
Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

author:Letter from Ten Moons

The girlfriend said: "The cat is good to the hamster, often walking with the hamster at noon, and letting the hamster climb on his back to bask in the sun."

Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

I said, "No way, aren't cats and rats natural enemies?"

My girlfriend showed me pictures, facts speak louder than words, I have nothing more to say!

Hamsters have a short lifespan, generally only 3 years, so the girlfriend's little hamster went first, according to the girlfriend, her cat was sad for a long time. Therefore, cat crying rats is not false compassion, people also have feelings.

The girlfriend was telling the story at the dinner table when a man asked, "Do you women all want to be that hamster?" Weak, pitiful, and protected, cared for, and loved by cats much stronger than themselves, so that their kind of people envy, envy, and hate? ”

The girlfriend immediately hit back: "What's so bad about being a hamster?" The reason why our cat likes hamsters is because it is a lonely cat, it lives in a closed environment, there is no other living thing in the house except me, and I can only give it food and drink, and I can't give it companionship, because I am busy, so it likes hamsters.

Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

Hamster is weak, there is no threat to it, attached to it, rely on it, and because there is a cat as a companion, so in the world of rats, not only no rat dares to bully it, everyone even has to talk about it, envy it, see, how people get a cat. ”

Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

We all laughed, the originally inseparable species, the deep hatred of generations, was wiped out - are they because of love or because of lack of love?

It's a bit like having a type of marriage. Many people marry not because of love, but because they don't like loneliness, so the cat likes the hamster, and the hamster also loves the cat. Neither cats nor hamsters have much choice, so they love each other. It's like why many recently graduated schoolgirls fall in love with men who are about the same age as their father. Because they're little hamsters, and those men are the cats of their world.

Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

A friend he has a decent career, a stable income, a car and a house, and he can't find a suitable object, and the intern sister in her office, a girl who went to Beijing from abroad, looks ordinary, does not see anything special, and soon has a boyfriend, see her happy and sweet appearance, thinking that she has found what kind of Prince Charming.

Later, I saw that it was actually an old man who was about to give up, not very rich, but there was an old house, an old Jetta, and the old man's kindness to her was to drive her to and from work.

The partner next to him asked, "Doesn't he have a job?" "

She said, "Yes, but not so busy."

So she knew that he must not be very successful in his career, otherwise he would not have spent so much time on her.

The partner asked, "You're so young, isn't it good to find a man of the same age?"

She said: "Men of the same age weren't good enough for me

So, overwhelmed with emotion, after the sigh, she engaged in a sister-brother love affair - her lover is not as successful as her, not as good as her, not as good as her, not as good as her to make more money, ordinary, according to her original standards is absolutely not OK, but now she puts sweetness on her face every day, and everyone says: "He is very good to me."

How good is it? Buy her groceries and cook, accompany her shopping, watch movies with her. She said, in fact, I just need a man who is good to me, why do I have to be better than me?

Yeah, for cats, why do you have to be with a cat who can catch rats? What already exists is cat food and for hamsters, why do they have to be happy with hamsters? Since there are cats willing to take care of themselves.

Cats fall in love with mice because love is still lonely

Feelings are really a difficult thing to say - is the relationship between a cat and a hamster real, or is it a specific environment, a specific encounter, a specific cat meets a specific hamster? In short, I have seen too many hamsters expecting the favor of cats, and too many cats refuse to get along with their fellow citizens, preferring to play with hamsters.

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