
An Long is the vice mayor of Xingyang City

author:Great River Finance Cube

On the morning of October 22, the 40th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Xingyang City was held.

An Long is the vice mayor of Xingyang City

Xu Qiming, Zhao Yanli, Ren Hongzhou, Zhou Hongwu, vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and members of the Standing Committee attended the meeting.

Vice Mayor Zhang Kuiwei, President of the Municipal People's Court Cui Hao, Municipal People's Procuratorate Chief Procurator Li Guoqiang, and relevant personnel of the organs and offices of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting heard and deliberated the "Motion on Requesting the Appointment of Comrade An Long" entrusted by Mayor Wang Xiaoguang, and Zhang Kuiwei explained the situation of the personnel to be appointed. The personnel to be appointed met with the members of the Standing Committee and made pre-appointment speeches.

An Long is the vice mayor of Xingyang City

The meeting voted by secret ballot to approve Comrade Anlong's appointment.

Xu Qiming issued a letter of appointment to the newly appointed personnel, and the newly appointed Xingyang Municipal People's Government Vice Mayor An Long took the constitutional oath.

Editor-in-charge: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

(Source: Xingyang Release)

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