
"Dandelion" is known as the king of wild vegetables, but it is a natural anti-inflammatory dandelion "natural anti-inflammatory medicine" qingli damp heat treatment eye disease can be used for many common diseases

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Ding Aicun, General Hospital of the Northern Theater

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="59" > dandelion</h1>

"Dandelion" is known as the king of wild vegetables, but it is a natural anti-inflammatory dandelion "natural anti-inflammatory medicine" qingli damp heat treatment eye disease can be used for many common diseases

Originally published in "Tang Bencao", it is a dried whole grass of alkaline dandelions, dandelions of the Asteraceae family or plants of the same genus. Its sexual taste is bitter, sweet and cold, and it belongs to the liver and stomach meridians.

Traditional medicine in China believes that dandelion has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, diuretic and dissolving swelling and loosening, and is mainly used for the treatment of cradle carbuncle, boils and swelling poison, red eyes, intestinal carbuncle, pulmonary carbuncle, hot astringent pain and damp and hot jaundice.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that dandelion has broad-spectrum bacteriostatic, hepatoprotective choleretic and anti-endotoxin effects, and is clinically used for the treatment of various acute and chronic infections.

Dandelions are found in a very wide area, in many areas, and can be found everywhere. In the north, dandelions begin to grow out of the ground in February of the lunar calendar and continue to grow vigorously until early winter, so they can be dug up all year round. You can wash it in water as a dipping pickle to cool your mouth, or you can blanch dumplings and wontons in boiling water.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > "natural anti-inflammatory"</h1>

As a traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion is a "natural anti-inflammatory medicine" given to human beings by nature, and can be used when Chinese medicine is dialectical as a thermal evidence. The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects of dandelions are also recognized by modern medicine, and there is a proprietary Chinese medicine called puddish blue, and dandelion is the main drug. In many extrinsic diseases, such as colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, the chance of using puddii is very high. For some urinary tract infections that Chinese medicine calls "gonorrhea", which are manifested as fever, yellow and red pain in urine, frequent urination, urgency, etc., dandelions are effective, only because of their diuretic effect.

"Dandelion" is known as the king of wild vegetables, but it is a natural anti-inflammatory dandelion "natural anti-inflammatory medicine" qingli damp heat treatment eye disease can be used for many common diseases

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > Qingli damp heat treatment of eye diseases </h1>

The story of dandelions treating eye diseases

Modern chinese medicine famous Mr. Zhang Xichun and Mr. Zhu Liangchun. Mr. Zhang Xichun has a formula for treating redness, swelling and itching in the eyes, called dandelion soup, which is to boil two bowls of soup with fresh dandelion (about 120 grams), one bowl is taken orally at one time, and the other bowl is used to smoke the eyes while it is hot. Mr. Zhang Xichun's party comes from the family of a patient surnamed Yu, whose mother suffered from eye diseases and had many doctors, but he was not cured for several months. Later, the neighbor told her the prescription, and it was quickly cured.

1. Efficacy

Dandelion can clear the liver fire, clear the damp heat, so it is suitable for liver fire inflammation or hepatobiliary damp heat type of eye disease.

Dandelions can grow in many environments, growing most vigorously in wet and sunny places, with thick leaves, large flower diameters, and the strongest bitterness.

2. Clinical application

Clinical often use dandelions to treat eye diseases, the most treated should be children's allergic conjunctivitis, manifested by itchy eyes, tears, eye feces, if the dialectical is hepatobiliary damp heat, basically will use dandelions. It can be taken orally together with other medicines.

If you can't insist on drinking medicine, you can also use a handful of fresh dandelions with roots, clean it, cut it into sections of boiling water, open the pot for 3 minutes, filter it with gauze and then clarify and cool it; use clean gauze to dip the medicinal juice, don't twist too dry, and then let the child close his eyes and apply the gauze on it. Change the gauze once every 3 minutes and apply for 15-20 minutes, once a day.

"Dandelion" is known as the king of wild vegetables, but it is a natural anti-inflammatory dandelion "natural anti-inflammatory medicine" qingli damp heat treatment eye disease can be used for many common diseases

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="62" > can be used for many common diseases </h1>

Dandelion is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, a wide range of medicinal sources, low price, many people are not unfamiliar with it, especially the older people, we all know that dandelion is a good medicine for detoxification, diuresis and swelling. Many common diseases can be treated with dandelions.

1. Breast hyperplasia, mastitis

In the theory of Chinese medicine, breast hyperplasia, mastitis and other breast diseases are mostly caused by depression and cannot be scattered, and dandelions are good products for dissolving depression and loosening. Therefore, dandelion has always been used as a good medicine for the treatment of breast sores, and now the folk also commonly use dandelion external application to treat breast diseases.

2. Gastritis, gastric ulcer gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc

Gastritis, gastric ulcer gastritis, gastric ulcer and other stomach diseases are rooted in its pathogenic bacteria - Helicobacter pylori, and dandelion is precisely the nemesis of this microorganism, which can effectively inhibit and eliminate Helicobacter pylori, so it is very helpful for the treatment of stomach diseases. Now there are many Helicobacter pylori infection, if it belongs to the liver fire or damp heat, you can eat more dandelions, there is a certain effect, but the spleen and stomach deficiency cold or cold wet people do not touch, because dandelions are bitter cold after all. You can add roses to reconcile and reuse, roses are warm, and also have the effect of relieving stomach bloating pain.

3. Cavity ulcer, bad breath mouth ulcer

Cavity ulcers, bad breath mouth ulcers repeatedly very disturbing, bad breath is very embarrassing? Maybe you can turn to dandelions. Bad breath is actually a lot because of gastrointestinal problems, often drink some dandelion tea can be improved, for mouth ulcers also have improvement.

4. Hemorrhoids

Ten people nine hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids this thing is really unspeakable pain, here to teach you a way to treat hemorrhoids with dandelions. Take dried dandelion or fresh products, depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, fresh products with 100 -200 grams, dry products with 50 - 100 grams, decoction, 1 dose per day. If there is hemorrhoidal blood, the dandelion should be fried until it is slightly yellow. Generally, it can be used for 2-4 days to stop bleeding, swelling and pain removal. For internal hemorrhoids, thrombotic external hemorrhoids and inflammatory external hemorrhoids, they are washed with water decoction.

Review experts: Zhang Jingyi, chief pharmacist of the General Hospital of the Northern Theater, and Chen Han, deputy chief pharmacist

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.

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