
Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

author:Xiao Leng said popular science

Introduction: Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, they do not know that they are the "king of fresh water", and they can only be caught by luck

Grass carp is more familiar to everyone, which is also the most common fish in the market, as one of the four major fish, grass carp in the north and south of China are distributed, and also often used to make sauerkraut fish, boiled fish and so on. It is also because of the fame of grass carp that even many people who are not familiar with it know that there is such a fish as grass carp.

Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

And sometimes in the market, if you are lucky, you will see a fish that looks like a grass carp. Many young people do not recognize it and often mistake it for grass carp, but it is the "king of fresh water", the price is more than ten times that of grass carp, and it is called "water spirit". Nowadays, it is rarely seen in the wild, and only people with good luck can occasionally encounter it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > coarse-scaled fish that looks much like grass</h1>

A few days ago, watching the news, I saw that someone caught two coarse-scaled fish in the wild, because they were very beautiful, they were reluctant to eat, but raised them in their own fish tanks. However, tragedy happened, these two coarse scaled fish were very restless, and actually relied on their own strength advantages to break the glass of the fish tank.

Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

This video has also triggered a lot of netizens on the Internet, some elderly people can see at a glance that this is a coarse scale fish, but some young people want to raise the bar to say that this is grass carp. It is no wonder that the coarse scale fish is very rare in the market now, and many people have not seen it, plus it does look like a grass carp, it is not difficult to understand why it is mistaken for grass carp.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > rough scale fish is also called military fish</h1>

Coarse-scaled fish is also called yellow croaker in the folk, because of the misinformation in some places, it is said to be a military fish, a general fish, and some places directly call it a green stick fish. In fact, the coarse scale fish just looks very similar to the grass carp, it is not a grass carp, nor a bluefish, it is a freshwater fish belonging to the order Cyprinid, carp family, catfish subfamily, barbed catfish, and the scientific name is light barbed catfish.

This is a relatively small, but very powerful fish. As can be seen from its name, the coarse-scaled fish has very large and beautiful scales, much larger than the scales of grass carp. And it is worth mentioning that the scales of the coarse scale fish are edible, very nutritious, and quite delicious to eat. In the folk to eat coarse scale fish, generally even the fish scales are eaten together, but the fish scales are removed and the meat is not delicious, which is very special.

Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

Coarse-scaled fish is a river fish to be precise, and it prefers to be in some of the turbulent rivers, gravel bottoms, and very clear water. This fish also grows relatively slowly, generally growing less than 3 pounds in the wild for 3 years. But because it is a carnivorous fish, it is destined to be more ferocious and powerful. Among the fish of equal size, the coarse-scaled fish is definitely the king of strength. Fishing for bluefish in the wild, but also because of the growing environment, coupled with its great strength, some people like the way of sea fishing, and some people prefer Luya.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > value reference for military fish</h1>

The coarse-scaled fish has been a top freshwater fish since ancient times, and it used to be basically wild. In the spring and summer, with the increase of precipitation, when the water in the river rises, there will be a lot of military fish coming along the water. Compared with grass carp, although the appearance of this fish is similar, the military fish is smaller and the appearance value is far more than that of grass carp.

In addition, Junyu likes to grow in clear water and is a relatively clean fish. Probably because of this, military fish do not have any fishy smell. In the past, the two Cantonese regions liked to use it to make raw fish to eat, directly cut it into thin fish fillets, and then dipped in sauce to eat raw, the taste is very crisp, let people taste endlessly.

Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

This fish is currently very rare in the market and can only be encountered when you are lucky. And because of its great fame, the nutritional value is very high, but it is very rare, and now the value is also higher, generally sold to ten times the price of grass carp, that is, to seventy or eighty yuan a catty, in some places also more than 100 yuan. Such a high price is a veritable "king of fresh water".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > why are there fewer and fewer troops now? </h1>

In the past, there were more military fish in rivers and reservoirs, and friends who liked to fish often caught them. But now this fish is very rare, one of the important reasons is that this fish has high requirements for water quality, and its spawning requirements are very high on the environment, only spawning in running water. Therefore, the breeding rate is not high, and the water quality in many places has also been seriously affected, which is not suitable for the growth of military fish, and it is naturally far less than before.

Often mistaken by young people as grass carp, do not know that it is the "king of fresh water", good luck to catch a coarse scale fish that looks very similar to the grass, thick scale fish is also called military fish military fish Value reference Why is there less and less army now?

However, the artificial breeding of military fish has also been realized now, but because this fish has high requirements for water quality, like ordinary fish ponds can not be farmed at all, there must be flowing water, and it is a large reservoir to be farmed, which also takes the initiative To breed the cost is very large, and unlike other fish that can be farmed everywhere. Coupled with the slow growth of this fish, it can only grow two or three pounds in three years, which is why even farmed military fish have to sell for forty or fifty yuan a catty.

People who don't know the healer may have doubts about his being called "the spirit of the water" or "the king of fresh water", but when you have seen it, you know that this fish is not an ordinary fish. Now for many friends who like to fish, military fish is more popular than blue fish, and it is fortunate to catch a military fish that can be blown for several days.

Are there still military fish in your hometown? What kind of fish do you call it locally?

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