
Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

When people are overly sad or excited, tears will flow naturally, and they are also the true expression of inner emotions. Missing distant places, mourning relatives, suddenly losing love, and being separated in an instant, these scenes are easy to make people cry. Xin Abandoned Disease once sent a friend on a long trip, feeling lonely, so he couldn't help but write, tears sent Jun like rain. Don't fold Yang, only Qian Qian goes with it.

Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, once lived a luxurious life of cars like flowing water and horses, but suddenly one day he became a prisoner of the order, and the sorrows in his heart turned into touching verses, the most was the day of the hasty resignation of the temple, the church still played parting songs, weeping to Gong'e, and expressing how much sigh and sorrow. The following is an introduction to a masterpiece by Wen Tingjun, the whole text does not have a tear, but every sentence is sad, which is sad.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

Bodhisattva man

Tang Dynasty: Wen Tingjun

The jade fiber bullet is really beaded, and the flow is dark and wet and the lead is thin. Spring dew is chaotic, and autumn waves are immersed in the sunset.

The wind flow is the thing that flows out of the wind. Look at the thin lover, Luo Yi has no such trace.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

Wen Tingjun, the character Feiqing, was born in a declining aristocratic family, he was quick-witted, known as the "Wen Eight Forks". However, because he was unruly, he repeatedly failed to try, so he fell down for life. However, Wen Tingjun was proficient in musical rhythms, poetry and work, and his poetry was gorgeous, beautiful and exquisite, and the Huajian school was a "famous lyricist."

Wen Tingjun wrote a lot of "Bodhisattva Man", and it just so happened that Tang Xuanzong was particularly fond of singing the words "Bodhisattva Man" at that time. Therefore, Ling Fox, who was then xiangguo, took Wen Tingjun's newly written words and secretly submitted them, and at the same time warned Wen Tingjun not to leak them. However, this Mr. Feiqing did not have a door on his mouth, but he told the matter, and finally made Fox Qi estranged from him from then on.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

This poem was created when Wen Tingjun tried and failed, and Shang Yan first described the woman's tearful mood, "The pearls fall at the jade fiber bullets, and the flow is dark and wet and the lead is thin." She burst into tears, but the tears burst like pearls, flowing darkly, unconsciously wetting the lead on her face and diluting the makeup on her face.

The author writes his fingers with "jade fiber" and tears in the shape of "true pearls", which is a metaphor for the beauty of women, describes the crystal of teardrops, and at the same time describes the weakness of the beauty very vividly, secretly revealing the sadness of the woman's heart. Lead hua refers to the fat powder used in makeup.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

Next, he continued to describe the beautiful people's tearful chuchu touching situation, "spring dew is chaotic, autumn waves are immersed in the sunset." "The teardrops hang on the cheeks, like spring dewdrops, moisturizing the morning flowers; and just like the clear autumn waves, reflecting the sunset." 浥, wet means.

"Chaohua, sunset", not only see the beauty of teardrops and flowers, but also show the sadness of beautiful people washing their faces with tears all day long. This woman must have had a sweet memory, but now she has been ruthlessly abandoned, although her heart is sad, but she is a little unwilling, so she loves and hates and is full of sorrow, but because there is no one to complain, she has to sadly dismiss the extreme pain in her heart.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

Xia Yan closely inherits the woman's tears, describes the grievances in her heart, and changes the first two sentences to first reveal the reason for the beauty's tears, "The things on the heart of the wind are originally flowing out." Tears are originally amorous things, she is flowing from the heart, and it is a pearl of truth that is conceived by emotions.

Tears are a display of emotions, conveying the woman's infatuation, and further explaining the deep reasons for her tears. The heroine meets a negative heart, who was originally the most cherished person in her heart, but now she immediately becomes the most hated person. It can be said that if love does not succeed, it will become hate!

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

The last two sentences express the sorrow of the beauty for the tears of love from the negative side, "Look at the thin lover, Luo Yi has no such trace." The author points out the "thin lover" to lash out at the irresponsible prodigal son.

The lyricist is blunt and quick-witted, the metaphor is simple, and there is no deep and gentle twist before the warm word, so many people also suspect that this word is not his work. However, wen ci's stylistic characteristics are not purely colorful and secretive, and some of his works also show relatively popular and shallow, or fresh and bright characteristics.

Wen Tingjun's masterpiece, the whole text does not have a single tear, but every sentence is sad, which makes people sad

Looking at Wen Tingjun's bodhisattva poem, the language is relatively plain and fluent, and the style is relatively plain and simple. Although the subject matter belongs to the wing tears, the whole text does not see a "tear" word, although it is less elegant and euphemistic, but with a relatively shallow and sincere style, it has won the love of the people in the city.

The poet Li Shangyin also had a poem "Tears", two of which wrote, "Yongxiang has been complaining about Qiluo for many years, and he has been thinking about the storm all day long." The poet describes a palace concubine who is claustrophobic in the Yongxiang Lane, who has been weeping for many years; and who lives alone in the boudoir every day, misses the wanderers in the distance, and worries more about the storms on the river. Wen Tingjun's words are very simple compared to them, but even more sad!

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