
Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

author:Shi Hai Guanfu

In September 2008, in Benghazi, more than 200 African kings joined forces to confer the honor of Africa's 'King of Kings' on former Libyan supreme leader, Gaddafi, a ceremony known as Li Shimin's 'Heavenly Khan' during the Tang Dynasty in China.

Since then, Libya's political position in Africa has risen rapidly, and it has become known as the 'Lion of Africa'.

Those familiar with the history of the world's revolutions must know that Gaddafi came to the political stage through the "September Revolution" in Libya, and after forty years in power, Gaddafi also faced a storm, and he was not spared.

Perhaps because of Libya's growing national self-confidence, Qaddafi also called out to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a phone call in February 2011 to threaten Libya's rise and terrorist attacks on Europe.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

This act successfully angered the British, so under the intensive bombardment of Britain and the United States and other Western powers, Libya was soon defeated.

After the defeat, the rebels captured Gaddafi at the government's last stronghold, Sirte, and eventually killed him for public display.

After Gaddafi's death, his family was also implicated.

Of his seven children, two were killed in battle, two fled in exile, one was missing, and the remaining two were arrested together. Of the two children detained, only Saif Islam Gaddafi was released after six years in captivity.

The credit for his release also benefited from a relationship he had many years ago, and his savior was the famous Israeli female model Who ran around for him in the past 6 years - Wienerman.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

As the eldest son of Gaddafi and his second wife, Saif is the most valued of Gaddafi's many children. Because he is indeed the best heir among many brothers and sisters.

He graduated from the University of Imad in Austria and the London School of Economics, where he studied international trade and administration. He studied in many Western countries, mastered four Chinese, and obtained a doctorate in administration from the London School of Economics.

After returning to China, he became a famous engineer and politician in China. Saif is outstanding in both ability and appearance, and he naturally has a preconceived eye for the position of Libya's supreme leader.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

But Saif, who had returned from studying abroad, was influenced by ideas such as the peaceful evolution of the West and became a radical pro-Westernist faction, always emphasizing the Westernization of Libya. His dissatisfaction with his father's political policies escalated.

In the presence of his father, Gaddafi, he not only often criticized his father's political strategy, but also confronted him in public. In contrast, among the brothers, after all, during Saif's study abroad, Mutahim did a lot of real things.

He served as a military colonel, national security adviser, and was Gaddafi's right-hand man. In terms of military prestige and political experience, he was far superior to Saif.

Mario once said in an interview with reporters: "The eldest son and the second son have been fighting each other, the contradiction is extremely deep, and there have been several times when the two men almost moved their guns."

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

Gaddafi's third son, Saadi, also publicly accused him in an interview: "Saif must be responsible for the outbreak of the revolution to the end, and his cronies his views have made the people's anger even more exuberant." “

It is precisely because the contradictions between Gaddafi's children are constantly intensifying, and after Gaddafi's downfall, several children scattered and fled, going their own way. Saif realized in hindsight that when he fled, there was no one between the brothers to help.

And politics is the game of the strong, the original Libyan government has gone, many political friends do not dare to provoke right and wrong, Saif is isolated and helpless and finally arrested in the Buha region of southern Libya.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

After Saif returned to China after studying abroad, he has always preached Western theories and has been hated by the domestic people. After his arrest, the rebel leader also declared: "Saif's arrest is a historic moment for all Libyans." ”

Since Saif did not fall directly into the hands of the central government, but was imprisoned in the Tanjin tribe, for the Tanjin tribe, Saif was their trump card in negotiations with the central government. Saif once exchanged $2 billion for his personal freedom, but he was outright rejected.

After a long period of forensic and investigative work, the Libyan judiciary received evidence of Saif's crimes of smuggling drugs, abusing his power, and massacring demonstrators during the revolution.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

Because of Saif's special status, the ICC had to be involved. According to the international criminal lawyer who visited Saif at the time, he was not only completely isolated in prison, his living conditions were not guaranteed, and he was even beaten.

By a time when the International Criminal Court and the Libyan judiciary were divided on Saif's disposition, Saif himself had lost hope.

He confessed to his lawyers that Libya's local judicial system lacks fairness and transparency, that being tried locally is a dead end, and that staying on the ground is tantamount to murder. Therefore, he did not need to defend himself, did not refute any complaints from the United Nations, and only hoped to be executed sooner.

Soon, in the results of the local court in Libya, more than 30 senior government officials, including Saif, were sentenced to death.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

During his studies, Saif had a relationship with the famous Israeli model Wienerman for several years. But in the end, because of the religious contradictions between Judaism and Islam, the families of both sides did not support it.

After returning to China, due to family pressure, although the two had to break up, they actually kept in touch.

After Saif's arrest, the irrational Libyan authorities poured all their grievances against Gaddafi onto their sons.

They committed violence against Saif in prison, pointing all evidence of Gaddafi's misdeeds against him, accusing him of crimes against humanity on various charges and evidence, and the lawsuit has reached the United Nations International Criminal Court.

When Saif was devastated, his ex-girlfriend Wienaman did not abandon him, giving him hope of freedom.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

She tweeted on Facebook: "I'm really anxious because of the unfair events that are happening right now. I am willing to do my best to save an innocent person who has sacrificed himself in hatred and prejudice. ”

There is no doubt that this passage refers to her former lover, Saif. The backgroundless Wienaman could only appeal to the masses in this way. But the fermentation of public opinion takes time, and the angry people simply ignore her voice.

In a hurry, Wienermann found former British Prime Minister Blair, and when he studied abroad, Saif and Blair were also very good friends, and Blair also helped Saif complete his doctoral dissertation. But to Wienerman's sadness, Blair did not respond to her appeal.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

In the years since, Venaman has not given up. After much deliberation, she made an extremely clever decision in front of the media, and she once told reporters: "You can go and interview Mr. Blair, how sincere Saif is to him, how can he be made to suffer because of his father's mistakes?" ”

Soon evidence of a close connection between Saif and Blair was exposed by the media. For a time, the news of 'Israeli actress begging Blair to save her former lover Saif' dominated the headlines at the time, and out of curiosity, Saif's case began to be re-understood by the public.

After these events came to light, on the one hand, people began to discuss whether Blair was "interesting enough", on the other hand, many people began to regain their minds, thinking that All the mistakes made by Gaddafi should not be blamed on Saif.

Slowly, in the tug-of-war, Saif's case was shelved, temporarily relieving the threat of death.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

In 2014, libya erupted again, with an armed rebel army claiming "Dawn of Libya" capturing the Libyan capital and forcing the government to relocate, leading to a long standoff.

After the militias captured the capital, they also established their own governments, and libya was in chaos with both governments.

After Saif was sentenced to death in 2015, two Representatives of Libya's parliament competed with each other for the right to execute Saif.

Eventually, under the turnaround of the United Nations, the two parliamentary representatives signed a solidarity agreement to form a government of national unity. But peace is not something that can be brought about by a single piece of paper. Two governments in one country cannot survive after all.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

Fortunately, however, the prison where Saif was being held was in the area under the jurisdiction of the militia, and the militia government listened to the wishes of the people and found an opportunity to carry out an amnesty, in which Saif's name appeared on the list of those who were released.

Leader Abu Beqq Sadik said in a statement on Facebook on June 10, 2017, that in accordance with an amnesty decree issued by the National Assembly of the Libyan Parliament, "we have decided to release Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi." He is now free and has left Zintan".

After being pardoned, Saif stayed with his loved ones in the eastern Libyan city of Beda. After the news of his amnesty came out, people in many parts of Libya gathered to cheer and celebrate. His lawyer also said that Saif played an important role in promoting national unity in Libya.

Gaddafi's second son's ex-girlfriend, Veenaman: 6 years of traveling in exchange for his freedom, once turned to Blair for help

It has to be said that this time Saif was able to escape from the hands of death, and his girlfriend Wienaman made a great contribution. A woman with no background who was able to work for a political death row for six years also encountered many difficulties. In the process of rescuing Saif, she also angered Guowei.

On the Israeli side, many parliamentarians have accused her of standing against Israel and helping Saif as an act of betraying the country and betraying the national faith. But she still insisted on her opinion and worked hard to save Saif.

In the end, she exchanged her efforts for fairness, removed Gaddafi's black cauldron from Saif, and used her 6 years of persistence to exchange for Saif's freedom.

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