
Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

author:Shōryū Meiomi
Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

The three-child open policy, like a bombshell, has exploded countless layers of ripples, around the three-child policy, there is everything to say, in stark contrast to the inner volume, everyone is generally worried that raising a child is so difficult, how to raise three children.

Saying that it is impossible to raise, in fact, in essence, it is afraid of not raising well, can not cultivate children into talents, has become the original anxiety of many parents, now compared with before, everyone pays more attention to the quality of children than quantity.

As the saying goes, the dragon gives birth to nine sons, nine sons are different, sometimes learn to bully parents, you can also give birth to scum children, can cultivate all children into talented families that are also a rare successful person, such parents are absolutely tough.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

There is really such a person in history, he is called Biao, and his life is really tough enough, he gave birth to two sons and a daughter, all of them are top talents, and all celebrities are young.

This person is called Ban Biao, and his three children are Ban Gu, Ban Chao and Ban Zhao, who can be said to be top talents and have created a precedent in their respective fields.

Let's talk about Bangu first, everyone may be most familiar with him, why is it most familiar with Bangu, we usually say that a person is not famous, we all say that he is not famous, that is, this person's name is not recorded in the history books, and the biography refers to the history books.

In ancient times, there was no video technology, all records relied on words, and a person could enter the biographical part of the history books, indicating that this person had a certain degree of popularity and prestige in society, and even the length of a person's biography directly determined a person's impression in the minds of future generations.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

A person can enter the history books, even if it is only a line of small characters, this is already able to leave a name in history, after all, China has long been a huge territory, a large population, fierce competition for talents, the probability of writing into the history books is really very low, only if you are particularly excellent, can be recorded in the history books.

Under normal circumstances, a person can enter the history books is already very cattle, but Ban Gu surpassed them, he directly wrote history books, you say that cattle are not cattle, and Ban Gu wrote the "Book of Han", which belongs to the first four histories of China's twenty-four histories, and is one of the books that historians believe that Chinese people must read.

China has always had a tradition of revision of history, but any tradition has a pioneer, Sima Qian wrote the "History", and finally said that it was hidden in the famous mountains for posterity to discover, because sima Qian's era of writing history is a very dangerous thing.

Ban Gu is actually a pioneer, at first he wrote the "Book of Han" is also a private act, ancient writing history requires a huge amount of energy, and this must have a family origin, the average person you want to write can not write.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

Just when Ban Gu was determined to learn from Sima Qian and write the Book of Han, he was denounced, and in the fifth year of Yongping (62 AD), someone wrote to the imperial court to report Ban Gu's "private revision of the history of the country", and the Han Ming Emperor ordered Fufeng County to arrest him, Ban Gu was imprisoned in Jingzhao Prison, and the manuscript was also confiscated by the government.

At that time, the crime of "privately repairing the history of the country" was very large, su lang, a man from the same county, was accused of forging a map, after being arrested and imprisoned, he was soon executed, after Ban Gu was arrested and imprisoned, the whole family was very nervous, at this time it reflected the benefits of having a brother, Ban Gu's younger brother Ban Chao, rode on a fast horse to the capital, explained the situation to the emperor, and rescued his brother.

Ban Chao was very popular all the way, and his behavior also attracted the attention of the emperor, so he was received by Emperor Hanming, who told Emperor Hanming all about the decades of hard work of his father and brother and the intention to promote "Hande", and Fufeng Junshou also sent the copied manuscripts to The Beijing Division.

Emperor Ming read the manuscript, was amazed by Ban Gu's talent, praised the manuscript he wrote was indeed a masterpiece, ordered his immediate release, and summoned him to the Luoyang Royal School Book Department in Kyoto, worshiped as Lantai Lingshi, in charge of and proofread the royal books, and from then on Ban Gu began his career of practicing the history of the edicts, from underground work to the ground, and the corresponding various historical materials and staffing were also more.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

When Ban Gu was in danger, his brother Ban Chao rushed to the rescue, this Ban Chao was even more of a wizard, ancient reading attaches great importance to home learning, because in ancient times books were difficult to obtain, generally there were books in the family, you can read books, so at that time, reading and literacy is a minority thing.

I thought that Ban Chao would become an excellent historian or writer like his brother, but he did not expect that Ban Chao would become a great general who ran the Western Regions.

After Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, the states of the Western Regions broke away from the jurisdiction of the Central Dynasty and were controlled by the Northern Xiongnu, who greatly increased their strength after obtaining the manpower and material resources of the Western Regions, and repeatedly invaded the hexi counties, making the people of the border areas miserable.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

At that time, Ban Chao followed the general Dou Gu to the Western Regions to suppress the rebellion, and at first it was just a civilian job, but he did not expect that as soon as Ban Chao arrived in the army, he showed his outstanding military ability, and Dou Gu appreciated his talents, so he sent him to the Western Regions with Guo Ke.

Ban Chao sent a long-term mission to the Western Regions, a total of thirty-one years in the Western Regions, of which in the ninth year of Yongyuan (97), Ban Chao sent Gan Ying to the Great Qin (Roman Empire), and Gan Ying to the Western Sea (Persian Gulf) and also created a precedent for exchanges between the East and the West.

For thirty-one years in the Western Regions, he correctly implemented the Han Dynasty's policy of "cutting off the right arm of the Xiongnu", and from beginning to end based on winning the majority, dividing, disintegrating and expelling the Xiongnu forces, so that the battle must be won and the attack must be won.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

Not only did it maintain the security of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but also strengthened the ties with the various vassal states in the Western Regions, and made outstanding contributions to the return of the Western Regions, and was named the Marquis of Dingyuan by the imperial court, and when he returned to his homeland, he was 71 years old, and soon died in Luoyang, which can be called a lifetime of guarding the border for the country.

Not to enter the tiger's den to get the tiger, is what Ban Chao said, at that time the mission to the western region was thousands of miles away, without a lofty sense of mission, it was difficult to complete the task, Ban Chao from a literati, into a general who guarded the western region, countless times for the country to kill the enemy, showing the spiritual outlook of the people at that time, regardless of whether it was civil or military to be loyal to the country, much stronger than those literati in later generations who could only move their lips.

Ban Gu Ban Chao are cattle people, they also have a little sister, called Ban Zhao, is China's first talented daughter, her brother Ban Gu wrote the Book of Han before he died, Han and the emperor ordered Ban Zhao to go to the Dongguan Library cabinet to continue to write the Book of Han.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

Emperor He of Han summoned Ban Zhao to the palace many times, and made the empress and nobles regard Ban Zhao as a teacher, also known as "Cao Everyone", and after Empress Deng came to listen to the government, she allowed Ban Zhao to participate in political affairs.

Ban Zhao was diligent in government, and Empress Deng was very satisfied, and Cao, the son of Ban Zhao, became the Marquis of Guannei and the official to the state of Qi, and she often wrote various praises to the imperial court.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

But these will become floating clouds over time, and Ban Zhao's greatest influence is to write the "Women's Ring", advocating that women should have the "three subordinate ways" and "four virtues", and its female view mainly includes two aspects: emphasizing the idea of male superiority and female inferiority and emphasizing obedience.

"Female Commandments" as one of the "Four Books of Women", greatly affected the women of later generations, in ancient times Ban Zhao was vigorously praised, as for the modern society, the rise of the feminist movement, Ban Zhao may be so liked, but we can not use the concept of modern people, to harshly rebuke a deceased person, Ban Zhao has used her talent and ability, became the best woman of her time.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

The three sons of the Ban family, two men and one woman, are all famous figures throughout the ages, and his father, Ban Biao, is as famous as his name, and he is extremely tough, and it is really not easy to cultivate all three of his children into top talents.

Ban Biao: This father under the three children is really Biao, and the three children have all become famous and left their youth history

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