
This autumn, Cao Xueqin and Ru Yao shook hands

author:Guangming Daily

In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people. How to make literary masterpieces and intangible cultural heritage works enter the public life?

On October 23rd, the highlight of the 12th Cao Xueqin Culture and Art Festival, the "Dream of the Red Chamber" Most Beautiful Ru Porcelain Exhibition, was opened at the Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall of Beijing Botanical Garden. Set against the backdrop of the Cao family's family history from 1644 to 1728, this exhibition exhibits 18 pieces of "Dream of the Red Chamber" reproduced by non-hereditary heirs of Ru porcelain.

This autumn, Cao Xueqin and Ru Yao shook hands

According to the data, "Ru kiln" was founded in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, because the history of official kiln firing porcelain is only more than 20 years, "Ru kiln" is a rare treasure in the Song Dynasty, and it is the rarest porcelain passed down from the Song Dynasty kiln.

What is the continuous connection between "RuYao Kiln" and "Dream of the Red Chamber" and Cao Xueqin?

Experts from the Beijing Cao Xueqin Society introduced to reporters that Cao Xueqin once described three fine works of Ru kiln in "Dream of the Red Chamber" -

The "Ru Kiln Beauty Yao" on Madame Wang's bed, the "Ru Kiln Plate" in Wang Xifeng's room, and the "Ru Kiln Flower Sac" in the Tanchun House are three pieces of Ru porcelain.

Among them, the "Ruyao Beauty Yao" shows Madame Wang's status as a family member in Jia Province; Sister Feng's "RuYao Plate" has one hundred and sixty taels of silver under it, showing that she knows the preciousness of Ru porcelain but does not understand the elegance of Ru porcelain; and TanChun's book case is equipped with a "Dou Da Ru kiln flower sac", which can be seen in Tanchun's inner desire to get ahead...

However, according to the investigation of scholars, these three "Ru kilns" are not authentic Northern Song Dynasty, but imitation Ru porcelain fired in Jingdezhen during the Yongzheng period. In particular, the "flower sac", an object with the shape of "Dou Da", had not yet appeared in the Song Dynasty.

This autumn, Cao Xueqin and Ru Yao shook hands

Some experts have proposed that it is questionable whether the Ru kiln flower sacs, beauties and plates mentioned in "Dream of the Red Chamber" are what Cao Xueqin saw with her own eyes. Ru porcelain was destroyed in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty due to war, and the official kiln Ru porcelain existed for only more than 20 years, even if it was handed down Ru porcelain, there was no flower sac and flower type.

This means that the "Ru kiln" described in the book is actually imitation Ru kiln porcelain.

However, it is certain that Cao Xueqin himself has seen the imitation Ru kiln porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, because he once worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only by seeing it can he write so naturally in the book and integrate it into the daily life of Jia Province, with both real historical relics and artistic creation.

From this, it is really a coincidence that it is not a book.

This autumn, Cao Xueqin and Ru Yao shook hands

The "Ru kiln" described in "Dream of the Red Chamber" was originally created in Qing Yongzheng and flourished in the Qianlong Dynasty. This historical fact also happens to reveal the era when Cao Xueqin created "Dream of the Red Chamber".

During this period, Cao Xueqin not only wrote real porcelain, but also had the artistic magic of literature.

In the autumn of October, all visitors to the Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall of the Beijing Botanical Garden can increase their understanding of the "Most Beautiful Ru Porcelain in the Dream of the Red Chamber" and the Art of Ru Porcelain Firing Intangible Cultural Heritage in the interlocking stories.

Huang Ying, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Haidian District CPC Committee of Beijing Municipality, told reporters that in promoting the construction of the Yongdinghe Historical and Cultural Belt in Xishan and the construction of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, Haidian District has always regarded "Cao Hong Culture" as an eye-catching cultural symbol. He Ran, director of the Beijing Botanical Garden, believes that the history of Xishan written by Cao Xueqin is a valuable cultural asset of the Beijing Botanical Garden, and the former residence of Cao Xueqin in Xiangshan has become an important window for spreading Cao Xueqin's culture, and it is also a punch card place that is highly sought after by "red fans" across the country.

In fact, as early as April this year, the Beijing Cao Xueqin Society held a "pre-exhibition warm-up competition" in conjunction with the Henan Provincial Dream Dream Research Association and other units. Through the "Reading Classics, Intangible Cultural Heritage - Looking for the Most Beautiful Ru Porcelain in "Dream of the Red Chamber"" competition, classic instruments such as Ru kiln beauty and Ru kiln flower sacs in the original works were collected. This time, the 18 exhibits that appeared in the Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall are the winning works of the competition, which can reflect the exquisiteness of the exhibits.

This autumn, Cao Xueqin and Ru Yao shook hands

The reporter saw in the exhibition hall that 18 pieces of Ru porcelain exhibits were displayed in the glass display cabinet, and under the illumination of the light, the glaze color and opening details of each work were clearly presented in front of people. This time, in order to restore the use of Ru porcelain, the curator deliberately put flowers into the Ru porcelain beauty and placed the buddha's hand on the ru kiln plate.

In recent years, Beijing Cao Xueqin Society has been committed to integrating the culture of "Dream of the Red Chamber" into modern life, and has successively launched a variety of cultural and creative products such as Xueqin South Wine, Red Chamber Zhanhua Famous Wine Order, Lao Junmei Tea, Red Chamber Poetry Thesis, "Dream of the Red Chamber Calendar", Cao Xueqin Kite, etc., so that the long-established Red Chamber culture can meet the needs of modern people's cultural consumption.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Beijing Cao Xueqin Society, the Henan Provincial Dream Dream Research Association, the Beijing Botanical Garden, and supported by the Red Society of China, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, and the exhibition will last for one month.

(Guangming Daily all-media reporter Dong Cheng correspondent Zhao Yichun)

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