
From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

author:Chiheido Kotei

Old-school grandpa

Abstract: Qingming eating Qingtuan is a tradition that has been continued in the south for hundreds of years, and now a variety of creative fillings have become Internet celebrities, but to say that the cake dumplings, in Shanghai, is naturally known as the "king of the cake dumplings".

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

Qingming eating Qingtuan, is the tradition of the south for hundreds of years, and now in Shanghai a variety of creative fillings of the Qingtuan, like what salted egg yolk meat floss, pickled tuk fresh, and even Western-style truffles, so that people who are accustomed to eating traditional bean paste stuffing Qingtuan can't help but want to try fresh, for a while these creative stuffing Qingtuan shops have become Internet celebrities, there is a long queue at the door, and the business is very hot. From a marketing standpoint, it's really quite successful. But from a gastronomic point of view, this is not necessarily the case. The reason is very simple, for hundreds of years, to change the filling of the youth group, to upgrade and transform, such a simple idea has not been thought of? Tried? It must be that the effect of trying it down is not ideal, which is not promoted. There must be an intrinsic reason why traditional things can survive hundreds of years of ups and downs and remain the same. And the first to promote these novelty fillings is Xinya, although Xinya is also a long-established brand, but after all, it is the old base of Cantonese restaurants, Cantonese mooncakes may be good at, but Qingtuan such a pastry with a distinct Jiangnan flavor is not Xinya's strength.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

In Shanghai Beach, when it comes to cake dumplings, it is natural to recommend Shen Dacheng, who is known as the "king of cake dumplings".

Shen Dacheng's cake dumplings belong to the Su-style cake dumplings, Shanghai in the Song Dynasty was only a small fishing village, and later it was just a small county town with no name, while Suzhou was a first-tier big city, not only located in the rich land of fish and rice in Jiangnan, but also the merchants gathered, Suzhou's lifestyle was undoubtedly the benchmark of the Jiangnan region. After the opening of Shanghai, it gradually replaced the status of Suzhou, and immigrants from the Su Xichang area were also one of the three major sources of immigrants in Shanghai, and these southern Jiangsu immigrants also brought a strong Suzhou style of life and eating habits, such as Su Bang noodles and Su Shi cake dumplings. Shanghai is geographically close to Suzhou, the climate and products are extremely close, and it is naturally very easy to accept the Su style in terms of food taste. Therefore, many Su-style dishes and cake dumplings have gradually become localized and become the characteristics of the gang. Especially in terms of cake dumplings, Shanghai's cake dumplings are deeply influenced by Su-style cake dumplings.

Shen Dacheng's cake dumplings are typical of the Su-style cake dumplings, which can eventually create the name of "Cake Dumpling King" in Shanghai Beach, and also explain the Shanghai people's recognition of Su-style cake dumplings from one side.

However, there are two theories about the founding time of Shen Dacheng, the first year of Guangxu (1875) and the sixth year of Guangxu (1880), and what makes people laugh even more bitterly is that on the official website of Shen Dacheng, it is actually the sixth year of Guangxu (1875), which is good, both times are available, and everyone does not suffer losses.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

Shen Dacheng should have been opened in the sixth year of Guangxu (1880), but initially it was not a cake dumpling, but a porridge seller, opened in Hubei Road, to Guangxu twenty-three years (1897), the boss Shen Ajin saw that the Su-style cake dumpling business was good, he simply put the porridge shop out, and in addition, in Hankou Road, the new Shen Dacheng cake dumpling shop was opened, the name of the shop "Shen" is naturally the surname of the boss Shen Ajin, and "Dacheng" is the meaning of the big success of the cake group. The main Business is Su-style pastry, two-sided yellow, crab powder small cage and strip cake, double brewed dumplings, red bean cakes, gold dumplings, dumplings, green balls, Chongyang cakes and other Su-style cakes. This transformation was very successful, and the business suddenly exploded, which was completely different from the tepid porridge shops in the early years. By the 1920s, business was getting bigger and bigger, and Shen Ajin moved the storefront

Nanjing East Road Zhejiang Middle Road Junction, this lot can definitely be said to be the diamond-level lot of Nanjing Road, a cake shop can take root in such a place as Nanjing Road, but also shows that Shen Dacheng does have strength and confidence.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

Shen Dacheng's business varieties are quite rich, mainly divided into two categories of noodles and cake dumplings, in addition to various soup noodles, there are small cages, spring rolls, wontons, etc., the most famous signature dim sum is two-sided yellow, which is also the traditional noodle dish in Suzhou, known as the "emperor of noodles". First, the noodles are cooked, drained, and then mixed with vegetable oil to cool. The noodles are then poured into a pan of hot oil and spread out until golden brown on both sides – hence the name of the two sides of yellow. Then use shrimp, shredded meat, leeks, shiitake mushrooms and other freshly fried toppings, the key is to be sure to hook, and finally the toppings, especially with a little sauce, pour on the fried noodles that are golden on both sides. In this way, the noodles are fried golden and crispy, and the toppings are soaked in the sauce, slightly soft, crisp and soft, and taste different.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

As for the cake dumplings, it is Shen Dacheng's signature, "the king of the cake dumplings" is not a vain name, almost all the Su-style cake dumplings, basically feel that there are names, such as strip cake, red bean cake, golden dough, rice dumplings, seasonal green dough, Chongyang cake, as well as birthday shou cake, housewarming joy of Dingsheng cake, everything is available, the most famous and classic, naturally it is a double brewing group.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

Double brewing dough is "a ball of double filling", a cake ball wrapped in sesame seeds and bean paste two kinds of filling, eat two flavors at a time, or a fusion of compound delicious. The ingredients for the double brewing dough are very simple, mainly glutinous rice, red beans, black sesame seeds, plus a little bit of shredded coconut. Red beans and black sesame seeds with sugar and oil are made of bean paste filling and black puff pastry respectively, the glutinous rice flour and starch are steamed into glutinous rice balls in a water pot in proportion, cooled and then added oil and water to smooth, picked into blanks, and then flattened, wrapped in bean paste filling, pinched mouth, flattened again, and then wrapped in black puff pastry filling, wrapped into round glutinous rice balls, and finally rolled in the coconut shreds, so that the surface layer is covered with shredded coconut, and finally steamed on the pot.

From sunny days to double brewing dumplings, talk about Shen Dacheng, the "cake dumpling king" on the beach

The double brew dough looks like a glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in shredded coconut and translucent in skin, which has a silly feeling. But not only can you taste two different fillings, but also have the uncertainty of the "blind box", you don't know whether to expose a layer of light brown bean paste or spew out a layer of black crisp, or bean paste and black puff pastry, plus the fragrance of shredded coconut, the soft and smooth of glutinous rice, the compound of aroma, the compound of taste, it is indeed wonderful. If you are a sweet tooth, then you can never resist the temptation of double brewing dough.

(The picture of this article is from the network)

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