
Qianfeng Saga Jasper Hairpin, Wuling is comparable to Wugong Mountain. The view of the sun is like Gold walking among the clouds

author:Dream Forester

FayunJie is one of the seven scenic spots of Wugong Mountain, 100,000 acres of alpine meadows stretch at an altitude of more than 1,600 meters above sea level, and the majestic mountains reflect the brilliance, through the clouds into the fog, spring and summer green and oily, autumn golden, winter white, tourists do not need to go to the border, you can enjoy the scenery of the northern country, can be described as "the heavenly grassland, the wonderland of the world, the scenery of the northern country, the green homeland", known as "the strange mountain with meadows, the world is a must." "Unbeatable.

Qianfeng Saga Jasper Hairpin, Wuling is comparable to Wugong Mountain. The view of the sun is like Gold walking among the clouds

Qianfeng Saga Jasper Hairpin, Wuling is comparable to Wugong Mountain. The sun view is like gold in the rule, and tourists walk among the clouds. This is the poem left by Xu Xia after visiting Wugong Mountain. How magnificent such a scenery is, perhaps only by experiencing it yourself, you know what is "the immortal garden layers are green and the upper forest clear land reflects the afterglow". Friends who like to climb the mountain must also climb the Wugong Mountain, there is the most beautiful sea of clouds, the most magnificent alpine meadow, the stars in the sky, will make you unforgettable! Especially the feeling of watching the sunrise at the top of Wugong Mountain is what many friends yearn for. So what about Wugong Mountain in the end? Is Wugong Mountain fun?

Qianfeng Saga Jasper Hairpin, Wuling is comparable to Wugong Mountain. The view of the sun is like Gold walking among the clouds

The Golden Dome is an excellent place to see the sunrise and sea of clouds on Wugong Mountain, the color of the air is first gray, then from gray to yellow, red, purple, and gradually cracks a gap near the horizon... For a moment, the gap grew longer and wider, and brighter and brighter at the same time, and several rays of light shot into the sky.

Qianfeng Saga Jasper Hairpin, Wuling is comparable to Wugong Mountain. The view of the sun is like Gold walking among the clouds

This is a magical place with a massive alpine meadow landscape unique to Gangnam. Walking through the meadows, we were so small that we tried to conquer on foot, but we were impressed by her unique charm. The warmth of the clouds and the sun, let us appreciate its unique climate, and the green meadows floating in the sea of clouds, tempting us... Wugong Mountain, my eternal beautiful memory.

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