
Pickled pepper squid is spicy and sour, and I can eat two bowls of rice

author:Lazy little cook

Hello everyone, I'm a lazy little kitchen lady

It's time to share your food with everyone again, have you all eaten?

The food that the chef is going to talk to his friends about today is a seafood dish that most people will drool when they think of it. Many people like to eat squid, but it is generally teppanyaki squid, squid rings and the like, and what the chef wants to say is pickled pepper squid. The method is also simple, let's take a look at it with the small chef!

Pickled pepper squid is spicy and sour, and I can eat two bowls of rice

First of all, we cut the squid open and carefully remove their internal organs, but you should be careful not to break the visceral membrane, otherwise I think you may not be able to eat it. Then remove the purple-red film on the surface of the squid and wash it again. Then change the squid knife to a flower knife, don't cut it, cut it into small pieces, add a little salt and cooking wine to marinate.

Pickled pepper squid is spicy and sour, and I can eat two bowls of rice

Start preparing ginger and chili peppers, where the chef uses millet spicy, and the kind of pickled pepper sold in the shop is not spicy. Finely chop the millet pepper and cut the ginger into slices and set aside.

Pickled pepper squid is spicy and sour, and I can eat two bowls of rice

Put the washed squid in boiling water, blanch it, and blanch it slightly. Heat the oil, add pickled pepper and ginger slices to stir-fry the aroma, then add the green shoots and stir-fry, until the green shoots are half cooked, add the squid, stir-fry, and when you are about to come out of the pan, add a little salt and stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot.

Pickled pepper squid is spicy and sour, and I can eat two bowls of rice

Isn't it simple, have you learned? Give your family a try and make sure your cooking skills are on the rise. Favorite friends hurry up and collect some attention!

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