
The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

author:The era of pen farming
The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

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Everyone hopes that they can meet a person who lives together for a lifetime, loves well, and lives this life harmoniously with their families.

Imagination is always beautiful, but reality is always cruel, there are very few couples and couples in this world who can end up, and the triviality of chai rice oil and salt makes their feelings a little bit consumed.

Or perhaps, after a long time together, I finally recognized the person I loved, and slowly became unloving.

Happiness is always similar, unhappiness is always different. But whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, as long as the following three signs appear, it means that the fate of the two has come to an end.

If you are all in the middle, no matter how reluctant it is useless, you don't have to let go as soon as possible, and the other party is also perfecting yourself.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

01: No longer talking often

There is a scene where the wife comes home after work and then goes into the kitchen to cook, during which time the husband returns home and sits on the couch playing with his phone.

When the wife began to serve the dishes, the husband sat down at the table, and the two began to eat, with little communication or occasionally talking about their schedule.

After eating, the wife cleans up the table and washes the dishes, and the husband sits back on the sofa to play with the mobile phone, watch videos, and laugh from time to time;

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the wife came out after taking a shower and said, "I'm done washing, you go wash it", the husband nodded, put away the mobile phone and went into the bathroom to wash.

The wife lay in bed watching the play, and the husband who had taken a shower lay on the couch brushing his mobile phone, and waited until eleven o'clock to return to the bedroom and lie down to prepare for bed.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

This is a live couple filmed in a Korean variety show. The men and women who came home from their busy days were busy, they didn't talk, but they didn't feel embarrassed either, and seemed accustomed to such scenes.

They seem to live together, but they live the life of two unrelated people.

In this world, there are no two identical leaves, and there are no couples and couples who are born to understand each other, but they slowly understand each other through continuous expression, communication, and quarrels.

Home is two people, through chatting can understand each other's every move, in order to jointly solve the problems in the home, face the contradictions.

People who really love each other, even if they say the same thing every day, say some "nonsense" every day will not be bored, in such seemingly meaningless communication, your feelings are maintained.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

When men and women become less concerned about each other and become indifferent, they will have no interest in their respective lives, so they feel that communication is meaningless.

If two people who get along day and night can't say ten words every day, it means that the fate of the two of you has come to an end, and only by separating and letting go of each other is a good choice for you both.

02: Often quarrel with the Cold War

In this world, there are no couples and couples who do not quarrel, but some people quarrel and disperse, and some people still love as before after arguing for a lifetime.

Everyone thinks differently, and we get noisy a lot with our dearest parents and best friends, not to mention our partners who are together every day.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

You like green peppers, I like red peppers; you love spicy, I don't like spicy; you like sunny days, I like rain...

Today's clothes he collected late, yesterday's meal she did not eat well, the family pet did bad things...

Two people together is a process of mutual tolerance and mutual adaptation, but it is not easy, and stumbling is also normal.

But whether it is a husband and wife or a lover arguing will hurt feelings, so there will often be a person who shows weakness first, or wait until both people have calmed down and then talk about the problem.

But in reality, there are also such partners, they often quarrel, but do not reconcile, quarrel tired and start a cold war, no one cares about anyone, each doing their own thing.

Although after a period of time, the anger may be dissipated, but the existing contradictions still exist, the problems are still not solved, and it may come to a certain day, because of the trigger of a certain event, and usher in a "big war".

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

Jing Jing's standards for finding a husband in adulthood are very clear, to love her, but also to have a good temper and willing to show weakness.

Since she was a child, she watched and listened to her parents arguing and smashing things, they each insisted on their own words, never conceded defeat to each other, and waited until the words they wanted to say and the emotions they wanted to vent were vented, and then they would stop.

Then for a week or two, mom and dad would stop talking, quietly going to be a microphone among them, and often because of their dissatisfaction with each other.

After she graduated from high school, her parents divorced, and she was relieved, at least never to feel the cold violence of this family again.

After a man and a woman form a family, it is not only each other's lover, but also a relative. Between the people of the closest relatives, as long as it is not a matter of principle and bottom line, there is nothing that cannot be said.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

But for partners who have exhausted their fate, they don't care whether the contradiction is resolved or not, all they need is a way to vent their dissatisfaction with the other party.

This emotional venting, the final result will only allow the dissatisfaction to accumulate and expand again and again, until it is intolerable and the relationship is ended.

03: No longer respect each other

The most important principle of getting along with each other is respect, and this respect between partners is even more important. Even if I don't understand or even approve of your ideas and practices, because I love you, I am willing to respect you, help you, and tolerate you.

Grandpa Wang in the community would be angry every time the sun went down, because Grandma Wang would go out to dance at this time.

Grandpa Wang broke his leg in the early years, and when he was old, he was inconvenient to move much, but Grandma Wang couldn't bear to stay at home every day, so he made an appointment with other elderly people in the community and danced ballroom dance together at six o'clock every night.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

Whenever I see Grandpa Wang sitting in a wheelchair breathlessly watching his wife and other old men dancing, the people next to him will joke, and the vinegar jar will come again!

Although Grandpa Wang was not happy, he never stopped Grandma Wang from going out and dancing, and he kept comforting Grandma before the dance competition.

The granddaughter asked Grandpa, obviously he didn't like it, why did he let Grandma go? Grandpa Wang said, "Your grandmother, the only hobby in this life is dancing, and when we first met, it was at a ballroom dance." If I had stripped her of all this last hobby, how sad she would have been. ”

Old husbands and wives who have walked hand in hand for decades in the wind and rain can still do this, but many couples can't do this.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

Ya Ling is preparing to divorce her husband, and she feels very unhappy to live with him every day.

She likes to read, and whenever she brings some books home from the bookstore, her husband will say, "You have read so many books, and I have not seen how highly conscious you are!" ”

After giving birth, she stayed at home for a year to focus on taking care of the baby, and then prepared to open a Taobao shop by herself, so that she could not only have an income, but also take care of the baby at home.

The husband laughed after hearing her thoughts and said: "Forget it, you are not learning this, don't end up with money and a bunch of losses, just wait at home for me to raise you." ”

And when her husband told Ya Ling that he wanted to go out on a trip, Ya Ling would also say, "The children are not yet weaned, so you run outside?" ”

The daily life of the two of them seems to be to hurt each other, deny each other, quarrel again and again, the Cold War has made waves after wave, Ya Ling said, forget it, really tired.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all

Being together with people who can't understand each other and can't respect each other is like a torture. In this case, two people will also become reluctant to say more to each other. So, needless to say, let each other go separately.

No matter how much you've ever loved a man, if there are three signs between you, forget it. Life is short, and you have to make yourself happy and happy.

From now on, may you polish your eyes and do not miscarry the rest of your life; from now on, may you still believe in love and wait until the right person arrives.

The three signs of the end of the relationship should not be forced in all


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