
Wu Yifan "said", one wrong step at a time. Have you ever had an epiphany? Find your life direction from now on

author:Flowing rosary vs flowing rosary

That moment

He Li, CEO of Interface, said that he was an extremely intrepid person when he was a child. At that time, whenever there was a small dispute between his classmates, he would hide away. He often agonized over this: how will such an untreated self face the long life in the future? One night when he was 14, he lost sleep because he had read a novel called "The Bullfly" that day. The moment he closed the entire book, He Li understood that "Bullfly" saved himself. Years later he told a friend, "For someone like me who may not be as tough by nature, 'Bullfly' gives me a reason to face life." ”

Conceptual photographer Ma Liang was quite unconfident when he first began to contact photography, especially after a busy day of running, he couldn't help but think: He is not a person who is different from ordinary people in talent, in many ways inferior to others, just mixed in the photography circle, will there be a way out? One morning, he woke up to see a piece of paper pasted on the head of his bed. This is a wall calendar paper, but also a calligraphy work of my father. Ma Liang saw that his father had written a sentence on the back of the calendar paper: "The hard-hearted people are not worthy of the day, and the three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu with a low salary. After reading this line, Ma Liang was greatly encouraged. Since then, he has believed in only one thing: what he has identified, as long as he does it repeatedly, seriously, and uses all his enthusiasm and strength, he will be able to do it well.

Singer Daisyantana, when she was in her sophomore year of college, was attracted to everything in the city. She was in the music department at the time, just learning makeup, just learning to wear very fashionable clothes. What she had in mind was to be different from everyone else, especially from the girls in her hometown. Once, my father drove to pick up Deutsintana and take her home. On the way, they met a fellow shepherd who wanted to hitchhike. After sitting in the car, the shepherd looked at Dai Qingtana carefully, and then pointed to the driver and asked, "Are you his daughter?" Desantana replied, "Yes." She thought that the shepherd's fellow countrymen would either sigh and lament that the father and daughter in the car were so different in dressing, or they were a good meal and boasted that they were rich in urban atmosphere. Unexpectedly, he just proudly said a word: "I also have a daughter, as old as you, she is a wild horse on the grassland!" Destintana was shocked by this sentence. At that moment, she suddenly saw herself and began to know herself: I should not go with the flow, but should seriously be myself, to know my home, to know my life.

Photographer Yao Ruizhong's greatest interest as a child was to deal with stamps brought back from outside by his father. Each time, he carefully cut the stamps and the envelopes, soaked them in water, separated the stamps from the envelopes, and then took them to the sun to dry, and finally collected them. From the stamps, he saw different landscapes from all over the world. Once, Yao Ruizhong looked at a stamp he had just received. Looking at the exotic scenery on the stamp, he suddenly became depressed: What will I do when I grow up? Do you know the outside world every day through stamps? Another day, my father brought back something similar in appearance to a stamp—a negative of a photograph. Yao Ruizhong held up the negative, examining the scenery on the negative little by little. The father suddenly said, "Child, the world is out there, waiting for you to explore." At that moment, Yao Ruizhong was hit in the heart. Growing up, he really lifted his camera and ran around the world. When asked why he chose photography, he replied, "I used to like to collect stamps printed by others, but later, I felt that I could make my own 'stamps' through my camera. In the small negatives, I saw myself and the whole world. ”

I've had similar moments of epiphany. At the age of 28, I gave birth to Erbao, who had a large congenital colon. Before the operation, the child cannot defecate on his own and can only rely on us to defecate for him every day. For a long time, I lamented in my heart: Why is God so unfair, giving us a new life at the same time, but also giving us a worry? One morning, I was woken up by a burst of laughter. I opened my eyes and saw a picture of four-year-old Dabao lying on the edge of my bed, holding a hydrogen balloon, pulling up and down. Dabao "giggled" and laughed incessantly, and Erbao also laughed non-stop. At that moment, the entanglement in my heart suddenly disappeared: In addition to the intestines of the second treasure is a little abnormal, the others are the same as the big treasure, can eat, drink, sleep and play more, at present, these two vivid and lovely lives and I have become a mother and son, what else am I not satisfied?

People's lives, more or less, have had moments that make you have an epiphany. These moments either let you see through a person, or let you see through a thing, or let you understand a life. These moments give us the ability to re-examine ourselves and the ability to re-understand the world.

Author: Zhang Zhurong

This article was published in Liaoning Youth, July-August 2021

Please indicate the source of the reprint: today's headline "flowing rosary vs flowing rosary"

Zhang Zhurong, a freelance writer after the 80s, a member of the Fuzhou Writers Association, sometimes fireworks and sometimes literature and art, often under the pen name "Liu Rosary" and the original name of the post. In the past ten years, he has signed contracts with magazines such as Reader, Yilin, Fraternity, Enlightenment and Wisdom and so on.

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