
Xu Mincha's truth also has two important witnesses: the eldest brother's former mother-in-law and Guo Wei

author:Fun for everyone else

After 28 years of wrong change of life, after the 9.18 trial, the doubts have been fully exposed, and it will only be a matter of time before the civil transfer to prison. A total of 7 witnesses from all sides attended the trial, of which 6 were provided by the defendant Huaihe Hospital, Du Xinzhi did not provide witnesses, and 1 was provided by plaintiff Xu Min. For Xu Min, who insists on finding the truth, there are two other people who can provide strong support for key details: one is his eldest brother's former mother-in-law, and the other is the party Guo Wei.

Xu Mincha's truth also has two important witnesses: the eldest brother's former mother-in-law and Guo Wei

During the trial, the newborn bracelet was an important focus, and the 4 main witnesses of Huaihe Hospital confirmed that there was no newborn bracelet at that time. The witness provided by Xu Min's side proves that she has a newborn bracelet, but she gave birth in a county-level hospital in Kaifeng, and although her testimony has certain reference value, it lacks strength because it is not the same hospital. If the case is further tried and Xu Min's side cannot find the same time pregnant woman in Huaihe Hospital to testify for her, her eldest brother's former mother-in-law may be a strong witness. As the director of the hospital's nursing department at the time, her testimony was quite authoritative. Although the eldest brother of the Xu family has been divorced, but because of the wrong change incident, it is suspected of violating the law, and it is not impossible to ask the former mother-in-law to testify in court regardless of the previous suspicions.

Xu Mincha's truth also has two important witnesses: the eldest brother's former mother-in-law and Guo Wei

During the trial, lawyer Li Sheng was relatively well prepared and asked many trivial questions to witnesses and defendants. For example, he asked Du Xinzhi about going to Jiujiang to worship the Buddha, and Du Xinzhi replied in court that he went to Jiujiang to worship the Buddha once when Guo Wei was in college, which was consistent with what she said during the previous live broadcast, but contradicted Guo Wei's statement. In 2020, on the way back to Jiujiang to recognize his relatives, Guo Wei inadvertently revealed to reporters that he had been to Jiujiang when he was a child, when he was just in elementary school, his parents took him to Jiujiang to worship the Buddha, and lived for several days. Objective analysis shows that Du Xinzhi is either lying or misremembering on this issue. If the wrongful change of the incident is turned into a criminal case, Guo Wei may have the qualifications of a witness and can directly appear in court to testify.

Xu Mincha's truth also has two important witnesses: the eldest brother's former mother-in-law and Guo Wei

In short, the pace of truth search for 28 years of wrong life has been unstoppable, and in-depth investigation cannot stop at not filing a case. The incident cannot end in age and chaotic management. Finding out the truth and returning the innocence of the parties concerned and social tranquility has become the mainstream voice of the Internet.

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