
"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back


As A child, I remember that black-and-white television is the most eternal nostalgic appliance for our post-80s generation. The most anticipated thing every day is to go to the neighbor's commissary to watch TV dramas after eating.

The war films played on the screen in turn are indispensable souvenirs of our childhood, and we have watched many, many, but this sentence is particularly touched: "I Hu Hansan is back again."

Yes, Hu Hansan is back

This classic word comes from the "Shining Red Star" movie, and Grandma most often says this sentence.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

Walk into the author

The author of this book is Li Xintian, a contemporary writer who joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1950 and entered the East China Military and Political University. In 1953, he began to write and publish novels, screenplays, films and other literary works, in addition to "Shining Red Star", "Two Little Eight Roads", "Pulsating Flames", "Ten Self-Portraits" and so on.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

His work is extremely contagious. There is a kind of admiration that there is a kind of contact: the plot is gripping, sometimes tense, sometimes soothing, sometimes sad, the story has a strong sense of substitution, and the reading is not finished.

This book mainly tells the growth process of the protagonist Pan Dongzi, and the characteristics of the characters are bold, witty and kind. It more truly reflects the arduous years of the revolutionary war years, portrays Pan Zidong's distinctive character characteristics, flashes the shining spirit of the Red Army, and also has a firmer revolutionary conviction and unforgiving spirit, which greatly encourages us.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

The origin of the shining red star

At that time, Pan Zidong's father was a guerrilla and followed the main Red Army to evacuate the central base area.

For him who has already started a family, the child is still young, and when faced with the choice between the country and the family, he does not hesitate to choose the country. I didn't know when to come back, so when I left, I left a shining red star on my body.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

Since then, the red star has become the most precious thing in Pan Zidong's memory, and it is also the souvenir that he misses his father the most.

After his father left, his mother was brutally killed by Hu Hansan.

The departure of his mother suddenly awakened Pan Zidong's fighting spirit of anti-Japanese resistance in his heart.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

So he began to do some anti-Japanese work silently, collecting intelligence while helping as a buddy in the rice shop, and finally destroyed Hu Hansan's mountain search plan and finally defeated him.

The story line is set up reasonably, especially the protagonist's lofty feelings of confrontation with Japan are vividly displayed, and when it comes to resisting Japan, everyone's eyes are brushed over, eliminating harm for the people, a real hero.

The end of the novel is particularly intriguing, pan Zidong, who has been looking forward to meeting Pan Zidong and his father, did not see his father in the end, but wrote a long letter as the end of the story.

"Shining Red Star": Hu Hansan is back

The real ending is that the author specially depicts the picture of the reunion of the two people, and later the editor suggests that it should not be left behind, but replaced by the form of a letter, which is in line with the current environment and maintains the relationship by the exchange of letters, and also sets up suspense to give the reader different thoughts.

In real life, we often encounter many, many unsatisfactory, originally thinking that the storyline will develop in this way, but in the end it develops in another direction.

Therefore, the long letter just reflects the uncertainty of things, but sublimates the theme.

Today, although the War of Resistance Against Japan is far away from us, it is still necessary to understand with the children about the difficulties of the War of Resistance. The pioneers of the revolution all won the happy life of the present through bloody struggle, and it is a classic story content worth remembering for each of us.

In this way, the child invisibly plants the seed of cherishing the present.

This book is very suitable for primary school students in the lower grades to read, the language is easy to understand, the psychological description is progressive, the logic is strong, and it is very suitable for parent-child reading. It is recommended to enter!

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