
How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

author:Small grain delicacies

Chicken stew is not difficult to taste, but if you want to stew chicken soup that is both delicious and nutritious and nourishing to the body, it is not so simple, the ingredients of stewed chicken and the cooking method of stewed chicken are very special.

"Chicken soup" is one of the most traditional soups in China. It is mainly made of stewed chicken, water and seasonings. Because chicken broth is delicious, nutritious, and has the advantage of boosting human immunity, it is still the case today. Chicken broth is still one of everyone's favorite soups, let us teach you how to stew chicken broth

How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

【Main ingredients】: 1 native chicken (or old hen)

[Ingredients]: Shiitake mushrooms,

【Seasoning】: Appropriate amount of water and salt

-【Start cooking】-

How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

If you want to stew a delicious and nutritious chicken broth, then "choosing chicken" is naturally the most critical step. Most people know it's best to stew with local chicken, but most people don't distinguish between "what is a native chicken"? It is possible to buy "fake chicken" by accident, so to prevent this, I will teach you how to judge whether it is chicken or not.

-【How to judge the native chicken?】 】————

How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

(2) Look at the chicken feathers. Chicken feathers are thicker than regular chickens and look very compact.

(3) Look at the chicken feet. The feet of local chickens are usually open, the feet are very thin, and the soles of the feet are very rough.

(4) Look at the chicken feet. Local chicken feet wear more than regular chickens, and the claw tips are more obviously worn.

(5) Look at the chicken skin. The skin of native chickens is yellower than that of regular chickens, and their pores are relatively small.

Tip: In addition to learning about the native chicken first, you also need to understand: "The best choice for the native chicken is the hen", because the chicken soup stewed by the hen will be more nutritious and can better nourish the body, such as recovering from a serious illness. This is especially true for people who drink alcohol.

Step 2: "Chicken Handling Techniques"

After choosing the native hen, the second step is naturally to deal with the native chicken. Most people only know how to remove feathers and buttocks before stewing chicken. In fact, it's much more than that. Before stewing, only the chicken is washed. The taste of chicken broth can be more pure and delicious.

How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

(1) Remove chicken feathers, chicken butt, lymph, chicken nose and chicken nails.

This step is the most critical step before stewing chicken soup. Needless to say, chicken feathers and chicken butt are the parts that must be removed. Second, the grease and lymph fluid on the chicken neck should be removed, which contains more bacteria and harmful substances, and most people may not know what a chicken nose is. The chicken nose is the part located between the upper part of the chicken mouth and the corns, which contains many bacteria and odors, such as chicken nose, etc. If it is not removed, it will affect the umami taste of chicken soup, and chicken nails also contain many bacteria, which are usually not rinsed clean, so it needs to be cut off and removed.

(2) Flying water.

Flying water, also known as high fire, is a necessary step before stewing chicken soup. After slaughtering local chicken, the chicken itself will still have more fishy smell and blood residue. At this time, the hot step is a thorough cleaning process before the chicken soup is stewed, which can greatly remove the moisture in the blood and chicken. The fishy smell makes the stewed chicken soup more transparent, more delicious, and odorless.

Step 3: "Chicken Stew Techniques"

Once you've chosen the chicken and processed it, it's time to start the chicken soup stew. Most people think that stewed chicken soup can be cooked in any vessel as long as the heat and time are paid attention to. In fact, this idea is also wrong. Chicken stew is not only related to time and calories, in fact, the choice of tableware is more important.

-【What should I do with chicken stew?】 】————

(1) Choose a ceramic pot or casserole instead of an iron pot.

When stewing chicken soup, use a ceramic pot or casserole pot instead of an iron pot. Due to the slow thermal conductivity of ceramic pots and casseroles, it is very suitable for stewing, which can ensure that the whole chicken is evenly heated and is not easy to dry the pot, while the iron pot is the opposite. It has faster thermal conductivity and can easily lead to higher heat at the bottom of the pan. The chicken at the bottom is easy to stew, and the chicken broth is also easy to stew, so it is not recommended.

(2) When stewing chicken soup, the pot should be cold and add water once.

When stewing chicken soup, you should immediately add a sufficient amount of cold water, do not add water in the middle. Adding cold water in the middle will directly disperse the original flavor of the chicken broth and will also cool the whole chicken broth. Cold chicken causes the chicken to become tighter, and the chicken's protein is difficult to dissolve into the soup, eventually forming a stewed chicken soup. It's not tasty enough, and the chicken gets harder and harder to stew because of the cold shrinkage. Finally, it will dry out. Not only does it have no aroma, but it doesn't taste good. (If you want to add water, you can only add boiling water, not too much)

How to distinguish between pure "native chicken"? Quite simply, just master these few skills and avoid being fooled

When stewing chicken soup, do not add too many Chinese herbs to the added ingredients. Most people believe that in order to make chicken soup both nutritious and nutritious, it is necessary to add Chinese medicinal herbs, and the more the better. In fact, such an idea is only a logical speculation, an unfounded conclusion. There is a good saying: "This is a drug divided into three"! If your body doesn't have any symptoms, there's no need to add Chinese herbs to your chicken soup, as most Chinese herbs are self-propelled. If you eat too many cold or hot herbs, it is good for the body. There is no harm, so it is recommended that you stew the regular nourishing chicken soup and then add mushrooms, dates and goji berries. Don't add more, or it will backfire.

(4) The fire should be flexibly controlled and should not catch fire.

When stewing chicken soup, the chicken soup should be boiled over high heat, and then slowly simmered over low heat, never to be heated all the time. In this way, low-calorie and slow-cooked chicken can completely dissolve the protein and other nutrients in the chicken into the chicken broth, making the final stewed chicken broth more delicious and nutritious. If you use fire, not only is the chicken soup easy, but eventually there is no soup to drink, directly at high temperatures for a long time to stew the chicken, resulting in dry firewood. Finally, heat control must therefore be flexible.

(5) Salt should be added to the bottom of the pot.

When stewing chicken soup, salt should be added to the bottom of the pot, not too early. Adding salt too early can lead to a chemical reaction with the chicken, causing the chicken to dehydrate. Eventually the stewed chicken will be old and unpalatable, and the saltiness will decrease after a chemical reaction. That's why it's too early for everyone to add salt to their soup. Finally, I always feel that the soup is not salty, so everyone has to put some salt in the soup.

Actually, stewed chicken soup is not difficult. As long as you are more careful when stewing chicken soup, you can stew chicken soup to be very delicious and nutritious.