
George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell died of complications of the new crown, and George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued a statement of condolence.

Former U.S. President George W. Bush expressed condolences for Powell's death

On October 18, Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and former chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, died of COVID-19. U.S. President George Walker Bush, when Powell was secretary of state, tweeted that he and his wife, Laura, were "deeply saddened" by Powell's death.

George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements
George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements

George Walker Bush Infographic

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a statement on Powell's death

CNN has just announced that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a statement on Powell's death.

George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements

Tony Blair Infographic

"Colin has been a prominent figure among America's military and political leaders for years, with extraordinary ability, integrity, a likable and enthusiastic personality, a good companion, and some cute and self-deprecating sense of humor," Bree said in a statement. It was a pleasure to work with him, he inspired loyalty and respect, and he was one of the kind of leaders who was always friendly and caring for his subordinates. His life was a testament not only to his dedication to public service, but also to his firm conviction to cross partisan divisions for the good of the nation. I was saddened to hear the news of his death. He has a lot to give. I pray for Alma (Mrs. Powell) and all his loving extended family. ”

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter issued a statement on Powell's death

CNN has just announced that former US President Jimmy Carter issued a statement on Powell's death.

George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements

Carter Infographic

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the oldest living living, issued a statement saying, "Rosalynne (Mrs. Carter) and I join many people around the world in mourning the passing of Gen. Colin Powell. As a true patriot and public servant, we are honored to work alongside him to strengthen the American community, help resolve the conflict in Haiti, and follow the Jamaican elections. His courage and integrity will inspire the next generation. In this difficult time, we will pray for his family. ”


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(Source: The Paper, World Wide Web)

Editor-in-chief: Liu Qian

Editor-in-charge of this issue: Niu Huiying

Proofreader of this issue: Chen Bingran

George W. Bush, Blair, and Carter issued statements

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