
The source of life - remember fire safety

author:Morning 275008043

Winter is dry, the fire is merciless, and the fire safety alarm bell is always ringing. Once a year 119, the bell rings once a year. In order to effectively improve the fire safety awareness and self-help ability of all teachers and students, in accordance with the spirit of the Municipal Education Bureau document and the arrangement of the school's safety education work in 2021, work together to ensure the safety of teachers and students in our school and create a strong campus fire safety environment, Eshan Town Middle School in Yicheng District has formulated a fire safety evacuation drill plan and conducted a fire evacuation safety drill at 10:00 a.m. on November 9, 2021.

The class teacher 9:50 forward class to the post, explain the relevant safety evacuation matters, all other responsible teachers in place, sequential evacuation, when going downstairs, students are not allowed to push each other in the stairs or corridors, to avoid falling and stampede accidents.

The source of life - remember fire safety

At 10:05, listen to the signal, direct the students to evacuate in an orderly manner, each taking responsibility for his own responsibilities, and the responsibilities are in place. During the evacuation, bend over, cover the nostrils with your right hand or collar to prevent inhalation of toxic gases, move forward quickly and orderly, do not run in a panic, and do not scramble.

The source of life - remember fire safety

After the students of each class arrive at the concentration site, they will assemble in the class as a unit, and the class leader will immediately count the number of people and report the situation to the class teacher.

The source of life - remember fire safety
The source of life - remember fire safety

 Through this activity, all teachers and students fully understand the importance of the "119 Fire Day" publicity activities, clarify the tasks, responsibility to the people, grasp the implementation at all levels, and achieve better results.

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