
The people's congress attending the visiting district, deputy secretary of the Luozha County CPC Committee, and county magistrate Baima Dorji

author:China Tibet News Network

The government work report pointed out that it is necessary to intensify border construction and further increase the income of border residents.

He said: In recent years, in accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government for the functional positioning of border counties as "ecology, enriching the people, and consolidating the border," Luozha County has adhered to the important strategic thinking of "governing the country must govern the border, and governing the border before stabilizing Tibet" and the basic principles of "governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and rejuvenating Tibet, building Tibet for a long time, rallying people's hearts, and laying a solid foundation." Centering on the general requirements of "promoting harmony and stability in the border areas and promoting the masses of border people to get rid of poverty and increase income," luozha County has adopted the "one-two-three-four" work method in light of reality, solidly promoted the project of consolidating the border areas and enriching the people, and vigorously built it." Economic development, social harmony, border people prosperity, border stability" of the new pattern of consolidating the border and enriching the people.

Start early and science leads to "one line". Baima Dorji said: Luozha County has always adhered to the work mechanism of "grasping the work with one hand and one grasping the work to the end," studied and deployed many special topics, formulated an implementation plan for the project of consolidating the border and enriching the people, set up a leading group for the work of consolidating the border and enriching the people, and clearly defined the responsibilities of all departments at all levels in the county in the work of consolidating the border and enriching the people, and formed a "one-line" work pattern in which the principal leaders personally grasp the work, the leaders in charge are in charge of the specific management, the staff is specifically handled, and the work is grasped one by one and grasped at each level.

Grasp the key, three-dimensional joint defense "two hands hard". Baima Dorji introduced: The county party committee and the county government have intensified propaganda and education, built a solid and stable border mentality, further enhanced their political awareness, awareness of the overall situation, awareness of the core, and awareness of alignment, carried out the activities of "bringing the law into ten thousand homes, the policy of benefiting the people into tents, pairing up relatives into pastures, and the national flag and party flag into pastoral points." They have widely publicized the party's policy of consolidating the border and enriching the people among the border people, so that the masses know where and where the benefits come from, thus laying a solid mass foundation for the smooth and orderly advancement of the project of consolidating the border and enriching the people. A reward and punishment mechanism for border residents to participate in the maintenance of the stable border has been established, and the special subsidy funds for the maintenance of the stable border have been implemented in a timely manner.

Heavy people's strength, build a solid edge "four passes". The first is to strictly control the "position" and strive to be the "goalkeeper" who guards the soil and fixes the border. In view of the special regional situation in Luozha County, Luozha County has continuously strengthened the guidance of public opinion, earnestly strengthened the propaganda and education and positive guidance of the masses, enhanced the awareness of the front, strictly controlled the passes, and built a solid border barrier. The second is to strictly control the "manpower pass" and strive to be the "sentinels" who guard the soil and fix the border. The third is to strictly control the "guarantee pass" and strive to be the "attendant" who guards the land and fixes the border. In recent years, with the strong support and care of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Luozha County has increased investment to further improve the infrastructure conditions on the front line of the border, improve the production and living standards of border residents, and effectively improve the ability to guard the land and consolidate the border. The fourth is to strictly control the "information gate" and strive to be a "correspondent" who guards the land and fixes the border.

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