
A letter witnessing the friendship between Lu Xun and RouShi

author:Released by Shanghai Putuo
A letter witnessing the friendship between Lu Xun and RouShi

In the "Diary of Lu Xun" dated August 15, 1931, there is a record of "the education fee of the orphans of Roushi at night". This is a touching story, and a letter written by Lu Xun to Wang Yuhe is the best witness.

A letter witnessing the friendship between Lu Xun and RouShi

Lu Xun's letter to Wang Yuhe

After Roushi's sacrifice, he was left with six parents, wives and children, and his life was embarrassing. Ruoshi's fellow villager Wang Yuhe and several friends launched a fundraising campaign, intending to store the raised money for the living expenses of Roushi's children. They consulted Mr. Lu Xun on this matter, and Lu Xun agreed indignantly and took the lead in donating 100 yuan. Later, due to the "1.28" incident, relatives and friends scattered, and the fund-raising could not be completed, and Wang Yuhe could only return or send the funds raised to Roushi's family. For Lu Xun's donation, Wang Yuhe sent a letter to ask Lu Xun for advice. Lu Xun wrote this letter as a reply, "I will receive the letter and a package of manuscripts, and after reading the manuscript, I will first answer the inquiry as follows: First, the donation of the brother of Pingfu is not intended to be recovered, and he hopes to send his wife and listen to his free disposal..." This shows Lu Xun's friendship with Roushi.

Lu Xun is a close friend, a mentor, and a guide in life for Roushi. Although Roushi had listened to Mr. Lu Xun's lectures at Peking University as early as 1925, the relationship between the two began in September 1928 when Roushi visited Lu Xun in Jingyunli. With his sincerity and kindness, Roushi won the trust and friendship of this mentor. Lu Xun enthusiastically proofread the manuscript of "Death in the Old Era" for him, and recommended it to the Beixin Bookstore for publication, and also selected foreign works for him to translate, helping him get out of economic difficulties, and even gave his house at Jingyunli No. 23 to Roushi and other young people to live. Living in Jingyun, Lu Xun saw that Roushi and other young people had no family members and had many inconveniences in diet, so he invited them to join them for dinner, which not only facilitated these young people's three meals a day, but also gave them more opportunities to ask Lu Xun for advice.

In the common life, Roushi is simple, practical, and studious, and is deeply loved and valued by Lu Xun. Every two or three days, Rou Shi went to Lu Xun's residence and asked if there was anything to do. Lu Xun also regarded Roushi as a family, and when he was too busy to come, some chores such as sending books, sending letters, and remittances were entrusted to Roushi to do, and Roushi always completed it seriously. Mr. Lu Xun recalled: "At that time, when I was in Shanghai, there was also the only (only) person who not only dared to talk and laugh casually, but also dared to entrust him with some personal affairs, that is, to send books to Bai Mang's Roushi. In Lu Xun's mind, Roushi was such a person, "No matter from the old morality or from the new morality, as long as it is harmful to himself, he will choose it and carry it himself." ”

In October 1928, Roushi, Lu Xun and others founded the Chaohua Society, published the Chaohua Weekly, and served as the editor of "Yusi" under the recommendation of Lu Xun, creating excellent works such as "February" and "Mother for Slaves". In March 1930, under the leadership of Mr. Lu Xun, Roushi joined the Chinese Left-Wing Writers' Union as an executive member, co-editing the "Left Alliance" publications "Bud Monthly" and "World Culture". Together with Lu Xun, he also initiated the establishment of the Grand League of the Chinese Freedom Movement and participated in the National Regional Congress of Soviets as a representative of the "Left League". After the meeting, Roushi published the newsletter "A Great Impression" in World Culture. In May of the same year, under the introduction of Feng Xuefeng, Roushi joined the Communist Party of China.

However, just when he could better work for the revolution, on January 17, 1931, Roushi was unfortunately arrested while attending a secret party meeting, and a month later he was shot and killed in Longhua, Shanghai. After learning the news of Roushi's murder, Lu Xun wrote the article "For the Remembrance of Forgetting", in which he wrote heavily: "I have lost a very good friend, and China has lost a very good youth."

Source: Learning to power the country

Editor: Wu Xingting

A letter witnessing the friendship between Lu Xun and RouShi

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