
Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

author:Free farmers

#818 Good Things of Life # "Dragon Meat in the Sky, Donkey Meat on the Ground", just by virtue of this old rural saying, everyone can imagine how delicious donkey meat really is! I myself have eaten authentic donkey meat, the taste is indeed very fragrant, the meat is also very delicate, as a member of the meat food family, personally feel that donkey meat is one of the better meat food, if you want to taste it, you can click on the end of the article "go to see" to learn more!

Since this is the case, then the sales price of donkey meat is of course much more expensive than other meats, and the profit from selling donkey meat will naturally be much larger, so there should be many farmers raising donkeys in rural areas. However, the truth is just the opposite, there are many people in the countryside who are breeding pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, and even fish, frogs and rabbits, but few rural people breed donkeys.

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

"Interlaced like a mountain", people who have not raised donkeys may feel that raising donkeys is a worthwhile thing, only people who have raised donkeys understand that although donkeys make money, it is really not everyone who can stick to it, because raising donkeys is much more complicated, more tiring, and much more annoying than raising pigs, cattle and sheep or other animals, and a friend of mine has a personal experience.

Listen to my friend said, donkey is not what you want to raise, mainly its long breeding cycle and later sales, will make you regret the choice of donkey, donkey meat seems to make money, in fact, do not make good, may make you "doubt life." To sum up, donkeys are rarely raised in rural areas, and the reasons why they cannot be popularized are mainly the following points, hoping to give some reference and reference to rural people who are ready to raise donkeys!

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin</h1>

Although donkey meat is delicious, but only limited to occasional tasting, if it is enjoyed as the main meat food, it is still pork that accounts for the majority, so the demand share of donkey meat and donkey bones in the market is still relatively limited, and the market demand for donkeys is mainly the donkey skin of the donkey, so the donkey skin is the higher value of the donkey.

What does the market do with donkey skins? It is mainly used to boil ejiao. The production of ejiao is some pharmaceutical factories, not individuals, so the market sales channels of donkey skins are basically relatively single; at the same time, because some donkey farmers do not pay attention to integrity when selling donkey skins, using the skins of horses and mules to impersonate donkey skins, resulting in the antipathy of pharmaceutical factories, unwilling to buy donkey skins fed by retail households, and eventually making the donkey skins of donkey farmers unable to sell, they are unwilling to raise donkeys again. Of course, if you want to taste the delicious taste of donkey meat, you can click "Go and see" at the end of the article to learn more!

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the breeding cycle of donkeys is particularly long, which tests the patience of farmers</h1>

Animal breeding is to consider its reproductive problems, the pregnancy period of various animals is different, such as the pregnancy period of pigs is about 113 days, the pregnancy period of cattle is about 280 days, the pregnancy period of buffalo is about 330 days, the pregnancy period of sheep is about 150 days, and how many days does it take for donkeys to gestation? You may not imagine it, but let me tell you that it will take a whole year, which is about 365 days.

In addition, its love period is relatively short, and it is not easy to grasp the best breeding time. The love period of the pig is about 18 to 21 days, the cow is about 21 days, the sheep is about 17 to 20 days, and the donkey is only 10 days, and its initial age usually needs to be after 3 years old.

Therefore, the donkey's love period is short, but the pregnancy period is long, the initial matching time still needs to be farmed for 3 years, we do not say how effective it is, but waiting for its reproduction is a very headache problem, as an ordinary farmer friend in the countryside, naturally there will be no such patience and energy to breed.

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, the growth cycle and wildness of donkeys are also a factor hindering rural farming</h1>

It takes about a year and a half for a small donkey to grow into an adult donkey; it takes about a year and a half for an adult female donkey to start breeding; and it takes another year for pregnancy, so that if you want to breed and raise a female donkey, there is no three or four years to see the benefits.

Even if you buy a small donkey to breed a commercial donkey, you need to breed for at least two years, its growth cycle is too long, the effect is too slow, it is really a test of the patience of farmers; at the same time, in such a long breeding cycle, what risks will be encountered and how much input will be generated, it is difficult to predict.

In addition, the personality of the donkey, everyone knows that it is a "donkey", because it has not been completely domesticated, the breeding environment is somewhat worse, it is easy to be irritable, bite, become very uneasy, not easy to serve.

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively niche</h1>

Although donkey meat is more delicious, but its market share is far less than that of pigs, cattle and sheep, its market is mainly in the northern region, we in the south for donkey meat, just used to taste fresh, and will not be used as the main meat food; and donkey meat in the eyes of some consumers, is also regarded as a kind of "hair", this concept of understanding is not correct I do not know, but this view of understanding also affects the sales of donkey meat; and then there is the phenomenon of using mules or horse meat to counterfeit donkey meat in the market also exists, consumers can not correctly identify, So I simply stopped buying donkey meat.

These factors will affect the normal sale of donkey meat, resulting in the donkeys that farmers have worked hard to breed, but they cannot be sold, and everyone dares not breed. If you want to taste how delicious donkey meat really is, you can click "Go and See" below to learn more!

Donkey meat is delicious and sells at a low price, but there are very few farmers in rural areas who raise donkeys. First, the market demand for donkeys is not donkey meat, but donkey skin two, donkey breeding cycle is particularly long, very test the patience of farmers three, donkey growth cycle and wild problems are also a factor hindering rural breeding Fourth, the popularity of donkey meat is relatively small

In summary, raising donkeys is different from raising other animals, if there is not enough patience, no certain strength, no certain energy, it must be a bad breeding, the result of barely breeding, the high probability is to waste money and money, more than worth the loss, because of this, breeding donkeys in the countryside is not common.

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Jin Huifeng HuaiFu noisy soup donkey meat ¥28 purchase

Do you think my analysis makes sense? If you are given a certain amount of help funds, do you dare to raise donkeys in the countryside?

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