanjing to study, the father suddenly "cerebral infarction"

50 minutes! Open up the cerebral arteries!

You know, the human brain can only tolerate ischemia for 4-10 minutes, and for every 1 minute delay, 1.9 million brain cells will irreversibly die. International regulations stipulate that the time from cerebral infarction to the time from arrival at the hospital to the opening of the blood vessels for surgery is not more than 120 minutes.

The situation is very critical and needs to open the blocked artery for Mr. Wang immediately. After receiving the call from the hospital, Director Wen Lili of the Stroke Center of Yifu Hospital, Dr. Chen Can and Dr. Zhang Yaxuan, and nurse Wang Xiaojing of the catheter room immediately rushed from their homes to the hospital. Less than 10 minutes after Mr. Wang arrived at the operating room, a catheter that controlled his fate was transported from the patient's femoral artery to the cerebral blood vessel.

The basal artery of a person, only about 4 mm in diameter, is more difficult to operate the guide wire in such a small blood vessel than embroidery. However, under the technique of Director Wen Lili's hand-in-the-wind, the guide wire is like a loach, flexibly passing through the patient's blood vessels, turning one bend after another, and quickly reaching the patient's blood vessel blockage site.

With the exquisite operation of Director Wen Lili and the skillful cooperation of his assistant Dr. Chen Can, when the blood clot was pulled out with the stent, everyone's heart breathed a sigh of relief - the blood flow of Mr. Wang's basal artery was restored!

Although blood flow resumed, Mr. Wang still had severe stenosis in the middle of his basal artery, requiring balloon dilation and stenting at the basal artery stenosis site. After the stent was placed, the vascular morphology of Mr. Wang's basal artery finally returned to normal!

After the operation, the comatose Mr. Wang gradually regained consciousness, and the paralyzed limb on the right side could be lifted off the bed.

Admission to the basilar artery vascular blood flow recovered, it takes only 50 minutes! Doctors and nurses raced against death, pulling patients back from the brink of death.

Life and death speed! Sending his daughter to nanjing to study, the father suddenly "cerebral infarction"

Correspondent Fan Yuzhou

Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Yang Yan

Proofread by Faye Wong

Source: Purple Cow News

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