
The reason why Yuan Shao did not blackmail tianzi to order the princes was not because he was stupid

author:Mirror Youth

In the TV series "New Three Kingdoms", there was such a bridge section, in a ruined palace, a group of ragged people surrounded a young man, who was wolfing down a small nest. Suddenly someone reported that the pursuing soldiers came, this group of people suddenly like birds of fright, but things reversed, it was not the pursuit of soldiers, but the rescue of soldiers, so many people speculated that it should be Yuan Shao, the fourth and third dukes of his family, deeply favored by the Emperor of the Great Han, and now not only the soldiers are more generals, but also near the water tower, of course, it will be him, but no one expected that it was not Yuan Shao, but the chaotic adulterous male Cao Mengde.

When talking about the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in the northern land, the reason why Cao Cao laughed to the end was because Cao Cao was quick-witted, reacted quickly, and engaged in Mao Jiu in Yanzhou Zhizhong, saying, "Feng Tianzi orders not to be subordinate, cultivate cultivation, and livestock and military resources, so that the cause of overlordship can be achieved." He passed at one point, and immediately took action, and quickly boarded the first pillar to grab the first pillar of dragon head incense. And Yuan Shao? Wa is a good baby, that is, the reaction is slower, you see, the counselor Frustrated Zhi also suggested to him, "Order the princes to serve the Son of Heaven, and prepare the soldiers and horses to please the court", he just does not listen, Cao Cao snatched the Son of Heaven, there is a little development, he is full of remorse, dreaming of marrying his daughter-in-law - think of good things, saying that I have good food and drink here and there is no great flood, or will I move the Son of Heaven to Zhencheng, and we will serve the Son of Heaven together and be a good friend? Unexpectedly, he received an edict, the wording of which was very strong: "Although Zhencheng is good, your strength is enough, but when Zhencheng was forced to wander and wander, why didn't you come to Qinwang?" ”

The reason why Yuan Shao did not blackmail tianzi to order the princes was not because he was stupid

Everyone thinks that Yuan Shao's mistake lies in not "holding tianzi", which is really stupid and cute, in fact, if you carefully analyze the situation of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, the composition of his entrepreneurial team, etc., you will find that Yuan Shao may be stupid, but he just did not handle this matter well.

Many people understand "holding the Son of Heaven to make the princes" all feel that this is a simple addition and subtraction method, coercion, a million profits, not coercion, a fall, in fact, this understanding itself has a problem, an iron law in the investment community, high returns are often accompanied by high risk, this matter is no exception, it has a fairly high risk, and the more to the back, the higher the risk coefficient, don't you see that Cao Cao's later killing ring, many are related to the Tianzi imprisoned in his hands, such as Empress Fu's family, Liu Bei and other people have participated These rebellious activities, one after another, made Cao Cao a mess, he only had to kill and kill, the first Confucian of the Han Dynasty, Kong Rong, kill! Even in the end, his own top strategists, Xun Yu's uncle and nephew, were also forced to die by him, without him, these people have a characteristic, that is, the family has been a Han shi clan for hundreds of years, familiar with the book of Kong Meng, eager for world peace and stability, but in a chaotic world, he does not have that ability, he can only hope for heroes like them, "Baojing Anmin", "Kuang Fu Han Room,", Liu Bei and others play this banner, the purpose is the same, to win the support of the Shi clan, but these people, at least on the surface, can only support him "Kuang Fu Han Room." Because this involves their own core interests, that is, you a group of people who have been shouting "loyalty to the king and patriotism" and "loyalty and filial piety" for hundreds of years to support the thieves, how will you mix in the future?

The reason why Yuan Shao did not blackmail tianzi to order the princes was not because he was stupid

Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao needed to "bong" the Son of Heaven more, not to note that it was "feng" rather than coercion, why? If they are both entrepreneurial teams, then the composition of the two teams is different, Yuan Shao was born into a famous family, the ancestors of the "four generations and three dukes", protégés and former officials all over the world, the reason why he developed rapidly, in a short period of time, has the land of Qing, Xu, and Ji, is not how much he fights and how strong he is, but the huge group of scholars is attached to him. Cao Cao was different, he was born "after the eunuchs", the people of the scholar clan, originally arrogant, usually do not look up to this group of eunuchs, not to mention that in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a tragic disaster of party prohibition, which further deepened the contempt of the scholars for the group of eunuchs, and Cao Cao was not only born, but also had the "fierce cunning" unique to the eunuchs, how do you let the group of scholars vote for him? This determines that Cao Cao's entrepreneurial team is mainly from the cold door, and this group, between The Heavenly Sons, is also separated by the group of "scholars and bureaucrats", and its class does not deal directly with the Tianzi. For example, Cao Cao once boasted that "Hele entered the army and knew Chu in the field", but he followed Cao Cao's meritorious career, changed his own and his family's destiny, and realized the class jump, but he was quite enthusiastic.

But the cold soldiers, can only guarantee that you give him ideals and hopes, give him opportunities, they can achieve class jump, especially able to endure hardships, especially able to fight. To compete for the world, we need such a team with combat effectiveness, but we also need the wisdom and strategy of conquering the world, and the talents who can govern all kinds of things.

The reason why Yuan Shao did not blackmail tianzi to order the princes was not because he was stupid

Cao Cao raised the banner of the Son of Heaven, and he could not order the princes at all, would Yuan Shao listen to him, would Yuan Shu listen to him? Will Liu Biao and Gongsun Zhan listen to him? Will Lü Bu listen to him? If there is a gun, it is the king of grass heads, and in addition to giving them a reward, other things that require them to pay for it will certainly not be listened to. In fact, Cao Cao took the Son of Heaven, the biggest gain is that the scholars and Haojie, such as Guan Yu, one of the five tiger generals of the Shu Han Dynasty, was once captured by Cao Cao, Cao Cao had great sincerity to let him surrender, and did not skimp on the high-ranking official Houlu, but Guan Yu was familiar with the Spring and Autumn Righteousness, if he surrendered to Cao Cao, how would he go out to see people in the future? Zhang Liao saw this and directly told Guan Yu that it was not Cao Cao who surrendered, you were returning to Han and serving the Han Dynasty, and Cao Cheng xiang was also ah, which allowed Guan Yu to surrender with peace of mind. At least logically, it can be explained, such as Kong Rong and others, you let him defect to Cao Cao, can you come? But compromise, let him defect to the Han, he is acceptable, there are many scholars, not so firm faith, the original intention is to run to Cao Cao, follow the delicious drink, promote some petty officials, but do not want to damage their own reputation of the clan, do it, Cao Cao put up the banner of "FengTianzi", this embarrassment does not exist, but this group, even after growing with your strength, will definitely eat back at you, because they will widely demand the sharing of political power, and Tianzi is their best signboard.

The reason why Yuan Shao did not blackmail tianzi to order the princes was not because he was stupid

In addition to the fact that the Heavenly Son is the most advanced, the possible repercussions of the scholar group, in fact, there is a big risk, the Son of Heaven is the honor of the world, a mountain does not tolerate two tigers, if some of the heads are green, even if you grant the official title, he is still unwilling to give formal respect, have to jump out of the Heavenly Son, challenge the legitimacy of the Heavenly Son in your hands? For example, "Zhongshi" Emperor Yuan Shu, what should you do? This determines that the other princes can ignore it, but you must go to the requisition until it is destroyed, otherwise, the Son of Heaven in your hand will become a joke and the political significance will be greatly reduced, which is why as soon as Yuan Shu emerged, Cao Cao and Liu Bei fought hard until Yuan Shu was completely destroyed. But Yuan Shao, he did not have this kind of courage, at that time, he probably only wanted to destroy Gongsun Zhan in the northern Youzhou first, and did not want to fall into this kind of passive war.

Yuan Shao's model, just like a franchise chain store, people watch him advertise well, the brand value is high, choose to join him, the new stores are endless, at this time, there is a once very large brand has been frequent bankruptcy, but also debt-ridden, lawsuits continue, someone advised him to quickly acquire it, you say he can not receive?

He really lacks the spirit of adventure, does not dare to cross the mountain of swords and the sea of fire, and only wants to enjoy the benefits in peace and stability!

Author: Xiao Yunan, our special guest author

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