
Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

author:Blue willow

Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

Zhao Yumin

Walnut is an important oil fruit tree, which is not only a nutritious food, but also has great medicinal utility, and is a traditional Chinese export foreign exchange earning product. According to relevant records, in the 1970s, the total production of walnuts was stable at about 160,000 t for many years, which was about half of the national walnut consumption. Domestic per capita consumption of 0.05 kg, is the United States per capita consumption (0.65 kg) of 1/13, in recent years, with the improvement of the average living standard of Chinese, per capita consumption increased to 0.3 kg, domestic demand in 56 ~ 59 million t. Processing foreign trade exports, the gap in 620,000 to 650,000 t, is more than 3.5 times the current total output. Therefore, the consumption potential of the international and domestic markets is particularly huge and has broad prospects for development.

Luxun County is a typical forestry county, but also a large agricultural county dominated by mountains, walnut cultivation has a long history, but the development area is small, mainly distributed next to the village and the side of the ditch. At the beginning of 2014, the county has completed the walnut development plan task of 73,300 hm2, and the planting area covers almost the mountainous area of the county.

Luxun County is located in the north of Kunming City, bordering Dongchuan District and Xundian County to the east, Fumin County to the south, Wuding County of Chuxiong Prefecture to the west, and Huili County of Sichuan Province across the river to the north. Latitude 25°25′—26°22′ N, longitude 102°13′—102°57′ E. Luxun County belongs to the northern part of the Central Yunnan Plateau, the terrain is high in the northeast, low in the southwest, and it descends slowly in a stepped manner from the northeast to the southwest, with a maximum altitude of 4248 m, a minimum altitude of 746 m, and a relative height difference of 3502 m, and the climate has obvious regional differences and vertical changes, forming a three-dimensional climate zone where subtropical and temperate zones coexist.

1 Modification of varieties

Since 2008, except for most areas of Ping Shan, Cuihua, Tuanjie, Maoshan and Yunlong, which are suitable for planting YangPu, Santai Walnut and Yunxin Plateau, most of the plants planted in other townships (towns) are more affected by frost. The actual requirements of long-term development should be based on the transformation of walnut varieties according to the different situations in Luxun County, and new varieties of walnuts suitable for planting in different regions should be screened.

1.1 Transformation of seedlings

Since 2012, due to the small scale of local seedlings, seedlings are far from enough, most of the seedlings have been transferred from other places, the quality of seedlings is uneven, the overall preservation rate of grafted seedlings is not high, and a considerable number of them have become seedlings, and are now suitable for grafting. Walnut varieties can be selected from locally grown large bubbles and three walnuts. For frost belts with high altitudes or severe frosts, fine walnut varieties such as Niangqing, Hemp 1, and Hemp 2 can be selected.

Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

1.2 Transformation of pickled walnuts

The pickled walnuts planted in the early days of Luxun County are mainly foreign large bubble walnuts, mainly planted in Tuanjie Goose Feather, Saying Pan Dejiao, Tanglang Daijia, Ma Lexuan and other places, ripening late and the harvest is unstable; at the same time, the later planting of Yangpu Dabao, Santai walnuts, some townships (towns) of the Yunxin Plateau, especially the obvious frost belt, grafted seedlings should also be transformed in a timely manner, and varieties can choose good walnut varieties such as Niangqing, Hemp 1, hemp 2 and other walnuts suitable for local growth.

1.3 Variety Selection

There are many varieties of walnuts suitable for cultivation in Luxun County, including American pecans (800-1800 m), Yangpu walnuts and Sandai walnuts (1800-2100 m), early varieties Yunxin Plateau (2100-2200 m), hardy varieties Of Niangqing (2200-2400 m), Hemp 1, Hemp 2 (2200~2600m). Actively carry out the investigation of local walnut excellent strains, and preferentially send them to the relevant departments for examination and approval to expand the breeding. At the same time, some fine seeds from other places should be introduced for trial planting, and gradually promoted to meet the needs of local production and market.

2 Reasonable intercropping

Intercropping crops in walnut fields is an important way of walnut planting, and the effect of making walnuts in the middle of the Project of Returning Farmland to Forests is very obvious and can be vigorously promoted throughout the county. After walnut colonization and before closure, low rod (height≤100 cm) shallow roots, no climbing characteristics, no common disease and insect host with walnut trees, and crops with a harvest life of not more than 2 years are intercropping between rows, and the distance between crops and trunks is ≥ 100 cm. After the walnut is closed, it is also possible to cultivate edible mushrooms and raise poultry under the walnut tree to increase income. Intercropping can increase soil fertility, which is conducive to walnut growth, which can not only achieve short-term growth, but also achieve double harvest under the tree. General intercropping is mainly based on beans, potatoes, vegetables, tobacco, peanuts, melons, Chinese herbal medicines, etc.

3 Thinning flowers and fruits

Some male inflorescences should be removed in time. Walnuts are hermaphrodites, the female flowers are born at the top of the fruiting branches, and the male flowers are born at the base of the same fruiting mother branch or on the male flower branches, relying on the wind to spread pollen and allow the female to inseminate. However, long-term scientific research has proved that in the process of male inflorescence and male flower development of walnut trees, a large amount of nutrients stored in the tree body needs to be consumed, especially when the male flowers grow rapidly and bloom in large quantities. Therefore, in the process of development and flowering of walnut male inflorescence, artificial pruning or spraying of "walnut chemical de-male agent" is taken to remove 1/3 to 1/2 male inflorescence, which can reduce the ineffective consumption of tree nutrients, promote the centralized supply of water and nutrients in the tree, and set fruit, so as to greatly improve the yield and quality.

4 Management of walnut orchard soil

Walnuts are mostly planted in the mountains, and walnut orchards that are not intercropped with other crops should be deeply ploughed to weed 3 to 5 times during the growing season, with a depth of 15 to 20 cm, and its range is centered on the trunk, reaching the outer edge of the canopy, and keeping the garden free of weeds. Conditional summer and autumn every year each deep turn once, depth of 25 to 30 cm, pay attention to the canopy should be deep, near the tree tray should be shallow. At the same time, the fallen leaves are buried deep into the soil to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, store water and preserve moisture, improve soil fertility, and eliminate some overwintering insect eggs.

Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

5 Fertilize

Walnut fertilization should begin in the 2nd year of planting, before the young trees fall leaves, and the fruiting trees are fertilized after fruit harvest and before they fall. Generally, circular fertilization is used, and a circular trench is dug around the outer edge of the canopy projection during fertilization, with a width of 30 to 40 cm, a depth of 40 to 50 cm for base fertilizer, and a depth of 20 to 30 cm for topdressing, and the fertilizer and topsoil are mixed evenly into the ditch, and the subsoil is covered for irrigation. The annular furrow should be moved outward year by year according to the canopy. Young trees were fertilized twice after entering the rainy season, and the resulting trees were fertilized once each in the fruit development stage and the hardcore stage after entering the rainy season, and foliar fertilizer sprayed once after leaf spread and early fruit development.

Fertilization of young trees is applied to 25 kg of base fertilizer per plant, and then increased in an appropriate amount year by year, and large trees can apply 100~300 kg of farm fertilizer per plant. Topdressing: 1-3 years of young trees, about 100 g· plant -1 per year, calcium superphosphate 30 g· plant -1, potassium nitrate 10 g · plant -1; 4-8 years of early fruiting of urea 200~400 g· plant -1, calcium superphosphate 200~300 g· plant -1, potassium nitrate 60~100 g· plant -1; 9-30 years of fruit, urea application of 400~800g· plant -1, calcium superphosphate 400~600 g· plant -1, Potassium nitrate 120~200g·strain-1. Foliar topdressing at the fruit development stage: 0.1%-0.2% urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate were sprayed once, and pure nitrogen was applied 4-6 g, pure phosphorus 1.5-2 g, and pure potassium 0.5-0.8 g per square meter of crown projection. Foliar topdressing at the hardcore stage: 0.1%-0.2% urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate are sprayed once, and pure nitrogen is 3-4 g, pure phosphorus 2-3 g, and pure potassium 1.5-2 g per square meter per year.

6 Irrigation

Walnuts like to be moist, waterlogging resistant, drought resistance is weak, irrigation is an effective measure to increase production. If the soil is dry and water-scarce during the growth period, the fruit set rate is low, the peel is thick, and the seed kernel development is not full; if it is not irrigated after fertilization, the fertilizer effect cannot be fully utilized. Therefore, irrigation should be timely at various periods such as flowering, rapid fruit enlargement, fertilization, and winter drought.

7 Shaping and pruning of walnuts

Pruning and shaping is to start from the young tree, through the means of budding, heartbreaking, shortening, retraction, thinning and other means, scientific pruning and shaping of walnut trees, cultivating a reasonable tree type, plump resulting branch groups, adjusting the best light of the canopy, rationally distributing the nutrients of tree growth and fruit, and realizing walnut early fruiting, abundant yield and high quality.

7.1 Trimming

Summer pruning should be between the summer solstice and small full (May-June), when the branches are full of branches, can reasonably select the branches, the tree grows vigorously, good healing after pruning, no cracks, less nutrient consumption of the tree, after the removal of the branches, the wound can be completely healed by the end of the year.

Autumn pruning is carried out from the white dew to the autumn equinox (September to October) after the harvest of walnut fruit and before the leaves turn yellow, and the pruning principle is mainly to cut off diseased and dead branches.

Winter pruning is carried out when the temperature is stable at around 0 °C for a long time, and the injury flow is traceable or does not occur, which is suitable for medium and small twig pruning.

Pruning at the juvenile stage is mainly to prune the branches, dead branches and weak branches of young trees. Late fruit varieties are mainly placed to expand the tree potential. Early fruit varieties are dominated by retracting overgrown vegetative branches and increasing fruiting branches. Adult trees mainly prune diseased insect branches, weak branches, intersecting branches, parallel branches, drooping branches, and excessive male flower branches to reasonably regulate the nutrients of the tree and promote abundant yield, stable yield and high quality.

7.2 Fixed drying

It is generally dried after 1 year of walnut planting, and the fixed drying height can be 0.8 to 1.2 m or 1.0 to 1.5 m. If the young tree does not grow to a fixed stem height, it will be dried again the following year. In case of top bud necrosis, you can choose to leave a strong side bud near the top bud, let it grow upwards, and then dry it when it reaches above the fixed dry height. At the same time, after drying, 3 main shoots in different directions are selected and cultivated in the plastic band, and the other shoots are erased.

Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

7.3 Shaping

7.3.1 Natural Happy Type

The natural happy-shaped tree body is larger, the structure is simple, the shaping is easy, the master and slave are clear, the resulting branches are evenly distributed, the canopy inner chamber light is good, the branch group life is long, the ventilation is good, the result quality is high, and the forming is fast. It is characterized by the absence of central leadership. The natural happy shape generally adopts the three main branches of the tree shape.

Selection of the main branch. After drying, in different directions to select 2 to 4 main branches, the main branch distance of 20 ~ 40 cm, the main branch plane angle of about 120 °, the main branch unfolding angle of 45 ° ~ 60 °, in the shaping can be appropriately left more than 1 ~ 2 main branches, to grow for 2 to 3 years, the main branch base angle has been basically fixed, and then select 3 main branches, remove excess main branches, so as not to cause partial crown. At the same time, we must pay attention to balancing the growth potential of the three main branches, inhibiting the strong and supporting the weak, making it a stable tree type.

Selection of lateral branches. While retaining the main branch of layer 2, the first level of side branches is selected on the main branch of layer 1. Generally, each main branch in layer 1 is equipped with 3 to 4 side branches, the first side branch is 80 to 100 cm from the main trunk, the second side branch is 50 to 60 cm from the first side branch, and the third side branch is 80 to 100 cm from the second side branch. After 5 to 6 years, 1 to 2 side branches are selected on the first-level side branches, and the skeleton of the natural happy tree has basically formed.

7.3.2 Trunk layered

The trunk layered shape has obvious central leadership trunk, 5 to 7 main branches, layered on the central trunk, many branches, large load, high yield. The main branch is selected. After drying, the central trunk and main branches are selected, and the main branches are generally 3 to 4 layers, and the main branches in each layer are 3 to 4 (the horizontal angle of the three main branches is about 120°, the opening angle of the main branches is about 60°, and the distance between the main branches and the main branches is more than 20 cm). After 1 to 2 years after colonization, the 3 to 4 side branches with uniform distribution and vigorous growth are selected as the main branches of the first layer, and the remaining new branches are all repaired; after that, the second, 3rd and 4th main branches are selected according to the same method year by year. The distance between the first layer and the second layer is 1.5 to 2.0 m (early fruit walnut 1 to 1.5 m), and the main branches of the above layers are 0.8 to 1 m apart (early fruit walnut 0.5 to 0.8 m).

Lateral branches are selected. While retaining the main branch of layer 2, select the side branches on the main branch of layer 1. Generally, each main branch in layer 1 is equipped with 3 to 4 side branches, the first side branch is 1.0 to 1.2 m from the main trunk, the second side branch is 50 to 60 cm from the first side branch, and the third side branch is 80 to 100 cm from the second side branch; each main branch in the second layer is equipped with 2 to 3 side branches, each branch is 15 to 20 cm shorter than the first layer, and the third and fourth layers are equipped with 1 to 2 side branches. It should be noted that every 1 layer takes 2 to 3 years to select, not 1 year to select a layer. The main branches and side branches of each layer should be staggered up and down, the distribution should be uniform, avoid overlapping with each other, and the main branch angle can be adjusted by means of bracing, pulling, falling and other methods when the angle of the main branch is not suitable.

8 Pest control

Walnut pests are relatively few, walnut insect pests are mainly leaf-eating pests and root pests, mainly harmful to walnut leaves and walnut tree base cortex and rhizome, resulting in walnut tree strength weakening or death. At present, there are two kinds of more serious pests of Walnut, scarab beetle and celestial canopy insect. Walnut diseases mainly include root rot, powdery mildew, dry rot, blight disease, bacterial black spot disease, anthrax and so on. These diseases mainly occur in the rainy season in high temperature and high humidity climate, and the more serious diseases of walnut are root rot and blight disease. Adhere to the principle of combining physical control and chemical control, make full use of natural enemies of pests, reduce the number of pesticides used, and use low-toxicity, environmentally friendly and safe pesticides for chemical control.

8.1 Ulcer disease

Walnut canker disease can be controlled by removing the fallen leaves of the diseased branches, scraping the coarse skin at the base of the trunk, applying 5 to 10 baumedo stone sulfur binder or 50% methyl tolbuzin 1000 times liquid spraying, and then spraying 50% dentist 800 times liquid twice in July and August, which can reduce the rate of diseased plants to less than 1%.

8.2 Limb-lifting moths

The walnut limb moth mainly harms the fruit, and adopts the comprehensive control program of reclamation under the tree, removing stumps and leaves, picking black fruit as the main measure, and canopy spraying as an emergency means. That is, after fruit picking to mid-May of the following year, ploughing, expanding, and clearing the garden; picking black fruits from June to August and destroying them centrally; and spraying 50% of the borer pine 1000 to 1500 times liquid or 3000 times of liquid canopy spraying of enemy killing 3000 times of liquid in the feathering period of adult insects in the hard-hit areas from early June to mid-July.

8.3 Cloud-spotted celestial bull

Cloud-spotted Tianniu is mainly based on dry moths, can manually catch adult insects, and timely use drugs to plug insect holes, spray 40% insecticidal net 500 times liquid on the tree in August, and the control rate can reach more than 90%.

9 Harvesting and processing of walnuts

9.1 Harvest period

The fruit harvesting period of the early ripening walnut varieties is mid-to-late August in the lunar calendar, and the fruit harvesting period of the late-fruit varieties is mid-to-late September in the lunar calendar. When the color of the green skin of the fruit changes from dark green to light yellow, the top of some fruits is cracked, and the green bark of the whole tree is cracked by 1/2 to 2/3, it can be harvested.

9.2 Harvesting Methods

Harvested by hand, the fruit is shaken off by tapping the lower branches of the walnut tree with a solid bamboo pole with elasticity. Do not beat the top of the fruit branch to avoid breaking the top bud and the side buds affecting the fruiting in the following year.

9.3 Fruit handling and storage

9.3.1 Dehumissing

There are 2 methods, one is the peeling of the agent. Spray concentration of freshly harvested green peel walnut fruit 3000~5000 mg· L-1 Ethyl dilute liquid ripens the green skin. Spray while stacking, stacking height of about 50 cm. It is covered with film or grass. After 3 to 5 days, the green skin foams, and the skin can be peeled by tapping with a wooden stick. The second is to pile the fruits with green skin in a cool and ventilated place that is not exposed to direct sunlight, pile up according to the thickness of about 100 cm, cover the film or grass with a thickness of 8 to 10 cm, foam the green skin after 3 to 5 days, there is a phenomenon of leaving the shell or cracking, and the green skin is removed in time by tapping with a stick. The time of piling should not be delayed until the green skin rots and turns black, otherwise the quality of walnuts will be reduced and the value of the goods will be affected.

Cultivation and protection measures for pecans in Luxun County, Yunnan

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9.3.2 Cleaning

Remove the green skin of the nuts and rinse them with water in time to remove the rotten skin, dirt and other stains that remain on the fruit surface.

9.3.3 Drying and baking

Put the washed nut stall on the bamboo foil, bamboo mat, grass mat, dry in a cool and ventilated place for half a day, wait for a large amount of water to evaporate and spread it in the sun, and turn it many times to make the nuts dry evenly and the water content drops to 8%. Or dry nuts in a smoke-free, energy-efficient way.

9.4 Kinds of real storage

The seed fruit to be stored must be dried. It can be stored when the moisture content does not exceed 7%. Large quantities are stacked on a dry, ventilated, shaded floor with a thickness of 50 cm. In the cold storage of sacks, the height of the sacks must not exceed 2 m.

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