
After 13 years of waiting, Blair will be awarded the medal, and if he is not awarded, his successor will not be able to receive the honor

Source: Global Times

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on the 28th, former British Prime Minister Blair, who is not welcome to the queen, will be awarded the "Knight" medal so that his successors can also receive this honor.

Eight of the nine former British prime ministers before Blair were awarded the Order of the Garter, the highest honorary by the Queen, and one was awarded the Order of the Thistle, which also represents a high honor. However, Blair has not been awarded the medal 13 years after leaving Downing Street. This is because Queen Elizabeth II was so annoyed that Blair intervened in the death of Princess Diana in 1997 and delayed the award of the medal to him, and Blair's relationship with the royal family has been strained ever since.

The crown minister wants to resolve the resulting political imbalances as soon as possible. Of the 102 people currently awarded the Highest Medal of Honor, 22 are conservative and only four are labour. If Blair is not awarded the medal, neither will his successors Brown, Cameron, and Teresa May.

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