
Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

The international cooperation platform for small and medium-sized enterprises created by the Alliance has been highly recognized by the international community

On February 22, at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Cao Fang, secretary general of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, made a special trip to Stralsund, Germany, to attend the "Chancellor Merkel's New Year Reception", and he was the only Chinese invited to participate in the meeting.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao presented Chancellor Merkel with pictures of Merkel made of Chinese plain crepe satin

The city of Stralsund is located in the pre-Pommerray district and is the constituency of Chancellor Angela Merkel. The city has a history of 785 years and was once a city of the Lufthansa League and the gateway to the Baltic Sea. In 2002, Stralsund was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the Old Town of Wismar. Recently, the city was named "the most beautiful city in Germany". On this trip to Stralsund, Secretary General Cao conducted a three-day inspection of the city and met with the mayor, Dr. Badrov, for more than an hour. The two sides will take the lead in cooperating in the following four areas: First, invite Rügen Island beer to participate in the second China International Import Expo to help island beer develop China's five-star hotel and high-end private club market. Germany is the birthplace of beer, and island beer from Rügen is the most high-end beer brand in Germany, which has won more than 10 world awards. Second, set up a "Hani Beer Hall Chain Store" in China's first- and second-tier cities. Hani is the owner of the Stralsund Ferry Terminal Beer Hall, which she runs, which has been visited by Chancellor Angela Merkel and more than 10 EU heads of state. The establishment of the Hani Beer Hall chain in China allows the Chinese people to taste hundreds of german high-quality beers, and at the same time makes each beer hall a base for Sino-German economic and cultural exchanges. Third, the "Yang Jizhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Chain Store" was opened in Stralsund to introduce china's most authoritative acupuncture brand - Yang Jizhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture for the city. The city's Longmu Chinese Cultural Communication Company will send staff to Quzhou, China to learn Yang Jizhou acupuncture. Fourth, it is planned to set up a "China Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center" in Stralsund to build the city into an important node city of the "Belt and Road", so that the city will become a trade gateway city for China's eight coastal countries in the Baltic Sea and the export of these countries' commodities to China, and restore Stralsund's past glory. A seminar on the "China Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center" project is planned to be held in Stralsund in October this year.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao met with Dr. Badrov, Mayor of Stralsund

Secretary General Cao Fang was able to receive a special invitation from Chancellor Merkel thanks to the global SME Alliance's perseverance in building the world's leading international cooperation platform for SMEs. From 1999 to the present, the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises has gone through a full 20 years. The Alliance has developed from a bilateral exchange agency between China and the United States to a global organization of small and medium-sized enterprises with international influence, which has been highly recognized by the international community.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao and Ms. Hani, owner of The Hani Beer Hall

First, the Alliance is highly recognized by United Nations agencies. As early as 22 November 2012, at the 40th session of the Industrial Development Board of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Alliance was granted consultative status with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. On November 7, 2018, the United Nations Capital Development Fund signed an agreement with the Alliance in Shanghai to form a strategic partnership to support the development of small and micro enterprises in 47 global least developed countries.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao inspected the Rügen Island Beer Enterprise

Second, the alliance is highly recognized by Chinese government agencies. As early as June 23, 2010, Zhejiang Province took the lead in signing a strategic cooperation agreement with the alliance. In late October of that year, the Alliance and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province jointly held the "2010 Zhejiang-American Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Cooperation Week" in the United States, and Lu Zushan, then governor of Zhejiang Province, led 200 backbone entrepreneurs in Zhejiang to cooperate with more than 1,000 American enterprises and reached more than 140 cooperation projects. In the past 20 years, through the alliance, 51 small and medium-sized cities in China and the United States have concluded cooperative city relations. In September 2017, the Alliance signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the People's Government of Anhui Province, the two sides successfully held the first World Manufacturing Conference in Hefei from May 24 to 26 last year, more than 100 leaders of the world's top 500 enterprises and global industry leaders attended the conference, the conference set a record for the number of projects signed by local governments to hold international conferences, a total of 436 signed cooperation projects, with a total investment of 447.1 billion yuan.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao inspected Scandic modular housing construction enterprises

Third, the alliance is highly recognized by international leaders. In addition to former German President Wulf as the global chairman of the alliance, the alliance has also received strong support from former UNITED Nations Secretaries-General Ban Ki-moon and Annan, former US Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Clinton, former French Presidents Sarkozy and Holland and former Prime Ministers Raffarin and Fillon, former British Prime Ministers Cameron and Brown, and former Japanese Prime Ministers Yasuo Fukuda and Yukio Hatoyama. These international leaders have played a very important role in the Alliance's efforts to build the world's leading platform for international cooperation on SMEs.

Cao Fang, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, attended Merkel's New Year reception

Secretary General Cao inspects the Rügen Island water resort

Fourth, the Alliance is highly recognized by the international business community. The Alliance has established partnerships with more than 500 international organizations and national business associations, and has built a global cooperation network. It has successively implemented the "Thousand Sino-US SME Partner Program", "1000 Sino-US SME Partnership Program" and "1000 Sino-African SME Partner Program", held more than 60 SME cross-border docking activities in various countries in the world, and more than 40,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in various countries have participated in the cooperation docking. In Hangzhou, the alliance and the World Packaging Center Group jointly built the World Packaging Industry Center and the China Qiantang River Phoenix IPO Center. At the beginning of this year, the headquarters building of the World Package Center with an investment of more than 4 billion yuan has passed the acceptance, and a number of international organizations, multinational companies and international financial institutions will settle in the center.

In the next 10 years, the alliance will focus on three major events: the first major event, holding a conference; the second major event, building a platform; and the third major event, creating a competition.

Host a conference: the World Manufacturing Congress. Today's world is undergoing a new round of great development, great change and great adjustment, and the new industrial revolution represented by intelligent manufacturing is in the ascendant, which will profoundly change the world development pattern and bring a strong impetus to global economic growth and the progress of human civilization. The top conference in global politics is the G20 summit, the top conference in the global economic community is the Davos Forum, and the alliance believes that there should also be a top conference in global industry. The goal of the Alliance is to make the World Manufacturing Congress the top congress of global industry. The second World Manufacturing Congress will be held in Hefei, China in September this year.

Build a platform: the global chamber of commerce cooperation network (business network). The alliance wants to connect more than 1 million chambers of commerce and associations around the world to create an interconnection platform for global business associations. E-commerce platforms have made positive contributions to promoting the international trade of small and medium-sized enterprises, but they only stay at the level of international trade, and have little to do with in-depth cooperation in the economic fields of various countries, such as cross-border investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, cross-border financing, cross-border listing, international brand cooperation, international technical cooperation, and international talent introduction. The Chamber of Commerce is an important bridge and link connecting the government and enterprises, society and enterprises, and enterprises and enterprises. The construction of the business network is to create a global platform for enterprises and local governments in various countries to attract investment and international in-depth cooperation.

Create a competition: the Global Science and Technology Innovation Competition. Science and technology is the foundation of a strong country, and innovation is the soul of national progress. President Xi Jinping pointed out: Whoever holds the bull's nose of scientific and technological innovation and who takes the first step of scientific and technological innovation will be able to seize the opportunity and win the advantage. In order to unite the innovation strength of global youth and serve the high-quality development of China's economy, the Alliance will work with relevant institutions to set up the "Global Science and Technology Innovation Award" in China to create the "Nobel Prize" of the global scientific and technological innovation community. The competition is scheduled to be held annually and will be chaired by five international political and business leaders. The world is divided into four major competitions, and the annual prize amount is 5 million US dollars.

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