
Namibia's tourism industry has a long way to go

author:CCTV News

Namibia's Minister of Tourism and Environment, Shifita, expressed concern about the recovery of the country's tourism industry, saying it is expected to take 2 to 4 years for the tourism industry to fully recover to the level of the industry in 2019, according to local media reports on May 11.

According to the 2019 Visitor Statistics Report, a total of 1681336 foreigners visited Namibia, an increase of 1.3% compared to 2018. The number of tourists increased by 2.5% from 1557279 in 2018 to 1595973 in 2019. But by 2020, the number of foreigners traveling to Namibia has fallen by 87 per cent, a shock that has cost tourism more than 1,000 jobs and led to the closure of some tourism agencies, others still waiting to see, with only a few being gradually reopened. Although namibia's current borders with many countries have been opened, Sifita noted that the pandemic will continue to affect tourism, which will not truly recover until after 2021.

Between September 2020 and December 2020, Namibia's Windhoek International Airport received only 1,462 foreign visitors. (Reporter Ma Peimin)

(Editing by Li Xia)

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