
He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

author:Hedgehog reads

Balzac, the father of the modern French novel and a world-renowned literary artist, left many works in his lifetime, all of which are classic works that have attracted worldwide attention, creating countless vivid characters, which is a huge treasure for French literature and even world literature.

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Born into a middle-class family in France in 1799, Balzac began boarding at the age of 4, attending a church school and later attending law school, but it was clear that he seemed more interested in literary creation than in the legal field. After graduation he announced that he would change his career to literary creation, and his father was quite enlightened, but he was forced to give him a two-year experimental period, and soon he began to write Cromwell.

In the beginning, Balzac was not very smooth, in addition to his own writing, he also ran a printing factory, engaged in the publishing industry and related industries, but they were not very successful. His life was once difficult and in debt, and Balzac met Hugo at the age of 29, when Hugo was 26 years old and was making his mark on the french literary scene.

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Balzac then wrote a series of novels, including novellas, novellas, and short stories. This stage was the peak of his creation. In his early 30s, Balzac published novels non-stop throughout the year, in addition to papers, philosophical studies, custom studies, and so on.

The Comedy of Man was one of Balzac's main works, and the first volume of The Comedy of Man was published in April 1842. Until Balzac's death in 1850, the Comedy of Man was not completed, and Balzac left this world with regret. "The Comedy of Man" is known as a mirror of French society, and it is also known as the French encyclopedia, balzac in "The Comedy of Man" to show the customs of French society, as well as the social outlook of French society as a whole, which can be said to be all-encompassing.

The Tall Old Man is also one of Balzac's masterpieces, written in 1834, when Balzac was 35 years old. "The Tall Old Man" is the prologue to "Human Comedy". It was the beginning of "The Comedy of Man". In this novel, Balzac has created many shining characters, and "The Tall Old Man" is also one of the most typical characters created by Balzac, a microcosm of the French bourgeois religious feudal concept. Although the name of the novel is named after the tall old man, the whole work is decentralized, in fact, his main character is other than Rastigne, and Rastigné's character growth path is also very representative. Rastigné is portrayed in the role of a young careerist, and it can be said that his development history, which includes the tragic part of the tall old man. A provincial youth eager to enter the upper class, his feelings have undergone great changes, his personality has been portrayed very distinctly, he has both individuality and common performance, he is a wonderful part of "The Tall Old Man".

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

The "Scrooge" in "The Comedy of Man" is also known to many people, and in this novel Balzac created the classic image of Eugenie Grande, one of the four miserly ghosts in the world's famous works.

On August 18, 1950, Balzac died at the age of 51, plunging the whole of France into grief. At Balzac's funeral on August 20, Hugo read out his funeral speech. He said: Among the greatest men, Balzac is at the top, and among the best, Balzac is the best.

Balzac was a literary magnate, and his works are worth reading. Today, let's enjoy 10 quotes from Baldazac in honor of this world-renowned writer.

A person who can think is a person with boundless power. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Money and contempt are the spiritual food of the scrooge. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

The wisdom of life probably lies in asking why everything. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

The power of thought to anesthetize people is far less powerful than words. A person who talks a lot will believe his words. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

In demeanor, as in all kinds of things, the only thing that does not age is the heart. People with good hearts are simple and simple. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Truly talented people are always kind, frank, straightforward, and never reserved; their sarcasm is only a mental game, not directed at the self-esteem of others. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Life is a habit we follow in the environment we like. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

Except for the wise man who has no other property, time is the only capital. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

To achieve marital happiness, one must climb a mountain with narrow paths and steep rocks. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

The flowers of life bloom only after labor. — Balzac

He was the father of the French novel, and Balzac's ten aphorisms, thorough and worth reading

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