
Compose the song of youth in the new era

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

"If a person wants to live meaningfully and have value in life, he cannot just live for himself, but must use his own strength to contribute to the country, the nation, and society." In Huang Wenxiu's application to join the party, we can see the original intention of this outstanding communist party member who sacrificed himself in the front line of poverty alleviation.

On June 26, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the advanced deeds of Comrade Huang Wenxiu, a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Baise Municipal Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the first secretary of the village, stressing that after graduating from graduate school, Comrade Huang Wenxiu gave up the opportunity to work in a big city, resolutely returned to his hometown, devoted himself to the front line of poverty alleviation, dedicated himself, interpreted the original mission of communists with beautiful youth, and composed the song of youth in the new era. The broad masses of party members and cadres and young comrades should take Comrade Huang Wenxiu as an example, never forget their original intentions, keep their mission firmly in mind, have the courage to take responsibility, be willing to dedicate, and make new and greater contributions on the road of the Long March in the new era.

"Huang Wenxiu took root in the front line of poverty alleviation before his death, and interpreted the original mission of communists with struggle. WenXiu is gone, here we come!" On September 18, 2019, at the report meeting on the advanced deeds of Comrade Huang Wenxiu, the "Model of the Times" held at Beijing Normal University, Huang Wenxiu's relatives, classmates, colleagues and other speakers told Huang Wenxiu's deeds from different perspectives, and many teachers and students shed tears after listening to it.

"We must learn from her, start from little things, start from small things, nourish the original heart, practice the mission, write a regret-free life with youth, and compose the song of youth with struggle on the long march road of the new era." Wang Xuan, a 2019 master's student at the School of Philosophy of Beijing Normal University, said.

Party organizations at all levels have incorporated the study of Comrade Huang Wenxiu's advanced deeds into the important content of the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind." The broad masses of party members and cadres and young people have taken the advanced figures as an example and taken the initiative to shoulder the heavy historical responsibilities entrusted by the party and the people.

Today, Huang Wenxiu's village in Xinhua Town, Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi Province, where he worked before his death, is a thriving scene. Baixiao Village has formulated an industrial development plan and established an agricultural development co., LTD. to help the masses sell agricultural and sideline products, ensure continuous income growth, and strengthen the village collective economy. "We must learn to carry forward Huang Wenxiu's spirit of hard work and dedication, and continue to carry forward the long march in the new era." Yang Jiexing, who succeeded Huang Wenxiu as the first secretary of Baixiao Village, said.

Su Qijun, a graduate of Beijing Normal University, is Huang Wenxiu's disciple and went to Taiping Village, Ludian Township, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province as a selected student to serve as the first secretary and team leader. Build a library for the village, apply for a base station for the village, help the villagers develop production... Su Yujun said: "I will try to make the life of the people in the village better and better!"

People's Daily ( 2021-05-03 08 edition)

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