
After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

author:Soul said

In the spring of 1957, Zhang Weina, a young forensic doctor at the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, was given a special task: to identify a 22-year-old skeleton.

In his later years, Zhang Weina still remembers that the skeletons were packed into the forensic studio in a large wooden box. Open the wooden box and there are 79 skeletons inside. Hearing the leader say, "There may be some of this Fang Zhimin's", Zhang Weina felt that the wooden box was suddenly much heavier.

As a Jiangxi native, Zhang Weina naturally understands the meaning of the three words "Fang Zhimin"; as a Chinese, he also understands the meaning of "Lovely Chinese" for the Chinese people. In the past 22 years, wave after wave of comrades have come to Jiangxi to find the remains of martyrs, but they have not returned. Now, the skeleton may be in front of him, and Zhang Weina does not dare to have a hint of sloppiness.

The profession of forensics is special, and it requires practitioners to have absolute rationality. But when he saw two of the tibia, Zhang Weina still trembled, because the comrades who collected the remains told him that when the two tibias were found, they were still wearing a pair of leg shackles. It turned out that the photos of Fang Zhimin when he was righteous in the textbook, even the details of the shackles were real.

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Fang Zhimin

In order to ensure the accuracy of the identification, Zhang Weina went to the site where the remains were found, Nanchang Xiashawo, to check the weathering conditions of the soil. This place is not far from the Ganjiang River, which used to be a desert beach, and who would have thought that the founders of the northeastern Gansu and Fujian-Zhejiang-Gansu base areas would fall in such a place.

That night, Zhang Weina lay in bed and could not sleep for a long time. At this time, in the heroic city of Nanchang, there was a group of people who were just as sleepless as him: Fang Zhimin's wife Miao Min, several children who had grown up, and Ling Fengwu, the former director of the Kuomintang detention center.

Because of Fang Zhimin's death, the fate of these people has been changed. The hero has passed away, but the inheritance has not been broken, and this issue of soul said to comb through the things after Fang Zhimin's sacrifice:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" >: buried by the river for 22 years no one found</h1>

Fang Zhimin was inaugurated in August 1935. The reactionaries knew of his influence, they were afraid of him, so afraid that they would not even dare to kill him publicly, so he was executed in secret, which is why he was buried by the river for 22 years and no one found him.

In 1955, Liu Shaoqi instructed the establishment of an investigation team to search for Fang Zhimin's remains, and the leader of the investigation team was Fang Zhimin's cousin Fang Zhichun. The people of Nanchang heard that the central government had sent people to find the remains of the hero, and they were very willing to assist. They provided a lot of information, but in the end it all turned out to be of little value. Looking for a job, lost direction.

It wasn't until the spring of 1957 that an infrastructure factory in Xiasha, Nanchang, suddenly reported that they had found a pile of skeletons while digging the foundation, and the investigation team immediately rushed to the scene. Judging from the location where the skeleton was found, it is indeed possible that it was Fang Zhimin's. But how do you determine that? The investigation team thought of a special person: Ling Fengwu.

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Ling Fengwu

Why look for him? Because he was the director of the Detention Center of the Nationalist Army in The Gan District, he was one of the witnesses of Fang Zhimin's last days. Therefore, an urgent telegram was sent to Dongyang Beilu Middle School in Zhejiang Province, where Ling Fengwu was a teacher.

Soon, Ling Fengwu rushed to xiashawo. As soon as he came, he searched excitedly for something in the skeleton, and when he saw the shackles, he burst into tears. "It's this pair of shackles," he said with certainty.

Ling Fengwu was deeply impressed by this pair of shackles. When Fang Zhimin was first sent to the detention center, he was wearing a pair of 10-pound shackles, and the skin of his feet was ground out of blood. Ling Fengwu really couldn't look at it, so he applied upwards to change this pair of light leg shackles for him. Ling Fengwu did not expect that in a few years this would become the evidence of identifying the remains.

"He is my benefactor," Ling Fengwu sighed after confirming the remains. The past of 22 years ago suddenly appeared in my mind.

Ling Fengwu was a native of Jinhua, Zhejiang, who joined the Nationalist Army in his early years and was transferred to the detention center as its director after 1934. When Fang Zhimin was taken to his detention center, he was told by his superiors: This is a big man, and President Jiang ordered that we must find a way to persuade him to surrender. Since then, the boss has often sent people to interrogate Fang Zhimin, and all this Ling Fengwu has seen in his eyes.

Since being transferred to the detention center, Ling Fengwu has never seen a hard bone, but he has never seen such an attractive "prisoner" as Fang Zhimin.

The boss wanted to seduce Fang Zhimin, changed him from "ordinary number" to "preferential number", gave him paper and pen, and allowed him to engage in creation. Ling Fengwu's director's office is not far from the "Preferential Treatment", and through the window Ling Fengwu can see Fang Zhimin writing every day.

Ling Fengwu observed that Fang Zhimin had to write for 16 hours a day. In the eyes of the regulators, this surname Fang is probably a "fool": what is the use of writing so many things, can it be sent?

Until one day, Ling Fengwu found that Fang Zhimin suddenly stopped writing. He put the paper in a large envelope, wrote a few more words on the envelope, and then put it flat and neatly in the desk drawer, and slept peacefully. Later, Ling Fengwu learned that the envelope read: Send friends who do not know his name.

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Fang Zhimin is in prison

Ling Fengwu was convinced. He began to get to know this big communist figure up close, and more and more he felt that this was a man with an iron backbone. From time to time, he bought Fang Zhimin some daily necessities, and also applied to change his shackles to light ones, he could only do so much.

Later, Ling Fengwu was to be transferred to the Military Justice Department. Before leaving, Fang Zhimin advised him: "You should stay away from the Kuomintang officialdom, otherwise you will suffer losses."

In the early morning of August 6, 1935, Ling Fengwu was woken up by a former subordinate in the detention center, who knew that he admired Fang Zhimin and specially came to inform him: "Quick! fast! Fang Zhimin was pulled out of the cell..." Ling Fengwu didn't even tie his shoelaces and rushed out of the room. He rushed to the front of the crowd and watched As Fang Zhimin was put into the execution car.

This was the last time Ling Fengwu saw Fang Zhimin, and as for the final place of his murder, he never knew. Later, Ling Fengwu heard that the paper manuscripts written by Fang Zhimin had come out. It turned out that he was not only Ling Fengwu who was sensitive to Fang Zhi in the detention center, but also several staff members like him, who were willing to help Fang Zhimin pass on the manuscript. A penniless prisoner can make so many people risk death to help, this is the charm of Fang Zhimin.

After that, Ling Fengwu heeded Fang Zhimin's advice, broke away from the Kuomintang, and returned to his hometown to teach, and did it for more than ten years. For many years, he had always regarded Fang Zhimin as a benefactor, believing that Fang Zhimin had pulled himself to the right path. Receiving the emergency telegram this time, Ling Fengwu rushed to Nanchang and identified Fang Zhimin's remains.

After the remains were basically identified, the forensic doctor still needed to make the final judgment, so the skeletons were sent to the forensic doctor Zhang Weina. After careful comparison, Zhang Weina found 9 pieces belonging to Fang Zhimin in the wooden box sent. At this point, Fang Zhimin's remains were finally determined.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > two: the wife did not remarry until death</h1>

When Fang Zhimin's remains were found, his widow, Miao Min, was 48 years old. Widowed for many years, she cried bitterly at the sight of the remains.

For so many years, as a family member of the martyrs, Miao Min only made one request to the organization: he hoped to give her a picture of her husband in prison. As his wife, Miao Min has never taken a picture with Fang Zhimin, she said: "I want to have a photo with him, leave a thought." Later, she synthesized the following photo as she wished:

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Synthetic photo of Fang Zhimin and Miao Min

She gave the photograph to her children, one for each one, so that they could be witnesses to the feelings of their father and mother. Fang Zhimin's photo was taken in 1935 in the prison, and Miao Min's photo was taken when he was just liberated, but at first glance, the age difference between the two was not large, because they were 10 years apart when they got married.

In the eyes of the world, Fang Zhimin is a man with iron bones, he is decisive and fierce. But Miao Min always said to her children, "He is a lovely man." Because from acquaintance, love to farewell, Fang Zhimin has always been an affectionate and affectionate husband for Miao Min.

His cuteness, on the wedding day, Miao Min had already seen it.

Miao Min's original name was Miao Xiwei, and when she met Fang Zhimin, she was a high-achieving student at Nanchang Girls' Vocational School. She came from the countryside and dressed much more shabbily than the rich ladies at school. But she was very ambitious and joined the youth league early. Fang Zhimin, who was 27 years old at the time, often went around propagating revolutionary activities, and Miao Xiyi often participated in these activities, and the two met in this way.

After spending some time together, both of them developed a crush on each other. But Fang Zhimin, who is generous in handling anything, is a little overwhelmed by feelings. Miao Xiaowei was even more introverted, so the two never broke through the window paper.

Until one time, miao Xiyi heard that Fang Zhimin was in danger, so he couldn't care less and hurried a long way to the provincial party committee station. As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Fang Zhimin, Peng Pan and others were holding a secret meeting, so she relaxed her mind and turned around to leave.

Peng Pan saw the "clue" at a glance, and joked with everyone about these two people. Finally, when everything was said, Peng Pan proposed: "While everyone is here, the wedding will be held this evening!" ”

Peng Pan said a word, and Miao Xi and Fang Zhimin were embarrassed. Fang Zhimin saw that Miao Xiyi bowed her head and did not speak or refuse, so she understood her thoughts and agreed with a smile.

The wedding on that day became the best memory of Miao Xi's life. The new house was arranged with the help of comrades-in-arms. Everyone urgently brought some red paper and pasted it on the window. Peng Pan, who had been making fun of them, also wrote a couplet and posted it on the door.

In the evening, the comrades set up a square table and played mahjong. Of course, playing mahjong will be fake, borrowing the sound of mahjong as a cover, and studying Fang Zhimin's next task is real.

After the comrades left, Fang Zhimin remembered that he had not prepared a wedding gift for the bride. There are no flowers, no banquets, and one gift is still to be prepared.

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Miao Min

So he looked all over the house, but he couldn't find anything of value all over his body. In the end, Fang Zhimin, who was really embarrassed, took out a pen and gave it to the bride. In addition, he said, "I'll give you the character in my name." Since then, Miao Xiyi has changed her name to Miao Min.

You gave me a word, I accompanied you for the rest of your life, and after that Miao Min accompanied her husband from birth to death. At one point, she was arrested. The enemy locked her up for 28 days and couldn't ask anything before he let her go. Since then, the husband and wife have always had a clear division of labor, he commanded the troops on the front line, and she actively cooperated in the troops to share his worries, and the two cooperated perfectly.

This life of husband and wife working together against the enemy lasted until Fang Zhimin was arrested. In January 1934, Fang Zhimin and Su Yu led the Red Tenth Army north and were pursued by Wang Yaowu several times the strength of his troops. In the end, Su Yu led more than 400 people to break through successfully, and Fang Zhimin was captured in January 1935. (Note: Su Yu launched the Battle of Jinan in 1948, captured Wang Yaowu alive, and avenged his old superior Fang Zhimin.)

When Fang Zhimin was arrested, Miao Min was pregnant. Shortly after giving birth to the child, she was also arrested for treason. At the same time, the husband and wife were captured, and the enemy felt that the breakthrough of the abduction was coming.

On the one hand, they deceived Miao Min, saying that Fang Zhimin had surrendered, and also made a so-called "Fang Zhimin Self-Statement" as evidence. Miao Min saw through the other party's conspiracy at a glance, and she knew that her husband was a man, and he could not surrender no matter what.

On the other hand, they called Fang Zhimin and said that as long as he was willing to surrender, he would naturally release Miao Min. Fang Zhimin refused, he said: "I have lost my freedom, where can my wife and children take care of it?" I only have to leave them behind."

In fact, at that time, the place where the husband and wife were imprisoned was not far away, Miao Min was detained in Nanchang Women's Prison, and Fang Zhimin was detained in the Detention Center of the Military Justice Department. During this period, the enemy had the intention to arrange for them to meet, and they always believed that as long as they could meet, the persistence in their hearts would naturally be broken.

Fang Zhimin refused the meeting, and Miao Min was ultimately unable to see her husband for the last time. She didn't complain about her husband, she never complained. A few days later, when she learned that her husband had been killed, she silently ripped off a black veil, put it on her arm, and said lightly: "I am willing to wear the bottom of the prison for the revolution!" ”

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

After that, Miao Min was held in a women's prison until 1937, when the Kuomintang and the Communists cooperated for the second time, when she was released and returned to Jiangxi to continue the revolution. In June 1938, when she learned that Fang Zhimin's widow was still alive, the central government sent a special telegram to order her to hurry to Yan'an to live. Miao Min then left Jiangxi for Yan'an, where Chairman Mao personally welcomed her.

For Miao Min, the days in Yan'an were a relatively peaceful life. At that time, she was not yet 30 years old, and there were always enthusiastic comrades who advised her to find another partner, and Miao Min always shook her head.

After the liberation of the whole country, Miao Min returned to Fang Zhimin's hometown, knelt in front of her mother-in-law Jin Xianglian, and said: "Mother, Zhimin is not here, there I am, I am your daughter-in-law, but also your daughter..." In this way, Miao Min guarded the composite photo and worked and lived in Jiangxi until his death in 1977.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > three: children are more talented</h1>

Fang Zhimin has a total of 5 children, and the names of each child are very meaningful, namely: pine, cypress, bamboo, plum, orchid. Born in such a family, the childhood of several children is bumpy. Most of them were sent by their parents to raise relatives, friends, and villagers, and they did not return to their mothers until the situation in the country was stable. Taking their only daughter, Fang Mei, as an example, we can know the situation of the Fang family's children at that time.

Fang Mei was born in November 1932, a cold winter month, when the enemy was frantically "encircling" the Soviet zone and the troops were on their way to transfer. Miao Min did not want to drag down the team, and after giving birth to her, he ripped off the umbilical cord himself and entrusted her to the local people.

Because her mother was malnourished for many years, Fang Mei's cries at birth were as small as kittens, and Miao Min was worried that the child would not live long, but Fang Zhimin said: "Plum blossoms in severe winter have the strongest vitality." Sure enough, Fang Mei survived under the protection of the villagers.

She spent the next 17 years living in the countryside. The enemy had searched around for Fang Zhimin's children, and in order to protect her, her adoptive parents had to change her name.

Fang Mei didn't know why they were hiding in Tibet, and her adoptive parents could only tell her: Because your father is an amazing person. These words immediately aroused Fang Mei's curiosity, and from then on, as long as her adoptive parents were free, she begged them to tell her about it. So, from the mouth of his adoptive parents, Fang Mei got a lot of information about his father: he rode a white horse, carried a double gun, and was majestic, and every time he spoke, everyone would gather around to listen.

Fang Mei had not read a book, she couldn't read a single word, she thought about it for a long time, she just didn't know what a person with a "double gun" would look like. She had never seen such a person in the village.

It was not until the age of 17, when Jiangxi was liberated, that her mother sent someone to find her. It was the first time she had seen her mother since she had a memory.

Until her old age, she still remembered that several uncles had taken her to Yiyang County that day. At that time, a mass mobilization meeting was being held in the county seat. On the stage, an aunt in a military uniform was talking to everyone, and she had a pistol around her waist, just as heroic as her adoptive parents said. The uncles told her, "That's your mother!" ”

Fang Mei was bold, and rushed to the stage at once, hugging her mother and crying. Miao Min was stunned for a moment, and also hugged her and cried. So many people in the audience had never seen this scene, and they also wiped their tears.

After the mother and daughter both calmed down, Miao Min learned that her daughter had not attended school for a day, so she sent her to the Shangrao Martyrs' School. Unfortunately, Fang Mei, who had never been to school since childhood, could not sit down at all, and deserted at both ends of three days, that is, she refused to study seriously. After the mother said it several times, she shed tears of anger and said, "I'm sorry for your father."

Fang Mei saw her mother like this, which made her heart accept and go to school seriously. Since then, Fang Mei's grades have improved by leaps and bounds, and she successfully graduated and worked in the Jiangxi Shipping Administration. In her spare time, she spent a lot of time publicizing her father's deeds and published a number of books in memory of his father.

After Fang Zhimin was killed: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found, the wife did not remarry until his death, and the children became more than one: buried in the riverside for 22 years no one found two: the wife did not remarry until death Three: The children became more talented

Fang Mei

Among Fang Zhimin's several children, except for the eldest son Fang Songyin, who died of illness in 1950, the others all became talents. The second son, Fang Bai (later renamed Fang Ying), worked in Hongdu Machinery Factory for 30 years and died of illness in 1988. The third son, Fang Zhu, worked at a tractor factory in Jiangxi and died in 2005. The fourth son, Fang Lan, was also found after liberation, and he was the director of the Beijing office of the Nanchang Municipal People's Government and died of illness in 2018.

None of the children inherited anything of value from their parents, except for the composite photograph left by their mother, one by one. In 2018, when Fang Mei participated in a program on CCTV, the host asked her: "What kind of person does your mother think her father is?" Fang Mei, 86, smiled and said, "My mother said my father was very cute."

Late at night on May 2, 1935, the lovely man finally finished writing "Lovely China" in prison. He didn't know who to send the article to, so he wrote "Send to friends who don't know their names" on the envelope before going to sleep. 86 years have passed, and the lovely China has stood strong in the forest of the world, and if he knows, he should feel comforted.

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