
Seventy years of housing construction The people are full of a sense of gain

author:People's Daily News

People's Daily

The 4-episode series of feature films "Settling in China", jointly produced by the Central Radio and Television Corporation and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, was recently broadcast in the prime time of the CCTV comprehensive channel, which triggered a warm response from all walks of life, and cadres and masses throughout the country watched the program and deeply felt the brilliant achievements in the housing field, especially in the field of housing security, since the founding of New China 70 years ago.

Xu Zewei, secretary of the party branch and chairman of the 91 Science and Technology Group, said: "In the traditional thinking of Chinese, the home is the smallest unit that maintains social relations, and the house is the carrier of this relationship, so having a house is one of the basic needs of the general public. I saw from "Living in China" that our country has moved from 'having a house to live well' stage, and I can most feel the original mission of the Communist Party of China to seek happiness for the Chinese people. ”

Ping Shantao, who works in Beijing's Haidian district, is deeply touched by the story of condominium housing in the film, and last year, he solved the housing problem because of this policy. "At that time, 30% of the condominium housing in Beijing was allocated to non-Beijing families, and I also bought a two-bedroom apartment in Haidian District. The next step is for me to get married with my girlfriend and fulfill the promise I've made to her for years. ”

Bu Yu, a 2018 master's student at the School of Journalism of Fudan University, said that by watching "Living in China", she learned about the development of China's housing security system and the reform process after the founding of New China. "Most of my parents' generation built their own houses, the houses are relatively simple, and there are greater safety hazards. Now, many families in China have moved into commercial housing, the quality of housing has been greatly improved, and the property management of the community is becoming more and more standardized. In the city, more and more shantytowns have been renovated, and the number of affordable housing has been increasing, and the quality has been continuously improved, allowing more people to live in peace. ”

"The story of the house change in the film seems to pull me back to the 90s of the last century. I bought a house renovation in 1996, the per capita housing area increased from 3 square meters to 10 square meters, and then after the listing of the house renovation transaction, we replaced a larger set of ordinary commercial housing. It can be said that without the original housing resale policy, there would be no later family's peace and contentment. Huang Ruifen, who lives in Guangzhou, said.

Ding Rongying, who lives in shengheyuan community in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, was deeply touched by the story of public rental housing in the film, and she said that the national public rental housing policy not only solved her family's housing problem, but also completely changed the fate of her family. "I had an operation the year before, and it was very difficult to rely on my pension and have to live and recuperate. Thanks to the country's public rental housing policy, we moved into public rental housing in 2018 and have our own home, I can rest assured that I can recuperate. When I get better, I will be employed again, and I believe that my life will get better and better every day. ”

Liu Cihang, a senior algorithm engineer at Alibaba, said, "I was very touched by the real little stories in "Settling in China", public rental housing allows Gong Yiping and his old family to have a warm home, low-cost housing allows Chen Haohan to study with peace of mind, and strengthens his ideal of serving the motherland as a soldier." Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the implementation of various affordable housing policies has enabled the people to live in a home and feel at ease. It is precisely because of these policies to benefit the people that young people can work hard in big cities with peace of mind, and the elderly can enjoy the world in their hometown. ”

"In the 70 years since the founding of New China, China's housing market has undergone tremendous changes, and the per capita housing construction area has increased several times, which is a miracle." Chen Kangmei, president of the Real Estate Valuation and Brokerage Industry Association in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, said, "Houses are used to live, not to speculate, which points out the direction for cracking the current housing problem." As practitioners, we must make greater contributions to the healthy and orderly development of the real estate market with a high sense of responsibility. ”

"Over the past 70 years, under the leadership of the party, the housing conditions of the masses of the people have been greatly improved." Yang Zhanbao, former director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Heilongjiang Province, said that all the achievements made in the housing field and all the efforts of the housing and urban-rural construction departments are aimed at realizing the people's dream of "living and having a home." Guo Hongding, director of the Housing Security and Real Estate Bureau of Nanjing Municipality, Jiangsu Province, said that he will continue to carry forward the fine work traditions of the housing and urban-rural construction departments, always maintain the original intention and mission of the communists, add bricks and tiles to the housing security work at work, and accelerate the solution of the housing problems of the people in difficulty.

(Reporters Liu Yang, Zhao Bing, Zheng Haiou, Cheng Long, Yang Hao)

People's Daily ( 06/10/2019)

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