
Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

author:Flowers are beautiful

Wen | Hua Cheng

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

The only thing that is for profit is that it will eventually become a shackle

In the reading era, when I saw many foreign classic books on the shelves, I didn't know why, I was afraid: first, because the books were extremely thick; second, because I couldn't turn down after picking up and reading a few pages. Some are because they don't know their background, there is always a feeling of confusion and ignorance; some are feeling that the characters can't get close, they can't be brought in, like "How Steel is Made", "David Copperfield", "Anna Karenina", "Gone with the Wind"...

Once, in a bookstore, I stumbled upon this "Christmas Carol." Looking at the title, I thought it was a story like Grimm's fairy tale, and I gladly looked at it. Unexpectedly, it was not a fairy tale but it was much more exciting than a fairy tale, and I read it in less than two hours, and I felt that it was not addictive, and I read it again before I put down the book satisfactorily.

I was impressed: thankfully, Tim, the youngest son of the clerk Bob Krach, did not die.

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

Christmas Carols by Charles Dickens

Dickens's novella, very suitable for children above the age of 4, as a very good choice for introducing foreign classic books.

The "Christmas Carol" was created by Dickens based on the inspiration of a man named "Ebenezer Robbins" who died at Christmas.

The content of the book can be summed up in one sentence: the extremely miserly selfish ghost Ebenezer Scruch woke up on Christmas Eve after being enlightened by three Christmas elves, and eventually became a great philanthropist who loved life and devoted himself to giving.

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

Marley's ghost is a mechanism button and also a self-warning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > takes place on Christmas Eve about Scrooge, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime a dozen guy! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all. </h1>

In the opening chapter, Dickens does his best to give a vitriolly and snarky description of Skrug, vividly portraying a greedy, selfish, stubborn, cruel copper-stenched businessman. He lives in a cash cabinet, book and invoice all the time, and making money is his only goal in life. He was stingy and mean to his staff, and did not allow him to have enough coal to heat even in the harsh winter. He was dime-thin, scornful of charity, and he had not the slightest sympathy for the poor.

Skrutsch was extremely stingy with his only employee; he scoffed and indifferent to his only relative, his nephew Fred' Christmas invitation; he was also extremely stingy with himself, eating casually and simply, living in an extremely monotonous place, and living in the residence of his late partner Marley.

This day back home, the already gloomy and dark residence, is even more different. When Scrooge inserts the key into the keyhole, the door knocker suddenly changes into the face of partner Marley. The air was filled with a terrifying cold, and Skrutsch continued to walk back to his room. After going back and forth through the room, Skrugge lit a small fire in the dilapidated fireplace, at which point the original pattern on each tile on the fireplace strangely disappeared, but all of them became the head of old Marley.

A terrified Skrutsch hid in a chair in another room, when suddenly a bell in the room that had been unused for a long time suddenly and slowly shook, and the sound became louder and louder. After the bell stopped ringing for an unknown amount of time, there was a sound of footsteps dragging heavy chains on the feet of someone outside the door. The voice came through the heavy door into the room and came to him. It's Marley!

Skrutsch observed Marley, whose feet were chained with heavy chains of money boxes, keys, ledgers, padlocks, deed documents, and heavy purses of steel, his body transparent, his eyes could pass through his vest and see the two buttons behind his tunic. In the past, Skrutsch used to hear that Marley had no heart and liver, and it was only then that he believed that there was a truth.

The ghost of Jacob Mali came back to Scruch this time, not to scare him, but to help him.

Every man's soul should come out of his body, to his fellow beings, to wander everywhere: if a man's soul does not go out before he is alive, he will be punished for going out and wandering around after death. Oh, I'm so unlucky! I am now destined to travel the world, wandering around, seeing everything that is good in the world but I cannot bear it. I could have shared these things, and I was happy and happy!

Marley told Skrutsch that all these heavy shackles on his own body were made by himself before he was born, and after death, ring after ring, yard after yard, wrapped around his body; and he also told Scruch that the shackles were as long as the one he was on Christmas Eve 7 years ago; he told Skruch how he walked in this world with these heavy chains after he died, and he found that life was short, and the world could not make his life play a huge role, and once the opportunity of life was missed, There will be no regrets. He admonished Skrutsch to do good, forgiveness, kindness and love, and gave Skrukch a chance, a chance to change, a chance to save him from his present suffering after death.

Skrugge didn't believe it, Marley said, and did all this only because Skrutch was his friend, his only friend. Marley said that three elves would come to his aid and make him wait in peace. Marley's ghost is then driven away, and Skrutsch sees many acquaintances in the ghost's apparitions: government officials, criminals, and many people who did business with Skrukee during their lifetime. Like Marley, they had all sorts of heavy chains tied to their feet, and an extraordinarily large iron safe.

At this time, Skrutsch felt that everything was too unreal, he was afraid and frightened, he hoped to sleep and everything was back to normal.

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

The first elf: the past Christmas elf

When Skrutch woke up and found that the time had turned back to 12 a.m., he saw the first Christmas elf: the elf looked strange - it looked like a child. However, it is more appropriate to say that it is like a child than to say that it is like an old man. ...... His hair was snow-white, but there was not a trace of wrinkles on his face, and his skin looked rosy and silky. ...... He had a shiny band around his waist and a turquoise holly in his hand. ...... Its belt kept flashing, and the various parts of the belt were always bright and dark, looming, constantly changing. Its shape is sometimes clear, sometimes blurry... One leg at a time, twenty legs at a time...

The vagaries of elves walked Skrug through the walls, walking every Christmas night in his old days. First came Skrugch's childhood, to his hometown, to the school he once had. Familiar people, things, and things awakened his memories, and he slowly and warmly recalled the happy and lonely and painful times of his childhood. Cold school life, a violent father, and a gentle and kind sister who loves him, the elf reminds him that his sister is dead, but she still has a child who is Skrugge's nephew. At this point, Skrugge became very uneasy.

The elf brought Skrugge to the moment of his first love, and once his Christmas night was also full of enthusiasm, passion, joy, he danced happily, sweet love.

But in the blink of an eye, when he came to the prime of Skrutsch, he no longer had the enthusiasm he had been, and his face had not yet become the stereotypical and cold streaks of the years to come, but there were signs of annoyance and greed. At that time, he was breaking up with his former beautiful lover. The lover asked him: You are too afraid of the world, you have no other hope in your heart, but you hope not to be cursed viciously by others. I have seen with my own eyes that your noble ideals have disappeared one by one, and now you have nothing else in mind, and there is only one thing you have in mind, and that is money. Isn't it?

There is no way to change, only to leave. The elf took Scrooge to see the life of his former lover, she had her ordinary and warm home, she also gave birth to a daughter, and the family was happy. Looking at the happiness that he had once had within reach, watching the pity of his lover and her husband for him, Skruksch fled in such exasperation and shame that he forced the elves to take him away, and he beat the elves hard, and the elves disappeared, and the exhausted Skrutsch fell asleep again.

The past he had escaped from was now vividly remembered, and with embarrassment and remorse, Skrutsch continued his journey.

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

The second elf: now the Christmas elf

The weary Skrutsch awoke again, his room undergoing a surprising change, the walls and ceilings hung with greenery, the fireplace was full of exuberant fires, the floor was filled with delicacies, and the whole room was misty and filled with sweet steam. A giant sat idly on the couch waiting for him: the elf was dressed in a simple dark green robe, loosely draped over his body, and his broad chest was exposed, as if it did not bother to cover it up with any tricks. Its feet have no shoes and socks, only a round crown of holly leaves on its head, and no other decorations... Its dark brown hair was long and naturally scattered, naturally like its kind face, like its sparkling eyes, like its open slaps, like its laughing voice, like its unrestrained demeanor and its elated spirit. It has an antique sword scabbard hanging from its waist, but it does not have a sword inserted in it, and the scabbard is rusty.

Now the elves are leading Skrutsch through the bustling streets, and everyone is happily preparing for Christmas, and everyone is exchanging blessings. It then took Scrooge to see the residence of his only employee, Bob Krach. Although Bob can only receive a meager weekly salary of 15 shillings a week, the Krach family still lives happily in poverty, they love each other, Bob loves his kind and industrious wife, loves all his children, and uses his meager ability to meet the needs of the children, especially his youngest poor little Tim. Little Tim has no legs, but he still loves life tenaciously, he loves his father and his family.

Deeply shocked, Skrutsch was overwhelmed with remorse when he heard the elf say that Little Tim would die in the near future.

And in this happy moment, the kind Bob still wishes his boss, the miserly selfish and insatiable Skrutch, a Merry Christmas, good health, and thanks him for the work he has given him.

Skrugge's heart was overwhelmed with emotion, and as he left, he looked at Little Tim reluctantly. Full of compassion and pain.

Then, the elf took him to see the poor miners, how hard their lives set off the preciousness of their optimistic and positive lives; and to see how the lonely lighthouse old man lived Christmas solemnly and seriously in a lonely and cold lonely world; and finally came to the home of Skruch's nephew, who lived Christmas warmly with his nephew Fred and his wife and relatives and friends, and Scrooge gradually and unconsciously integrated himself into it, and the mood became extremely relaxed and happy without knowing it. Although he had always been indifferent to his nephew, his nephew was blessed at the end of the holiday.

Before leaving, the Christmas elf now showed him two children: one was "ignorant" and the other was "lack", saying that both were human children, reminding him that he must beware of "ignorance".

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

The last elf: the future Christmas elf

The future elves that appeared in the sky seemed to be filled with a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere. It was covered in a dark black coat that tightly covered its head, face, and body, and the only thing that could be seen was a hand reaching out. Thanks to this hand, it would have been difficult to discern its figure from the night, to distinguish it from the darkness around it.

The Future Elf didn't say a word, but silently led Skrutsch to see his future. He died on Christmas Eve, and no one sympathized with him or sent him a funeral. People talked about his remaining possessions and searched for his legacy, more than he had ever treated Marley's funeral. The people surrounding him who were dead laughed at him, mocked him with all their might, and finally left him with only a white cloth to cover his body.

Horrified, he begged the elves to take him away from this cruel place and show him what pity there was in the world.

As a creditor, he was expected to die; only his nephew was sullen and saddened by his death; and Tim Jr.'s death was a blow to the Bob Clark family.

When the elf promised to take Scrukch to see his future, he saw a tombstone in the church inscribed: Ebenezer Skrutsch. He clutched its robe tightly and pleaded with it: You are by nature merciful and will intercede for me, pity me. Tell me that if I change my past, I can change the images you let me see, right?

The benevolent hand trembled.

"I will respect Christmas from the bottom of my heart and live like a festival all year round. I never forget the 'past', 'present', 'future' at every moment. All three of these elves will spur me in my heart. I will not refuse to listen to what they teach me. Ah, tell me, I can erase the name on this tombstone! He grabbed the elf's hand in pain. The elf tried desperately to break away, but he pleaded desperately and grabbed it with all his might. The elf grew stronger, and finally pushed him away.

He raised his hands in his final prayer, begging for a complete change in his destiny. At this moment, he saw that the elf's hood and clothes had changed. It shrank smaller and smaller, collapsed, and finally became a bed pillar.

When he died, he knew how to cherish, and at this time, Skrutsch had undergone earth-shaking changes, and his desire for life had exceeded all. He longs for change, longs for life, eager to live.

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

Ending: The good life starts now, and everything is in time

Not bad! Bedpost on his own. The bed was his own and the room was his own. Of all this, the most wonderful and happiest is that the future time is his own, and he can use it to change his past.

Filled with fervent wishes, Skrutsch was reborn. And he can still live this Christmas, he is bent on reforming, he can embrace a new life, he is full of tears of excitement. He used half a crown from outside the window to tell a kid to go to the corner shop to deliver one of the biggest turkeys in the store for bob Klatch's family.

He happily paid the turkey money and tip the child, and he laughed so hard that he couldn't catch his breath, and his face was full of tears. He shaved seriously, danced to put himself in the best clothes he could, and then stepped out, his hands behind his back, smiling and squinting at everyone.

On the way, he met people from charities who expressed his willingness to donate a large sum of money to charity.

Finally, he went to his nephew's house for Christmas, and his family warmly welcomed him. The next day he gave Bob a raise in salary, and he took care of Bob's youngest son, Tim, as if he were his own. He changed, he became a good friend, a good owner, a good person known to everyone in this ancient city. Some people see him completely changed as a person and think it's funny, but he makes others laugh and ignores them.

He thought: May god bless each of us, as tim jr. said!

The author Charles Dickens was a great British writer of the 19th century. He began publishing at the age of 21, and in 1837, after the publication of his first novel, Pickwick's Tale, caused a great sensation and established his position in the literary world. During his lifetime, he wrote more than ten novels, such as Orphans of the Mist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield and The Old Antique Shop.

The Christmas Carol is Dickens's famous novella, originally published in 1843.

Compassion is not born of reluctance, it descends from heaven like nectar; it gives happiness not only to those who receive it, but also to those who give. - (English Shakespeare)

Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.
Revelation of 3 Elves: A lifetime of happiness lies in giving rather than taking| the song of "Christmas Carol" takes place on a Christmas Eve, about Skrutsch, the owner of a trading house: This is a dime! This insatiable old villain, knocking on the bone and sucking the marrow, skillfully plundering, scavenging into sex. He was like a sharp and hard flint stone on which no steel knife could make a generous spark; he acted like an oyster, secluded, taciturn, solitary. ...... Wherever he went, he would let out a chill on his body, which could make the office cold on a hot day; and by Christmas, there was no warmth at all.

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