
Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

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You make a mistake, you want to make up for it and want to pay it off, and in the end you find that you are powerless to go back to heaven, and the mistake you made can never be repaired. But life will not pause, but also need to continue to move forward!

In the story of the Three Kingdoms, speaking of Zhang Zhao, an important minister of Eastern Wu, who has a little understanding of the history of the Three Kingdoms, he will think of two points, one is Sun Ce's entrustment, "Internal affairs are undecided, you can ask Zhang Zhao." Another point, that is, Zhang Zhao's biggest stain on his life, on the eve of Chibi, in the face of Cao Cao's army, he became the representative of the main descending faction, but the fire in Chibi burned out a three-point world, and also burned his old face, and he could not fade in his lifetime.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Zhang Zhao in the New Three Kingdoms

Carrying a stain on your back and moving forward with your head held high requires courage and boldness.

In everyone's impression, Zhang Zhao was Xiao He of Eastern Wu, the number one in the internal affairs of Eastern Wu, before the Chibi War, maybe it was true, but Sun Quan, who did not like Zhang Zhao very much, began to gradually clean up the court after the end of the Chibi War, and those surrender factions in the past were all cleared out of their own ruling core, even Zhang Zhao, no exception.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Burning Chibi, the biggest stain on Zhang Zhao's life

After the situation in the three divisions of the world took shape, Zhang Zhao's role in Eastern Wu became a banner, and he was offered up as an "elder", "old minister", and "old scholar", who had a reputation and status, but did not have any actual power. Twice was elected as the best candidate for the prime minister, but was rejected by Sun Quan, and said so grandly, you Zhang Zhao has a strong personality, old and old, don't be tired, but what about the real situation? Sun Quan, who was full of ambition when he was called emperor, was not squeezing Zhang Zhao in person, if he had listened to your words and surrendered to Cao Cao, how could I have today! Frightened, Zhang Zhao immediately knelt down and prostrated his head and confessed his mistake.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Kneel down and ask Zhang Zhao for sin

Sun Quan was like this, whether it was the ministers around him or the ordinary officials and people, behind his back, he ridiculed Zhang Zhao's eyes, greedy and afraid of death, only afraid of more. But from the Chibi War in 208 AD to zhang Zhao's death in 236 AD, he carried this ridicule and ridicule, and insisted on it for twenty-six years, he did not defend himself, or there was no possibility of justification, he could only use his own practical actions to do what he could do in his own position, complete the "human design" given to him by Eastern Wu, and at the same time do a good job of Sun Quan's wise and divine martial arts, calmly accept all this, and then, within the scope of his ability, live his own life.

Letting go may be the hardest thing in the world, but Zhang Zhao seems to have done a good job.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Zhang Zhao in the old Version of the Three Kingdoms

Covering up the stain is the choice of the stupid person, and the strong not only face it calmly, but also carry the weight forward.

Speaking of people who have stains on their lives and still achieve achievements, I suddenly remembered Wei Zheng, a historically iron-boned courtier, who, when serving Li Jiancheng, directly suggested that Li Jiancheng kill Li Shimin.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Portrait of Wei Zheng

People who have a certain understanding of history will know that after Li Shimin became angry, he overturned Wei Zheng's tomb, but in the minds of more people, Tang Taizong and Wei Zheng, that is, like a fish in the water, the cooperation of kings and subjects, complemented each other, and created the rule of Zhenguan, a representative of the wise monarchs, a righteous and direct counselor, and an open heart to be taught. For Wei Zheng, he could not take the path of loyalty, and the name of the traitor would follow him for the rest of his life in that era, but he wisely chose to take the path of the slanderer, and he was lucky to meet Li Shimin, a rare enlightened king, and achieved extraordinary achievements.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

Anyone's life will be stained

People will make mistakes, they will have problems, but some mistakes can be apologized, can be made up, can be paid off, but some things, no matter what you do, can not make up, can not cover up, these things will become a stain on your life. Some people struggle, escape, negativity, sink. Others will face it positively, looking for new ways out and ways to change.

Reading Zhang Zhao of the Three Kingdoms, everyone will have a stain on life that cannot be washed away, but life will continue

In the face of mistakes, accept them calmly and then change them

It is already a life of adversity, and it is even more dangerous to be in danger. Recognize yourself, find your own way, and then seriously step by step, in the face of the unchangeable past, the stain that cannot be concealed, do not argue, make up for it with practical actions, or bear the obstacle of the stain to yourself, accept it calmly, take the stain as your own admonition to yourself, and continue to move forward.

The world will not be suspended by any one person, and the stains that cannot be washed away must be accepted. Then continue on your way.

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