
#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

In addition to protein, fat and vitamins, ribs also contain a large amount of calcium phosphate, bone collagen, bone mucin, etc., which can provide calcium for young children and the elderly. Ribs are rich in protein and fat, providing humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids that can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. From middle-aged to elderly people, microcirculation disorders occur, and collagen in the ribs can dredge microcirculation, thereby improving aging symptoms and playing an anti-aging role.

By Home and Everything Is Smooth and Smooth 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】


Ribs 150 g

Kelp 100 g

Ginger 3 g

5 g shallots

Garlic 5 g

0.5 scoops of cooking wine

Oil 0.5 scoops

1 scoop of sugar

1 scoop of fresh soy sauce

Oyster sauce 0.5 scoops

2 tablespoons of salt

MSG 0.2 tbsp

Parsley 2 g

Peppercorns 3 g

Star anise 3 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

1: Prepare raw ribs, kelp, carrots, green onions, ginger and garlic

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

2: Boiling water in a pot and adding ribs at the same time to cooking wine blanch water to remove grease and impurities

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

3: Immediately put the blanched ribs in cold water and rinse them several times to wash and drain the water

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

4: Heat the bottom oil in the pan and fry the star anise peppercorns until fragrant, then add the green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

5: Add seasoning sugar and a pint of fresh soy sauce and stir-fry well

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

6: Add the ribs and fry until they change color and taste

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

7: Stir-fry well over high heat

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

8: Add an appropriate amount of water and simmer over high heat

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

9: Simmer until the soup is running out, add carrots and add salt to low heat and simmer for 5 minutes

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

10. Finally, add MSG and coriander to freshen up and enjoy

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

11. The nutrient-rich pork rib stewed kelp is put into the container and you're done

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

12, with a bowl of seasonal vegetable porridge, eggs, tortillas to eat together is the standard nutritious breakfast

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

13. This pork rib stewed kelp dish is also a must-have dish for banqueters

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

14. This pork rib stewed kelp dish is also a must-have dish for banqueters

#Lantern Festival Food Award #Kelp Stewed Ribs

15, watching my family eat happy is the greatest satisfaction for me


There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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