
"Qingfeng Village Trip" ancient Shaanzhou celebrity "Kansai Confucius" ---- Lingbao Yuling Town Yang family village Yang Zhen

author:Breeze Sanmenxia
"Qingfeng Village Trip" ancient Shaanzhou celebrity "Kansai Confucius" ---- Lingbao Yuling Town Yang family village Yang Zhen

Text/Photo: Shang Bairen Zhu Jiahao Niu Zhanya//Editor/Planner: Chen Wei

The Yang clan was surnamed Yu Western Zhou and originated in present-day Hongdong County. When King Kang of Zhou created his younger brother Ji Zhu the Marquis of Yang, he was known as the Marquis of Yang (杼侯国, in modern Fan Village, Southeastern Hongdong County, Shanxi Province), so Yang Zhu was the ancestor of the Yang surname. In the nineteenth year of King Xuan of Zhou (809 BC), Ji Jing reappointed his young son ShangFu (Zi Jian) as the Marquis of Yang and established the State of Yang (southeast of present-day Hongdong County), which was later annexed by Jin. In the fifth year of King An of Zhou (397 BC), Ji Jiao also made Boqiao the Marquis of Yang, and the history is called the Marquis of Yang on Wednesday. Uncle Bo Qiao V Grandson Xiang Dafu eats the three counties of Yangshi, Pingyang and Tongtan, and Uncle Xiang sheng Boshi, and the word eats me. Taking Yi as his surname, he is called Yang Food Me. Later, due to the difficulties, his descendants fled to the Huaxian Immortal Valley in Shaanxi to live in seclusion, and then multiplied and formed the Hongnong Yang clan, and then spread to develop everywhere.

In the fifteenth year (39) of the han guangwu emperor Jianwu, the people of Huayin County were included in Hongnong County, living in Tongguan, Lingbao, Luoyang and other places centered on Huayin, forming the Yang clan, called "Hongnong Yang Clan".

(I) The "Hongnong" in History

In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (113 BC), Emperor Liu Che of the Western Han Dynasty first set up Hongnong Commandery (named after Hongnongjian). The seat of government was in present-day Sanmenxia, Henan Province, Lingbao Qinhanguguan, a county of the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty of China, with the Western Han Dynasty as the largest, including today's Sanmenxia City, the western part of Nanyang City, and the southeastern city of Shangluo in Shaanxi Province, with jurisdiction over 11 counties: Hongnong (present-day Lingbao), Yiyang, Xin'an, Shichi, Lushi, Luhun, Yanxian, Shunyang, Shaanxi, Shangluo, and Shangxian. At the time of The New Mang, Hongnong County was changed to the right team, leading Hongnong County.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was renamed Hongnong County. In the second year of Emperor Wu of Han (26 AD), the two counties of Danshui and Jiexian were assigned to Nanyang County, and in the fifteenth year of Jianwu (39 AD), Shang and Shangluo were assigned to Jingzhao, and at the same time, Hu County and Huayin County were added. At this time, Hongnong led nine counties: Hongnong, Shaanxi County, Shichi, Xin'an, Yiyang, Luhun, Lushi, Huxian and Huayin. In order to avoid the Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong's secret, Hongnong changed hongnong to Hengnong.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, in order to avoid the conservatism of Emperor Wen Tuoba Hong, the counties were changed to Hengnong. In the third year of the Sui Dynasty (607), Hongnong was restored, but the county rule Hongnong moved to the center of present-day Lingbao (present-day Lingbao Chengguan Town) and hongnong county, leading four counties: Hongnong, Zhuyang, Lushi, and Changquan. During the reign of Emperor Gong, hongnong county was changed to Fenglin County, and Yu County was ruled by the Lu clan.

During the Tang Dynasty, Hongnong County was divided into Shaanzhou and Yuzhou.

In the first year of Wude of the Tang Dynasty (618 AD), Fenglin County was changed to Dingzhou. In the eighth year of Zhenguan (634), Yu Commandery was moved to Hongnong County, and Hongnong County was abolished, leading to six counties: Hongnong, Fuxiang, Hucheng, Zhuyang, Baocheng, and Lushi. In the first year of Tianbao (742), the county was changed to Yu Prefecture (虢州). In the same year, Taolin County was changed to Lingbao County, which still belongs to Shaanzhou.

By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, Hongnong County was renamed Changnong County, and in the third year of Dao (997), it was changed to Yuluo County, which was jointly ruled with Yuzhou, and the four counties of Yuzhou, Zhuyang, Lushi, and Luanchuan were ruled. Lingbao, Hucheng, Fuxiang, Ruicheng, Shaanxi, Pinglu, Xiaxian in Shaanzhou.

From the Yuan Dynasty to the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (1265), Hucheng entered The Township, and by the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1271), yu prefecture was abolished, and Yu was slightly a town, with an inspection department.

By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, Hongnong no longer used place names.

(2) Yangjia Village

The Yellow River enters Henan from Shaanxi, and the first village it passes through is Yangjia Village in Yuling Town, Lingbao City, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. Yangjia Village is a typical junction of three provinces, the village has more than 4,000 acres of arable land, more than 1,000 acres of orchards, more than 2,000 acres of Yellow River beach land, high in the south and low in the north, and the highest altitude is more than 400 meters. There are more than 1,400 households in the village, and nearly 7,000 people. Since the construction of the Sanmenxia Reservoir, Yangjia Village has been relocated and relocated several times, and the villagers have made great sacrifices.

Yangjia Village has a long history, and the Records of Fuxiang County record that its village was named after the Eastern Han Dynasty "Kansai Confucius" Yang Zhen who cultivated and read it here. At present, there are nine natural villages under the jurisdiction of Yangjia Village, and the village is mainly surnamed Yang, with zhang surname, Wang surname, Li surname, Yi surname, Deng surname, Dong surname, Chen surname, Ma surname and so on.

Yangjia Village was the teaching place of Han Taiwei Yang Zhen before he left shi. At present, the oldest building in the village is the ruins of the Yang Zhen Ancestral Hall Three Eels. Every year from the 11th to the 15th day of the 3rd lunar month, there is an ancient temple fair of the Dragon King in the village. Yangjia village is close to the Yellow River, the villagers have great respect for the Dragon King, before the founding of New China, there was a Dragon King Temple in the village, there were monks, incense was exuberant.

"Qingfeng Village Trip" ancient Shaanzhou celebrity "Kansai Confucius" ---- Lingbao Yuling Town Yang family village Yang Zhen

(3) Yang Zhenqi

Yang Zhen VIII ancestor Yang Xi, the character Youluo. During the reign of Emperor Gaozu of Han Gao, he was awarded the title of "Marquis of Chiquan" for his meritorious efforts in killing Xiang Yu. His ancestor Yang Chang (杨敞), the Emperor of Han Zhao, was made the Marquis of Anping (安平侯) during the reign of Emperor Liu Fu of Han Zhao , and his grandfather Yang Tan (杨谭) attacked Marquis of Anping. Yang Zhen was the fifth grandson of Yang Chang (Yang Chang married Sima Ying, the daughter of Ma Qian of the Taishi Company), and his father Yang Bao, zi Yayuan, became a famous Confucian at that time because he studied assiduously in the "Book of Present Literature and Shangshu" taught by Mr. Ouyang. When his ancestors burned books in the Qin Dynasty, they were stored in Dongshe Zhiyuan. Later, he established a school on dongshezhi, studied ancient books, and taught in Hucheng County for more than 20 years from the time of many scholars, when emperors and emperors were in decline. Wang Mangshi avoided the call and was sincere to Han. When Emperor Guangwu took the throne, he was summoned as a soldier, and Yang Bao was too old and ill to go to Shi, and eventually died at home.

Yang Zhen (55–124), courtesy name Boqi, was a Great Confucian of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In his early years, he moved to Yangjia Village in Yuling Town, Lingbao City, Sanmenxia. When Yang Zhen was young, he studied Ouyang's Book of Shang with his father and studied under Taichang Huanyu. About 74 AD, the family moved from Huayang to Hucheng, where they built a grass house and taught business, and lived for 30 years. He was very knowledgeable, then known as "Confucius of Kansai", and served as an envoy and a taishou. Today, the yang clan's honorific titles of "Kansai Hall", "Sizhi Hall", and "Qingbai Hall" all come from Yang Zhen's virtues of honesty and honesty and refusal to bribe thousands of gold. The Later Han Dynasty Book Fifty-Four Yang ZhenLie Biography 44 records that when Yang Zhen was 50 years old, when the Eastern Han Dynasty and the emperor's uncle General Deng Xiao heard of Yang Zhenxian's ability, he initially recommended Yang Zhenxian to be the governor of the prefecture, and then Mao Cai (Xiu Cai), the fourth envoy of Yingzhou (present-day Xinye County, Henan), the Taishou of Donglai County (present-day Laizhou, Shandong), and later the Taishou of Zhuo County (涿郡, in present-day Zhuo County, Hebei). In 117 AD, he served as a servant in the middle of the dynasty, moved to Taichang, and became a situ in the first year of Yongning (120 AD). In the second year of Yanguang (123), Liu Kai was made a lieutenant, and his position was juxtaposed with that of a chancellor.

"Qingfeng Village Trip" ancient Shaanzhou celebrity "Kansai Confucius" ---- Lingbao Yuling Town Yang family village Yang Zhen

When he passed through Changyi on his way to the county, Mi Zheng, the maocai king of Jingzhou who had been elected by him, went to see Yang Zhen and sent ten jin of gold at night. Wang Mi said: "It's late at night, and no one will know." Yang Zhen said, "Heaven knows, God knows, I know, you know, how can I say that no one knows?" In this regard, later the Changyi people built a "Four Knowledge Temple" for Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen was an upright official, an indomitable magnate, and repeatedly spoke bluntly about the shortcomings of current politics, and was hated by Fan Feng and others.

In the second year of Yongning (121), Empress Deng died. Emperor An's grandmother Wang Sheng was corrupt and perverted the law, Yang Zhen was sparse, and Emperor An showed Wang Sheng, who held a grudge in his heart.

Later Emperor An issued an edict to build a house for Wang Sheng, and Fan Feng, the attendants of Zhongchang and Zhou Guang and Xie Yun, agitated to disturb the imperial court, and Yang Zhen went up again. After the earthquake, Yang Zhen went up again, and his words were fierce, and Emperor An was displeased.

In the third year of Yanguang (124), Emperor An toured Mount Taishan, Fan Feng and others took the opportunity to build houses, Yang Zhen was investigated and punished, and Fan Feng and others framed Yang Zhen together. Emperor An returned, sent emissaries to take back Yang Zhen's seal, and then ordered him to return it to his original hometown.

Yang Zhen walked to the Jiyang Pavilion in the west of Luoyang City, explained the aftermath to his son and protégé, took poison and died. Hongnong Taishou Qianliang, adhering to Fan Feng's and other wishes, sent officials to stay in Shaanxi County to stop Yang Zhen's funeral. Next to the coffin, Yang Zhen's sons were ordered to send letters to and from the postman instead of the postman.

In the first year of Yongjian (125), Fan Feng, Zhou Guang, and others ambushed Yang Zhen, and Yang Zhen's disciples Yu Fang and Chen Yi complained to the imperial court about Yang Zhen's grievances, and then ordered Yang Zhen's two sons to be langs, gave millions of dollars, and buried them in Huayin Tong Pavilion with ceremonies. The edict states that Yang Zhen "was therefore Tai Wei Zhen, who was honest with the government of The Times." ”

Yang Zhen's main works in his life are: "Shangshu Invites the Nursing Mother Wang Sheng", "Wang ShengxiuDi Shu", "Restored to Shangshu due to Earthquakes", "Rescue Zhao Tengshu", "Fuyi Que Shangshu Advises Liu Zhen to Attack jue".

Yang Zhen's descendants were very prosperous and had five sons. In the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, in the nearly 80 years, Yang Zhen, Yang Bing (Yang Zhen's third son), Yang Ci (Yang Bing's son), Yang Biao (Yang Zhi's son), and four generations of grandchildren were all prime ministers, known as the "Four Dynasties and Three Dukes".

Yang Zhen's eldest son, Yang Mu (杨牧), also known as Mengxin (孟信), was an official to Fu Boxiang. The second son, Yang Bing, was a lieutenant of the official Zhi Dynasty. The youngest son, Yang Feng, is well-known. Yang Li (unknown). Yang Rang (unknown).

His grandsons were: Yang Tong, Yang Fu, Yang Ci (杨秉子, Zi Boxian, Guanzhi Taiwei, Fenglin Marquis of Jin, Qifu Qiqi General, And Marquis Wenlie. ), Yang Shi (杨奉子, who grew up in Confucianism and died early. )

Great-grandchildren: Yang Qi (杨牧孙, Zi Gongting( Yi Zuo Ziqi)] (杨祁子子, Zi Gong Ting) (一作子) (杨赐子, Zi Wenxian, Guan Zhi Taiwei, In Cao Wei Bai Guanglu Dafu, Ban Ya Sansi), Yang Zhong (杨敷子, 官至御史中丞), Shi Zhong, Jian'an 2nd year (197) posthumously awarded the title of Marquis of Yingting).

Grandchildren: Yang Liang (杨奇子, Jian'an Yuannian (196), marquis of Yangchengting (196) for Yang Qi's merits), Yang Xiu (杨彪子, Zi Dezu, official to the lord of the Book of Xiang Xiang, later killed by Cao Cao).

His eighth grandson, Yang Quzi, was the sixth ancestor of Emperor Yang Jian of Sui.

In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Hongnong Yang clan entered a more prominent and prosperous era from the "Four Dynasties and Three Dukes" era of the Han Dynasty, and its nobility and glory reached the extreme.

"Kansai Confucius" Yang Zhen had a similar experience with Confucius, opening a museum to teach apprentices, and only entering the army at the age of fifty. Although it is not as influential as Confucius, its "four knowledges" are passed down to future generations.

(4) The influence of Yang Zhen

Later generations have a high evaluation of Yang Zhen.

Cai Dongfan's "Later Han Yanyi • Forty-first Time": Yang Zhen is not subject to the will of gold, the words of the four knowledges, can be quality heaven and earth; and wants to pass on his innocence to his descendants, and he will be able to pass on his descendants to The Descendants of Yi Ze, Xiu Guang IV. How rich and noble is it that those who are later born to be counted, but they know the misfortune of the yi and do not know the yi de ya? And the Kansai master Yang Boqi died to pass on.

Wei Yuan's "Imperial Dynasty Scripture Continuation, Volume VIII": Gu Haojie's use of the world, there are actions to be reached, but those who cannot be reached, what is it? The same grace and solitude make people feel, the same prestige and solitude make people afraid, the same merit and its name alone, the same position and its unique reverence, this must be out of the cause of the name of the person, there is moral hope, there is talent, there is clear hope.

Wang Yinglin's "History of the Thirteen examinations of volume": The Three Dukes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there is no Yang Zhen and Li Guzhi's right, but the first advance is Deng and Liang, and the gentleman thinks that he is stupid.

Liu Bao's "Later Han Shu Yang Zhen Biography": Therefore Tai Wei Zhen, Zheng Zhi is with.

Qian Shi's "Notes on the Two Han Dynasties": Yang Zhen is not fed gold, not a high festival, and what is the language of ignorance is the end of the law of the Sincere Scholar. Always have this heart, introspection is not guilty, the dark room leaks, no different from ten eyes and ten hands, then it is not deceived.

Hu Zeng's "Epic Kansai": Yang Zhen's ghost went down to the north, and the traces of Kansai were desolate. The four knowledge of the reputation of the world should be with Qiankun for a long time.

Yang Zhen's tomb, northwest of Tingdong Village, Gaoqiao Township, Tongguan County, on the bank of the present-day Wei River, is 13 kilometers west of Mount Hua. In the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (168 AD), it was reburied here, and at the beginning of the Ming Wanli (1573-1620), BingXian Cai Kejiao expanded 34 acres of land and built pavilions. In the thirteenth year of Qing Shunzhi (1656), the Tongguan guards prepared Tang Bin to carry out a reconstruction. In the thirty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1697), cheng Zhaolin, the emissary of the postmaster, erected a stone stele in front of the tomb and wrote "Guanxi Fuzi Yang Cemetery". In the seventeenth year of Jiaqing (1812), Yang Yuchun, the viceroy of Jiaqing, rebuilt Yang Zhen's tomb, erected stone carvings, and built "Shangzhifang".

There are some cultural relics excavated in the Shaanxi Provincial Museum in 1959.

The Tongguan County Cultural Center has a stele of "Guanxi Fuzi Yang Cemetery".

"Tongguan Weizhi" records: Tang Li Shimin passed by Yang Zhen's tomb and personally wrote a memorial.

Zhang Weixin, deputy envoy of the Ming Tongguan Military Armament, once wrote the poem "Hanging Yang Boqi Tomb": "Sprinkle wine under the pine hill, yanran see the Han officials; gold is a tho, and the day is better than the chest and liver." Jie Junhua peak slash, wind Qing Long tree cold; Er name Kan Li cowardly, BaiDai Jie republished. ”

Inscribed in the second year (173) of the Eastern Han Ling Emperor Xiping, the original stone is in Shaanzhou's Yixiang County, and now the "Han Dynasty Taiwei Yang Gong Shinto Inscription": "Holy Han Longxing, the god descended to the rank, was born in gong", "Yi I three fish, with Zhang Yide" and "Situ, Taiwei, li dynasty is right, diligent and loyal" and other texts.

Yang Zun (Zi Zongdao), who lived in Qiantang in Yuanpu City, wrote in the poem "Three Eels Shutang":

Autumn moon cold pool cheng former residence, four know not to eliminate with the age.

Gold is a thousand years of karma, left to Mr. Hall to write.

"Qingfeng Village Trip" ancient Shaanzhou celebrity "Kansai Confucius" ---- Lingbao Yuling Town Yang family village Yang Zhen

(5) Folklore about Yang Zhen

There are many legends about Yang Zhen in the land of Hongnong. Two of the most famous are. First, when he was young, according to the words of his father Yang Bao in his dream, he went to a cave in Huang Tianyuan (also called Dong Sheyuan) to find the bamboo Jane hidden by his ancestors in Qin Shi, wrote "Tadpole Characters", and built a "school library" in his hometown to read and teach "Poetry", "Book", "Li", "Yi", "Le", and "Spring and Autumn", which lasted for more than 30 years, and his disciples exceeded 3,000. When he was 50 years old, one day in front of a group of three eels in front of the lecture hall, everyone said that it was auspicious. Congratulations to him: The eel is a snake eel with a yellow background and black stripes on its body, which is the symbol of the official uniform of Qing Dafu. There are three eels, and the three numbers are fulfilled three, indicating that Mr. Will be more expensive than three gongs and will be developed. As a result, the "School Library" was renamed "Three Eels Library", also known as "Three Eels". Soon, Yang Zhen accepted the recommendation of the general Deng Xiao to serve in the prefecture and county, and raised Maocai (Xiucai).

Second, a year after Yang Zhen committed suicide, Emperor Shun of Han succeeded to the throne. In memory of his loyalty and martyrdom, Yang Zhen's tomb was moved by Hongnong to Huayin Tong pavilion. During the burial, a group of large birds flew in front of the coffin, pitched and mourned, and the tears of the birds soaked the ground until the burial was completed. At that time, everyone present clapped their hands and applauded, and carved the shape of a large bird on the stone stele in front of the tomb as a souvenir.


Over the years, we have taken root in the land of western Henan, unremittingly excavating the culture of the countryside and sorting out the relics on this hot land. Exploring and thinking about the changes in society and the times is to use culture to arouse people's self-confidence and make people love this land more. Spare no effort to build our hometown in the revitalization of the countryside with full enthusiasm, so that the countryside will glow with new vitality, so as to benefit people. (Shang Bairen, Zhu Jiahao, Niu Zhanya)


1. Yang Shiyang edited "Yang Family Tree"

2. "General History of Yang Zaisi Clan"

3. On July 14, 2020, the Rural Edition of Henan Daily, Song Dynasty's "Yangjia Village is Unique"

4. Celebrity Culture, edited by Xu Shenggao, Henan People's Publishing House, 2020

5. Shangguan Xicai, ed., "Historical City, Sanmenxia", Henan People's Publishing House, 2006

6. Liu Shufang's "Kunhan Ancient Road and Cultural Communication", Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 2021

7. Chronicle of Fuxiang County

8. The Biography of Yang Zhen in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty

9. The Ming engraved edition of "A Collection of Images of Chinese Characters in Past Dynasties" has a 228-page portrait of Yang Zhen in the first volume

10. Xie Zhiping's "Eastern Han Confucian Scholars from the Examination"

11. Wu Congxiang's "Ma Rong Annals"

12. Shi Haiyang edited "Biography of The Chinese Prime Minister"

Introduction to Editing:

Shang Bairen, male, born in August 1963. He is a member of the China Essay Literature Association, a special commentator of Yingxiang Network, and a special social science expert of Sanmenxia City. Over the years, he has published more than 130 papers and more than 700 poems on the three rural areas, and published books such as "Love for the Three Rural Areas", "Feeling Life", "Shang Bairen Anthology", "Shang Bairen Poetry Collection", "Investigation and Reflection on the Problems of The Three Rural Areas", "Rural Walking" and other books. More than 20 papers have won awards at or above the provincial level, and the articles have been scattered in more than 300 newspapers, magazines, books and websites.

Chen, member of the Shaanzhou District CPPCC Committee, member of the New Federation of Sanmenxia City, deputy secretary-general of the Shaanzhou District Film and Television Artists Association, director of the Sanmenxia Tonglian Station of Qingfeng (Magazine), editor-in-chief of Sanmenxia Online, focuses on the relics of Kunhan, excavates the story of Xia City, promotes rural revitalization, and writes a new chapter.

Niu Zhanya, male, party member, senior technician, engineer, Luoyang May Day Labor Medal winner, Sanmenxia technical expert, Sanmenxia high-skilled talent, published a number of papers in national academic journals, and a teacher of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Zhengzhou University co-authored an international paper. He has been hired as a senior consultant by the Ancient Village Research Center of the Provincial Housing and Construction Bureau, and as a senior researcher by the Luolong District Archives and History Bureau of Luoyang City (responsible for the excavation and collation of Cultural Materials in Heluo).

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