
Throwing off the big belly, experts say that with age, the symptoms of obesity appear, which is a very common phenomenon. Men usually develop central obesity, while women have more homogeneous obesity. If you want to lose the fat on your stomach, you must carry out appropriate physical exercise, reduce your intake, increase your consumption, and you can usually lose weight successfully. Expert 1 Expert 2: Expert 3: In general, keep your mouth shut, step on your legs, health is actually very simple, have you learned.

author:Yu Xiaoxiao de meow

What is the reason why men have big bellies

1. Poor sleep

In general, people who sleep less will be fatter than sleeping, so we need to pay attention to controlling our sleep time, and studies have concluded that people who sleep for less than 5 hours will increase their visceral fat content by 32%; In people with 6 to 7 hours, fat increased by 13%; There was a 22% increase in people with no less than 8 hours. We conventionally believe that the more we sleep, the more obese people are. However, it is not, sleeping more will make you fat, and sleeping too little will make you fatter.

The reason given by the researchers is that whether they sleep less or sleep more, they spend less time exercising than people who sleep just right, and poor sleep quality can also affect appetite, which is likely to lead to excessive diet, thereby increasing fat content.

2. Overeating

Beer is a drink with relatively large calories. After drinking beer, it may lead to the accumulation of fat, which may lead to beer belly, beer is an alcoholic beverage, it has a certain amount of calories, and beer has the effect of increasing human appetite. So after men drink beer, they will eat a lot of other foods to fill their appetite. As a result, more and more abdominal fat accumulates. The most prone to accumulation of fat in our body is the waist and abdomen, so the "general belly" is formed.

3, high pressure

From men to middle-aged people, life, work and family pressure is particularly great, raising wives, raising children, taking care of parents, cars, houses, etc. The excessive mental pressure of people will cause changes in hormone secretion, and the human adrenal glucocorticoid will increase. When the adrenal glucocorticoids are secreted excessively, they change the distribution of adipose tissue in the human body.

It moves the fat of other parts of the body to the abdomen in a short period of time, so that a large amount of fat accumulates around the abdominal organs and the abdominal wall, which also appears the phenomenon of the so-called "general's belly" and "beer belly" of common men. At the same time, in the case of greater work pressure, many people will also overeat, resulting in indigestion, which also causes overweight.

4. Lack of exercise

Many middle-aged people sit in the office for a long time and lack of exercise, which can easily cause abdominal fat accumulation. So, if you have time, you should still move more and go to the gym. There is a beer belly, whether the image is not good, it brings with it high blood pressure, diabetes and other problems.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > symptoms of obesity occur with age, which is a very common phenomenon. Men usually develop central obesity, while women have more homogeneous obesity. If you want to lose the fat on your stomach, you must carry out appropriate physical exercise, reduce your intake, increase your consumption, and you can usually lose weight successfully. </h1>

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > expert 1</h1>

1. Exercise more after meals. Many middle-aged people sit on the sofa and watch TV for one night, naturally slowly the big belly will come out, want to get rid of the beer belly after eating to go out for a walk, climbing, cycling, swimming, playing ball, etc. are good sports choices.

2, only eat 7 minutes full. Each meal can not eat too full, eat seven or eight points on it, daily diet as far as possible not to eat high-calorie high-fat food, in order to thin the stomach to eat more vegetables, fruits, so as to ensure the weight loss effect, otherwise the stomach will eat bigger and bigger, naturally it is difficult to reduce.

3. Acupressure method. Abdominal fat accumulation is the main cause of the formation of a large belly, weight loss method with the finger to press the abdomen, the pressing time lasts about 15 seconds, the acupressure of the lateral abdomen point must be fully bent on the left and right flank abdomen, it is recommended to press slowly along the horizontal direction, a little force and slow pressure, the time is 15 seconds.

4. Apply the massage method to the stomach. The skinny belly can be applied to the abdomen with petroleum jelly and cooking oil, and then the abdomen is kneaded for about 3 minutes, and then massaged clockwise on the abdomen with the roots of both hands.

5, do more aerobics can reduce the stomach. Many men with big bellies jump at night aerobics are also a way to reduce their stomachs, and they can lose their big bellies by insisting on it for about a month.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > expert 2:</h1>

1. Do an effective workout

In order to reduce the abdomen, the use of unlimited dieting and abdominal wrapping methods not only does not achieve the effect of strengthening the abdominal muscles, but will affect people's health. More physical exercise, such as running, climbing, cycling, swimming, playing ball, etc., should be used to reduce abdominal fat.

Men with big belly weight loss methods

2. Proper diet

Eat less sugar, starch, animal fat, etc., to eat seven points of fullness, which can promote the consumption of body fat.

3. Do more abdominal aerobics

Sit cross-legged with a heavy object in your hand behind your head. Lift the weight to the head and exhale to collect the abdomen, relax the upper arm, put the hand back behind the head, and inhale at the same time to relax the abs. Repeat 8-12 times.

Rest your ankles together and lie flat on the mat, your feet fixed. The hand is straight at the top of the head, sit up hard, the hand touches the tip of the foot, and then the upper body slowly falls backwards. Repeat 10 times.

Hold your hands on the door frame with both hands, make the body suspended, and then forcefully close the abdomen, stretch your legs straight up, make the legs and torso at 90 degrees Celsius, stay for a moment and then slowly put down to recover. Repeat for 5 to 10.

Stand naturally, with your left hand gently pressing on your abdomen and your right hand behind your head. Slowly inhale and close the abdomen, while pressing the abdomen inward with the left hand, holding your breath for a while, and then exhaling, so that the abdominal muscles gradually relax and arch forward, repeating 10 times.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > expert 3:</h1>

1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day

One is to hold the elbows with both hands and stand side by side with both legs; The second is to take less elevators and walk upstairs; Third, everything that can be done by standing up is best done by standing, such as waiting for people, making phone calls, reading newspapers, wearing shoes and socks, etc. Tiptoe slightly when standing, so that the body is in a more tense state. Experts also recommend that to lose fat on the stomach, it is best to strengthen the abdominal movement while strengthening the whole body exercise.

2. Put a bottle of water on your desk

Drink water often throughout the day, drink a glass of water when you want to eat something sweet, and the desire to eat sweets will disappear immediately. Don't let mental stress prompt you to eat more; When there is mental stress, instead of picking up food, go out for a walk. Physical activity is more conducive to relieving mental stress than eating, and it is best not to drink carbonated drinks.

3. Don't eat out

Meals at restaurants tend to contain more energy and fat than home-cooked meals. Keep an eye out for restaurants near your unit that offer low-fat meals. Don't go to fast food chains because there are very few low-fat foods to choose from.

4. Pay attention to the amount of alcohol

Alcohol is high in energy, it blocks the consumption of body fat, and also reduces willpower. If you want to drink some wine, it is best to mix it with soda and drink more water and low-energy drinks.

5. Apply the umbilicus method

Obese people lie on their backs, their families stand next to them, and apply petroleum jelly or cooking oil to the application department to increase the efficacy of the technique. Use the palm and palm root to do pressing on the abdomen for 2 to 3 minutes, and then use the palm root of both hands clockwise from the ascending colon, transverse colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon part of the kneading method, about 3 to 4 minutes, the technique is mainly diarrhea; With can be used concurrently to calm diarrhea.

This method can adjust the gastrointestinal peristalsis function, strengthen the spleen and dampness, and accelerate the decomposition of excess subcutaneous fat. At the same time, it can be repeatedly pointed, pressed and dialed in the middle, qihai, water, guanyuan, uterus, and tianshu acupoints, mainly with diarrhea, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

6. Lateral abdominal muscle training

Place one hand behind your ear and the other against the ground, do sit-ups in the left and right directions, and repeat several times. When doing this group of tummy weight loss exercises, the back must be close to the ground, and the hips that stand up on the side can only be slightly lifted, not too far from the ground, otherwise it is easy to cause back injuries.

7. Bend your knees and raise your legs

Sit on the floor, with your hips as your fulcrum, your arms supporting the ground, your legs bent and raised, and then lowered. Obese men can use this method to effectively contract the lower abdomen.

8. Sit-ups

Lie flat on the ground, with your hands crossed in front of your chest, your legs slightly arched, sit up as usual, get up and lie down, repeat several times. As for the number of times, it can be determined by the individual's physical ability. People who have poor physical strength or have not exercised for a long time can use other help, such as hooking their feet with the help of a wardrobe drawer, or asking someone to hold the instep of the foot to get up.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > In general, keep your mouth shut, step out your legs, health is actually very simple, have you learned. </h1>

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