
The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points

author:Concord Online Pharmacy
The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points
The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points

The importance of the ovaries to women is self-evident. But what happens when the ovaries also begin to age? Are there any good, easy ways to care for our ovaries in our daily lives? Let's take a look at the specific content together.

The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points

<h1>Ovarian degeneration is what is going on</h1>

With age, due to genetics, environment, behavior and other factors, women's ovarian function will gradually decline, and eventually menopause will occur. When ovulation stops, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone will also fluctuate, and the physiological and metabolic activities associated with it will inevitably be affected.

According to statistics, the average age of menopause in Chinese women is 49.5 years old, 80% are between 44-54 years old, and menopause after 40 years old is in the normal range. If menopause is before the age of 40, it may be premature ovarian failure (POF). Premature ovarian failure refers to the decline of ovarian function and amenorrhea in women before the age of 40. The incidence of premature ovarian failure in women of childbearing age has increased year by year and has a tendency to develop towards a younger age.

The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points

<h1>So how do we take care of our ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points</h1>

1. Ensure adequate nutrition

It is recommended that you can regularly consume some foods rich in lutein, lycopene and tea polyphenols in your life. All three are antioxidant nutrients that work synergistically to protect cells, fight free radicals, and play a good role in maintaining the health and vitality of various organs in the body.

This type of food is mostly derived from dark vegetables. In addition, you should try to eat less smoked, pickled, fried, high-salt, high-oil foods. Eat light foods that are low in fat, sugar, and salt.

2, do not lose weight excessively

Underweight can also damage the function of the ovaries, and in severe cases, it can even lead to imbalances in the body's hormone secretion, causing amenorrhea and even premature ovarian failure. For this, female friends must pay attention to it!

3. Quit smoking and alcohol

Smoking can also cause a woman's ovarian reserve function to decline, and the quality of the eggs is poor. Now many expectant mothers are prone to lower progesterone in the early stages of pregnancy, or some patients will miscarry, which is also related to our smoking, it is recommended that you can still quit the best!

4. Get enough sleep

Frequent staying up late, or irregular work and rest will also cause the biological clock to be disturbed, the neuroendocrine system is dysfunctional, and the hormone secretion is unbalanced, which will have adverse effects on ovarian function.

5. Relax

Under the long-term emotional distress and stimulation of emotional instability, depression, anxiety and other undesirable emotions, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone may be secreted abnormally, ovulation dysfunction, amenorrhea, and premature ovarian failure in severe cases. Therefore, maintaining a good mood and mindset is equally essential for maintaining ovarian function.

The ovaries are a woman's "source of life"! Care for the ovaries, from the simple 5 points to start the ovarian degeneration what is going on, so how do we care for the ovaries? Take a look at these 5 points

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For more information on the prevention and treatment of ovarian aging, please click "Learn More" below to view.

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