
Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

author:The world's first spring scenic spot

Speaking of Pu Songling (1640-1715), in addition to his worldly masterpiece "Liaozhai Zhiyi", people are more familiar with his bumpy Keju Road. Although he had little literary talent, he had always been unfavorable in the imperial examinations, and throughout his life, he did not even win anyone.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

Surprisingly, although Pu Songling's road to keju is tortuous, it is very dazzling at the beginning. In the fifteenth year of Shunzhi (1658), Pu Songling, who was only 19 years old, was admitted to the Xiucai Examination with the first place in the county, prefecture and province, and was known to be the Shandong Xuezheng Shi Yanzhang at that time, "The literary name is from the various generations".

However, he did not admit that from the age of 21 to the age of 63, he participated in the township examination again and again, and the result was sun mountain. It was not until the age of 72 that he went to Qingzhou to take the Niangong Examination, and with the help of Huang Shulin, a scholar in Shandong, he made an exception and was made an exception to make up for the year gongsheng, and received a false title of candidate for Confucian teaching.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

Pu Songling did not go well in his life, but he did not move his anger to Jinan, the place where the township test was held, but instead formed a lifelong love affair with this place. The chapters such as "Sisters Easy to Marry" and "OrphanEd Daughter" in his "Liaozhai Zhiyi" are all interpreted according to the stories he interviewed when he was living on the shore of Daming Lake. In addition, among the nearly 500 short stories included in "Liaozhai Zhiyi", there are more than ten chapters involving Jinan's geographical customs, customs and skills, such as "Stealing Peaches", "Beggar Monk", "Gongsun Jiuniang", "Zhong Sheng", "Cold Moon Furao" and so on.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In addition, during his stay in Jinan, Pu Songling also wrote a large number of poems related to Jinan.

When Pu Songling went to Jinan, in addition to taking the imperial examination, he was a member. When he was in Jinan, he visited Daming Lake, Baotu Spring, BaixueLou and other scenic spots many times, and left many chants.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1678), Pu Songling went to Jinan to participate in the township examination, and when he encountered rain on the way through Mingshui, he composed a poem of seven laws and one poem of "Mingshui Blocking Rain", which has a sentence: "For forty years, people have looked like the old, and the poor dangers and obstacles have been completely passed." Despite this, fate still failed to give Pu Songling the slightest favor, and he once again fell off the list! He toured Daming Lake with Li Wenyi, an Equally Frustrated Anqiu man, and wrote "Tong Anqiu Li Wenyi Pan Daming Lake" seven laws and two poems to express the pain of frustration in his heart.

In the autumn of the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Pu Songling, who was already forty-five years old, once again went to Jinan to take the Shandong Township Examination, but the result was still not successful. During this period, Pu Songling composed "Baotu Spring Fu" in Jinan.

In the late spring of four years, Pu Songling traveled again, climbed the White Snow Tower, and composed three songs of the Seven Laws "White Snow Building". In the autumn of that year, Pu Songling also came to Jinan once and wrote poems such as "Lixia Brigade".

In September of the 30th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, in order to find chrysanthemum seeds for Bi Jiyou, Pu Songling went to Jinan again, toured the East Flowing Water, and composed two poems of the Seven Laws, entitled "Xin Wei September to Jinan, Travel to the East Flowing Water, that is, looking for chrysanthemum seeds for Bi Jiyou".

At the beginning of the 32nd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Yu Chenglong, the envoy of Shandong Salt Transport, was transferred to the position of shandong envoy, and after reading Pu Songling's poems, he admired his talent and learning, so Hou Xing'an of Zichuan County invited Pu Songling to meet with him. After arriving in Jinan, Yu Chenglong paid tribute to Pu Songling. Pu Songling spent several days in the Yu Chenglong curtain, and yu Chenglong made a meeting of the White Snow Building, and composed two poems, "Yu Lianxian Proposition (Plum Blossom Book House Diagram)" and "Seven Laws".

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

This summer, Pu Songling also spent it under the calendar. At that time, when Li Xingzu was repairing the ancient calendar pavilion and completing it, Pu Songling composed the poem "Rebuilding the Ancient Calendar Pavilion" and the "Ancient Calendar Pavilion Endowment". This fu from the present to the present, from the past to the present, the past and the present, the scenes are intertwined, there are many feelings, and there are many laying skills, which is comparable to the "Beizhu Pavilion Fu" by the famous Northern Song Dynasty writer Chao Supplement.

A year later, Yu Chenglong was transferred away from Shandong, and Pu Songling composed a poem "Ancient Li Pavilion", the first two were written in the scene, the last two were lyrical, and the whole poem touched the past, once again expressing his admiration for Yu Chenglong and Li Xingzu for rebuilding the Lixia Pavilion.

In the thirty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Pu Songling came to Jinan again, and together with his friends Zhang Duqing and Li Ximei, denghua Mountain, visited Daming Lake and BaixueLou. On the way back, Zhang Duqing had a poetry tour.

Two years later, in the autumn, Pu Songling came to Jinan again and lived until September 30 before returning home to worship his ancestors. During his stay in Jinan, Pu Songling wrote poems such as "Jimen Guest Residence", expressing his inner sadness and helplessness. In addition, this time Pu Songling also wrote "Doorman Bizi and Shen Hui'an Kunzhong boating on Daming Lake, raining heavily, trampling and returning, and the drama became two absolutes".

In the autumn of the forty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the sixty-three-year-old Pu Songling went to Jinan to participate in the Shandong Township Examination, but he still returned home, leaving only poems such as "Ke Di" and "Ke Qiu".

In the spring of the forty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Pu Songling also lived in Jinan for a period of time, and stayed until May before leaving Ji to return home. During this period, he wrote poems such as "Qiu Zi Xingsu Master and Disciple, Invited to Travel to the East Flowing Water" and "Lixia".

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In March of the following year, Pu Songling once again went to Jinan for an incident and stayed in a hostel by Daming Lake. His poem "Morning Cooking in the Guest's Residence" describes the scene when he lived on the shore of Daming Lake and got up early in the morning to make breakfast.

In the summer of the forty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Pu Songling went to Jinan again at the invitation of a friend and lived in the Zhao Lou by Daming Lake, composing two poems such as "Xia Ke Ji Men, Yi Ju Hu Lou".

Three years later, on February 15, Pu Songling, who was nearly seventy years old, went to Jinan with the disciples of the Bi family to take the exam, and once again visited Daming Lake, composing a poem "Wind and Cold Boating".

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In addition to the above poems, Pu Songling also wrote about Daming Lake and Lixia Pavilion in "Liaozhai Zhiyi", such as the story of "Cold Moon Furao" taking place on Daming Lake.

These poems of Pu Songling embody his admiration for every scene and thing of Daming Lake, and Daming Lake adds a wisp of elegant cultural atmosphere and historical feelings because of These words of Pu Songling.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In addition to Daming Lake and Lixia Pavilion, Pu Songling also had a poem dedicated to the BaixueLou located near Baihuazhou on the south bank of Daming Lake, and his "White Snow Building" seven laws and three poems, from the remnants of the ming lake to the Que and Hua'er Mountains in the distance, from the BaixueLou in front of him to li Panlong, the leader of the seven sons after the Ming Dynasty, pinned his admiration for a generation of masters in the transformation of time and space.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!
Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

In 2009, the water gushed into Baotu Spring.

Pu Songling has not won the exam for more than 40 years, but he has a love affair with Jinan!

Pu Songling is also very fond of Baotu Spring, and has written "Baotu Spring Endowment" and "Baotu Spring Lianzhu" to sing it. In "Baotu Spring Fu", he first wrote about the source of the spring water, then wrote about the origin and architecture of Baotu Spring, and finally vividly depicted the gushing spring water of Baotu Spring from different angles with heavy ink and heavy colors. In addition to "Baotu Spring Fu", Pu Songling also wrote a "Baotu Spring Lianzhu", three paragraphs of text in the form of four or six sentences, although the structure is the same, the angle is constantly changing, the writing is ingenious, and the momentum is extraordinary.


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