
If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

Wu Yifan, sued again!

If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

People sit in prison, and misfortune comes from endorsements.

If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

If it wasn't for Vantage's hot search for money, I almost forgot About Wu Yifan, and sure enough, the Internet has no memory.

If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

An attentive friend found the news from the Eye of Heaven. Recently, Vantage Company (Kitchen Appliance Manufacturing Company) sued Wu Yifan Company for refunding service fees of 17.5 million yuan and interest.

Shrimp pig heart, but that's it.

If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

Is this the tree falling down and scattering, the wall falling down and the crowd pushing? Does Wu Yifan still have a chance to respond to this matter?

I think vantage went to ask for money during this time period, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone

1, take advantage of the Internet and memory, free heat, directly on the hot search!

2, cater to the psychology of the public to eat melons, look forward to the development or reversal of things

3, maybe the money front will not come back, but through the hot search to re-let the Vantage brand return to the public eye

4, perhaps when Wu Yifan had an accident, Emperor Hua was lucky. Thinking that Wu Yifan can still be safe and sound, gamble on Wu Yifan's gratitude.

Now the complete tearing of the face with Wu Yifan proves that Wu Yifan's crimes have been completely confirmed.

If you want money, you can also be on the hot search! Vantage sued Wu Yifan Company to repay tens of millions of endorsement fees, can it eat melon?

Cut it in two, don't you think it's a little late?

Why not be more direct when you want money at the time of the accident?

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