
I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

Today to share a dish that appears on my family menu every week - cream pasta ~ Cream pasta is an entry-level Western food, the ingredients are simple, the method is not cumbersome, it should be a dish that every kitchen white wants to try. Simple dishes are often the most challenging ingredient choice. As one of the main ingredients, I would choose Anja cream originally from New Zealand. The high milk fat content makes the resulting dish rich in milk and smooth in taste. Familiar with my old fans should also know that I usually use it to make cream cake, it is very easy and stable ~ This is a dish that will be discred if you are not careful, I highly recommend you to try, I hope that you will also like this issue ~

By Walk One's Food Diary


Olive oil to taste

5 cloves of garlic

1/4 onion

6 fresh mushrooms

Beef lunch meat in moderation

Anjia original butter to taste

Brandy 50ml

Anjia cream 80ml

Black pepper to taste

Salt 2 g to taste

Anga marsula cheese to taste

Pasta for 1 person

Parsley etc. (or other green parsley) to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

1. Prepare ingredients: minced garlic and onion; sliced mushrooms; fine strips of lunch meat.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

2: Pour olive oil into a pot, add onion and garlic and sauté until fragrant.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

3: Add a small piece of Anjia's original butter to enhance the flavor, pour in fresh mushrooms and lunch meat and fry until the surface is golden brown.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

4: Pour in The Angel Cream, Brandy, Anda Masula Cheese, grind some black pepper and salt to taste, mix well, leave the pot and set aside.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

5: Raise another pot and cook the pasta.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

6: Scoop out and put the whipped mushroom cream, scoop in a spoonful of boiling water, mix well, and let each pasta be wrapped in fresh mushroom cream.

I came to copy my homework and made a cream pasta that raced through the Western restaurant

7, high heat to collect the juice, plate; sprinkle the surface with green vanilla decoration, serve ~


1, butter melting point is low, please turn the heat down when cooking; 2, the unused cream needs to be sealed and refrigerated, and used within 3 days

<h2>Nutritional benefits of olive oil</h2>

1. Anti-cancer can reduce the occurrence of cancer and enhance the therapeutic effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer patients.

2. Anti-aging and Lizhijian brain can slow down the degradation of nerve cell function and brain atrophy in the elderly, which in turn can prevent and postpone the occurrence of senile dementia.

3. Radiation protection often use computers and people who often watch TV, often eat beneficial.

4. Improve the function of the digestive system Can promote bile secretion and intensify the vitality of pancreatic enzymes, so that it can play a role in preventing and controlling gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and biliary tract diseases

5. It can enhance the absorption of mineral calcium by the bones and is conducive to the prevention of osteoporosis.

6. The nutritional composition of olive oil is similar to breast milk, it is easy to absorb, and it can promote the development of nerves and bones in infants and young children, so it is an excellent nutrition for pregnant women and mothers.

7. Women often consume olive oil, which can enhance skin elasticity and receive the effect of emollient beauty: Greece has an island called Crete located in the Mediterranean, and the incidence of stroke, cancer and Senile dementia is the lowest in the world, almost no heart disease, and the average life expectancy is long. One reason that came out after the Who World Health Organization surveyed. The island is rich in olives, and the inhabitants use olive oil as a daily cooking oil: today, the most praised healthy dietary model by foreign nutritionists is the "Mediterranean diet", an important component of the Mediterranean diet, that is, the daily consumption of olive oil by residents.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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