
Enjoy the immortal music of "Out of Africa" and feel the immortal music of life


Out of Africa has long been one of the listeners' favorite film music, and in this soundtrack, John F. Kennedy. Barry once again presents a beautiful melody that is exquisitely crafted and poetically restrained. Although strictly speaking, John. Barry's symphonic language has always been the same, but the biggest reason why "Out of Africa" has been popular for many years is his moving melody. The main theme of "Main Tile", which is scheduled, can be regarded as one of the most beautiful and familiar theme melodies in the history of cinema. And "Karen s Theme" is equally flawless in melody, as if the layout of each note is carefully deliberated, like a delicate and delicate brush stroke.

If you use a few adjectives to describe this record, then it is not calm, cozy, vast, soothing, etc. Through this slowly continuing music, you can read the composer's vision of a new world, a yearning for a new life, and a longing for his homeland; it is like this, allowing you to enjoy the bittersweet and bittersweet of life in tranquility. For example, on the screen, the protagonist of the film is on the train to Kenya, Africa, and the train is moving slowly, and in the sunset, it is only a lonely shadow, but it is not lonely, and everything in Africa is so heartbreaking and fascinating. For this picture, John. Barry is accompanied by a vast musical scene. It allows people to fly to the distant African continent with the accompaniment of this music, and to feel the vastness of the African Kenyan land there, to feel the magnanimity of the Land of Kenya, to feel the grass and trees there, to feel the sunshine there, to fly in the excitement and calm of the inner pleasure.

This soundtrack is beautiful, elegant and exquisite melody. It's all elegant, classically restrained, as if every step is taken carefully, without showing the slightest bit of emotion, such as the whispering piano in "Have You A Story For Me"; the poetic and open strings at the beginning of Safari; the vast brass pipe in the middle of "Karen's Journey" and the elegance and tranquility of "Alone On The Farrn". Even the selected music, such as Mozart's k.622 and the round dance, is also so elegant and subtle. Compared to James. Horner's sweet sensationalism presents a delicate and self-controlled aesthetic and mature and elegant feelings. He possesses an elegant, noble quality, while at the same time carrying the most distinctive and fascinating creative characteristics of the composer. His rhythm is steady, his harmony is wide, his melody is beautiful, his stretch is smooth, and he is one of the most beloved character melodies. In the vast and magnificent wilderness that the photographer has reproduced well and faithfully, through music we seem to be able to feel the rhythm of the earth, the breath of all things and the fragrance of the earth.

It is also worth mentioning that Mozart's work in the film "Out of Africa" appeared in the way of "picture active sound". From the moment Dennis gives Carlin a phonograph, we keep hearing fragments of Mozart's instrumental works? One of the most frequently used and active participants in the narrative is Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major. Mozart was composed around the last years of his life in 1791, and the second movement is distinctly chamber music. The theme of the clarinet solo is simple and serene, and in the second half of the film he accompanies the male protagonist Dennis in the camera. Dennis has always been reluctant to be bound by emotions and family, and rejects Karin's desire to live together. He was accustomed to being alone and was destined to drift for a lifetime. In the scene where Karin hears the music played by the gramophone and waits for her sweetheart to return, the quiet melody of the clarinet seems to deepen the loneliness and disappointment in his heart.

Finally, I hope you can enjoy the film "Out of Africa".

Enjoy the immortal music of "Out of Africa" and feel the immortal music of life

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