
Popular Science: Water is the source of life

author:Happy Pomegranate Red
Popular Science: Water is the source of life

Water, the most good and the soft, is willing to give up the position of nobility and prominence, and to bow to the lowliness that the people do not want to treat. Exhausting all that is in content with all things, but indisputable to the world. Where there is water, it is where all things grow, so we say that water is the source of all life.

First, the origin of water

When the Earth first formed, there were no rivers, no oceans, and no life, its surface was dry, and there was very little moisture in the atmosphere. So where does the vast sea, the rushing river, the vast lakes, the strange shape of the ice and snow, and the surging springs underground and the rain and snow clouds in the sky come from? There are various hypotheses about the origin of water on Earth, and the more popular view is that water comes from within the Earth. About 4.6 billion years ago, the primordial Earth was born. At that time, there were countless small stars of different sizes on the periphery of the Sun, and the primordial Earth was one of them. In the process of orbiting the sun, small stars collide frequently, and it is in this process that the Earth absorbs many other astral materials, gradually becoming a large planet in the solar system. The collision converted the kinetic energy of the impact into heat, so that for a long period of time, the original Earth remained in a hot molten state. Under the action of high temperatures, the water in the earth's internal metamorphosis gradually escapes from the surface in the form of water vapor, and they are bound by the earth's gravity and become part of the earth's primordial atmosphere. As the small star disappears, the impact gradually stops, and the Earth's temperature begins to drop, gradually forming a solid surface. When the atmospheric temperature drops below 100 °C, the water vapor condenses and falls to the surface in the form of rain. Rainwater further lowers surface temperatures, resulting in more precipitation. Rainwater collects in low-lying areas on the surface, forming pristine oceans, lakes and rivers that are the first liquid waters on Earth. From the original primary water to today's natural water bodies, it has undergone a long evolution in terms of water quantity and water quality. It is estimated that 3.5 billion years ago the amount of water in the Earth's surface was only one-tenth of the amount of water currently available. For more than 3 billion years, water has been escaping from the earth's interior, and the amount of surface water has gradually increased. After billions of years of earth evolution, it finally formed the rivers, lakes and seas we see now. When we open the world map, when we face the globe, most of the area that appears in front of us is bright blue. Looking at the Earth from space, the Earth we inhabit is an oval, extremely beautiful azure sphere. Water is the most abundant natural substance on the earth's surface, water accounts for seventy percent of the earth's surface area, with an average depth of 3,600 meters, and the volume of water accounts for ninety-one percent compared with the volume of land, compared with only thirty percent of the earth's surface area, the average height is only eight hundred meters, and the earth is a veritable large water balloon compared with the land that occupies only thirty percent of the earth's surface area and the average height of only eight hundred meters.   

Popular Science: Water is the source of life

Water is the source of life

Scientists have proved that the first life on Earth was born in a pristine ocean 3.5 billion years ago, cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria, also known as cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, are single-celled organisms (organisms with only one cell) and prokaryotes (organisms composed of prokaryotic cells). At the beginning of the earth' birth, there was no oxygen in the earth's atmosphere, but there was a lot of carbon dioxide. Cyanobacteria, which inhale carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and release oxygen, are also the earliest oxygen producers.

Scientists have also analyzed 3.77 billion-year-old "elderly" rocks and found tubular fossils with structures similar to those found around deep-sea hydrothermal vents, which are ideal places to nurture biomes. That's 300 million years earlier than the earliest known sign of life on Earth, the fossil layer of microbial algae growing in shallow seas.

Regardless of the final conclusion, there is no doubt that the earliest life in the world was born in water!

Popular Science: Water is the source of life

In fact, the human body can also be called a body of water. The proportion of water in the body of newborns can be as high as 80%-90%, the proportion of water in adult tissues accounts for about 70%, the proportion of water in the tissues of middle-aged people accounts for about 60%, and the proportion of water in the tissues of the elderly accounts for 50%. In human organs, the brain marrow contains 75% water, the blood contains 83% water, the muscles contain 76% water, and even the hard bones contain 22% water! In terms of a single cell in the human body, the chemical composition of the cell is mainly water, which can account for about 90% of a cell.

Water is an important nutrient in the human body that provides energy, participates in biochemical reactions, transports nutrients, expels toxins, protects the body, keeps the environment stable in the human body and maintains the state of cells. Water is the medium for absorbing nutrients and transporting nutrients, and it is also the carrier for excreting waste, and people complete the metabolic process through the circulation of water in the body. In this process, water also has the role of human body heat dissipation, regulating body temperature, lubricating joints and internal organs, etc., which is essential for human life. The human body can lose all fat, half protein, and can barely survive, but the loss of water is much more serious. 2% dehydration, dry mouth and tongue; 5% dehydration, irritability; dehydration 10%, dehydration symptoms; 15% of dehydration will be unconscious, and dehydration of 20% will be life-threatening. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that water is the source of life.

Third, water loss leads to decay

Scientific research has confirmed that life, old age, illness and death are related to the loss of water in the human body, for example, the water in the body of newborn male babies accounts for 86.8% of their body weight, and the childhood accounts for 71%, the skin at this time is delicate and shiny, the vitality is vigorous, and it is a period of rapid growth and development; The water in the body accounts for 60% of the body weight in the young adulthood, and at this time, due to the decrease of water, growth and development are slow or even stagnant; An 80-year-old man's moisture accounts for only 49.8% of his body weight, when his skin is dry, wrinkled and withered. Scientists believe that the intracellular water in the elderly is 30-40% less than in youth, showing a relatively dehydrated state, and the blood cholesterol content is more, the blood viscosity is high, the blood vessel lining is more damaged, the blood flow rate is slow, the sweat glands and fat glands of sebum are gradually degenerated, the regulatory role of physiological functions is often difficult to give full play, the body will absorb the necessary water from the cells, and life will produce a dehydrated metabolite in the metabolic process, sodium ions, calcium oxalate, cholesterol crystals, etc. These dehydrated metabolites gradually accumulate in the human body and in the capillaries, hindering the normal progress of body fluids and microcirculation, slowing down the metabolism and thus accelerating the aging process. The most common symptoms are: dry skin, wrinkle growth, decreased sebum secretion, easy to constipation, can cause dizziness, headache and lack of energy and other symptoms; Urination decreases, toxic substances accumulate in the body, and enter the brain to stimulate brain tissue, causing mental changes, renal failure occurs; Blood concentration thickens, the vascular cavity narrows, prone to coronary artery blood supply deficiency, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction and other symptoms. Although water loss is a regular process of gradual loss, in general, "water loss" is an irreversible process, and the flower of life will also wither due to the "drying up of water" until it disappears.

Fourth, the science of drinking water

Normal people take in water from diet and drinking water every day, adults are about 2500 ml / day, and the amount of water intake should generally be balanced with the daily water discharged by the human body. For example, adults have an average daily urine output of about 1500 ml, the skin and respiratory tract excrete about 800 ml, and the feces are 100 to 200 ml, for a total of about 2500 ml.

Therefore, normal people need to drink about 1500 ml of water every day in addition to eating, about 6 to 8 glasses of water to meet the needs of human metabolism.

Popular Science: Water is the source of life

Since water is so important to human beings, the quality of water that people consume every day is a crucial issue, which is directly related to human health. There are a large number of records in ancient and modern China and abroad, whether it is a "longevity village" or a local disease that occurs in some areas, the reason is related to the local drinking water, good water brings health, and polluted water brings disease. Therefore, drinking healthy water that is not only harmless to human health but also beneficial is an urgent need of people today. Modern people should not only focus on the purity of water and ignore the physiological role of water. Healthy water that can be directly drunk is direct drinking water, and there are seven national standards that China's direct drinking water must meet:

1. Does not contain any toxic, harmful and odorous substances to the human body;

2, the hardness of water is between 30-200 (in terms of calcium carbonate);

3. The mineral content required by the human body is moderate;

4. The pH value is weakly alkaline;

5. The dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the water is moderate;

6. The water molecule group is small;

7. The nutritional and physiological function of water is strong.

According to the needs of the human body, how to achieve scientific drinking water?

1. In order to maintain the best water balance in the body, in addition to providing 1000 ml of food and 300 ml of water produced by body metabolism, normal adults should drink 1200-1800 ml of water per day, which can be appropriately adjusted according to drinking habits, age, nature of work, and health status. It is best for the elderly to drink about 1500 ml of water per day (about 6-8 cups). For patients with renal insufficiency, hypertension, congestive heart failure, etc., they should act according to medical advice.

2. Drink boiled water with tap water. Tap water has national standards, not only no harmful substances, but also contains a variety of minerals needed by the human body, its physical and chemical properties and cell water are similar, the easiest to enter the cell. Although all kinds of pure water is sterile, it filters out the beneficial substances in the water, and more importantly, destroys the structure of the water (that is, the water molecule group), so that it cannot fully realize the various functions of water, so it cannot be drunk for a long time.

3. The most representative water that is beneficial to the body is the weak alkaline small molecule cluster water. After people drink weak alkaline small molecule group water, fat will be decomposed, activate human cells, improve the body's own disease resistance, and maintain the health of internal organs because alkaline small molecule group water and body fluids are very close, the activity of microorganisms in the intestine will also become active, and nutritional metabolism will be more vigorous.

4. Reasonable drinking method: scientific drinking water is to slow down many times and drink less,

Take the initiative to drink water regularly, do not wait for thirst to drink water. But do not drink too much water to make the cell swollen, water intoxication occurs; Also do not drink overheated water to avoid inflammation of the mouth, esophagus and gastric mucosa; Do not drink water at mealtimes and immediately after meals to affect the secretion of digestive juices and cause indigestion.

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